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LovingA2andMI's Journal
LovingA2andMI's Journal
May 12, 2015

State Senator Virgil Smith Should Not Resign: Michigan Politics is a Messy Business

"Michigan State Senator Virgil Smith is experiencing a real life based version of Scandal. Someone needs to call a Detroit based Olivia Pope clone to the rescue.

The details are quite messy.

An Jealous Ex-Wife, a Bed, a New Partner, a Young 35 year old State Senator, a 2015 Mercedes Benz, Windows, front door Greetings in a Birthday Suit, alleged Multiple Assaults and a Automatic Shotgun.

According to WDIV-Detroit Channel 4, Smith has been charged with domestic violence, felonious assault, malicious destruction of property and felony firearm and litany of other charges by Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy in connection the incident involving his ex-wife at his Detroit home.

On Sunday, Smith's ex-Wife alleges the State Senator greeted her at his home's front door, in his birthday suit, after she showed up in the middle of the night. Smith allegedly had the company of another Woman in his home when the ex-Wife arrived.

According to the ex-Wife, State Senator Smith beat her with his fists, chased her outside and shot at her four to five times as well as firing at her car, at and near 18000 block of Wexford on the Detroit's east side."

Read more: http://www.reachoutjobsearch.com/2015/05/state-senator-virgil-smith-should-not.html
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May 4, 2015

The Last Word - Michigan Progressive Bloggers Unite: Vote NO on Proposal 1

Back to the statement by a resource Democrats, Liberals and Progressives electing to vote NO on Michigan Proposal 1 are Tea Partiers or Tea Baggers.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Opposing a Regressive Tax Increase is a core principle of a majority of Democrats, Liberals and Progressives.

Taking income out of the pockets of those who can least afford it under normal circumstances would not gain little if any support of voters aligning with policies of FDR or the creation of a "Great Society" touted by President Lyndon Johnson.

However, in desperate times strange bedfellows morph a highly questionable existence leaving the masses baffled, confused and unfortunately called "Tea-Partiers" by some as a bottom of the barrel scare tactic.

Read More Here: http://www.reachoutjobsearch.com/2015/05/the-last-word-progressive-bloggers.html
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May 2, 2015

Thank You Marilyn Mosby!!!

We trust that you will do everything possible to see that Justice is Served for Freddie Gray!

May 1, 2015

The REAL Bottom Line on Michigan's Proposal 1 of 2015: Just Say NO!

"Over course of the last month, there has been plenty of Mudslinging in the Michigan Proposal 1 of 2015 debate.

From large pieces of asphalt being smashed into the window of a "mock" school bus, paid for at some point or the other by taxpayers dollars. To the drumbeat of some Democrats calling other Democrats and Progressives strongly against Proposal 1 "Teabaggers".

Also, confusing some voters by using a Ex-Senator from Michigan - Carl Levin in a commercial supporting of Proposal 1 claiming he is the current Senator from Michigan."

Read more: http://www.reachoutjobsearch.com/2015/05/the-real-bottom-line-on-michigans.html#ixzz3YvCo8zmM
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April 30, 2015

If Your "Candidate of Choice" Cannot Soundly Answer These Questions.....

Think you need to find a NEW Candidate --- and his name is Bernie Sanders!!! Check him out at: http://www.berniesanders.com

Bernie Sanders for President Campaign is STRONGLY supported the folks at Independent Underground News & Talk!

April 29, 2015

The Most Ineffective Strategy To Elect Hillary.....Attack Bernie Sanders and his Supporters

This post will be kept short and to the point.

There are many Progressives who are either Democrats or Left-lending Independents that are too proud Senator Bernie Sanders is giving it a go to run for President.

He has every right considering Senator Sanders has stood with the Middle and Lower Classes in regards to sound economic policy nearly every time.

Many Progressives admire Bernie who does not take corporate, lobbyist or Wall Street "Quid Per Quo" money to turn around and support a job killing trade policy called the TPP.

Senator Sanders Caucasus with Democrats, however, is not afraid or timid to call out Democrats when their potential votes, policy or politico speak are with the 10% instead of 90% of folks who are not ultra-rich, have tax havens off-shore or who owe a "political favor" to those making big dollars (by cheating the rest of us) on Wall Street.

Yet, SOME not all but SOME Hillary Clinton supporters -- feel threaten by Senator Sanders running for President. So much so, they are calling him Ralph Nader or worse a spoiler candidate.

And others are going as far to nearly label Progressives of both Democratic and Independent Left Lending ties -- Junior Teabaggers for supporting a Senator Sanders Presidential Candidacy.

Here are the raw facts: Keep this Modus Operandi up -- i.e. Attacking Bernie Sanders as Ralph Nader II -- and watch your candidate of choice LOSE come the first Tuesday in November of 2016.


Unjust attacks and lies on Senator Sanders will do NOTHING but encourage those who MIGHT consider voting for Hillary Clinton, if Bernie Sanders cannot win or secure the Democratic Nomination to -- JUST STAY HOME. Or worst, skip right pass the ballot where voting for President is a option.

So, for those Ultra-Pro Hillary -- allow Bernie to run without deploying a scorched earth, PUMA style 2015/2016 attack on Senator Sanders. No one wins by using this highly ineffective strategy -- except possibly a Republican -- which neither side should NOT want.


April 14, 2015

The Truth on Proposal 1 & What It Will and Will Not Do

The Best Explanation Period of What Proposal 1 of 2015 will and will not do. After one hears this questions will form why a complex Proposal such as this will be brought before the Michigan Populace for a vote. Don't we pay Legislators in Lansing to work out complex and detailed mess like this?

By the way, we will be interviewing Representative Ray Franz (R) Exclusively on Independent Underground News & Talk/IU Radio LIVE Program TODAY -- Tuesday, April 14, 2015 (TONIGHT) at 9pm ET. ‪#?Bookmark‬ to listen in here: http://j.mp/IURL41415
April 14, 2015

Hillary Clinton’s Progressive Problem

"Now that it is official that Hillary Clinton is running for President, it is time to ask piercing questions. This announcement came as expected, so there is not much in the way of excitement around it. Democrats for the most part are expected to fall in line.

Already, this early the browbeating has begun, at least directed at the progressives that still orbit around the Democratic Party. Instead of focusing on continuing to apply pressure on varying progressive causes, the emerging narrative is to focus on who is most electable.

There are a few problems with that strategy. It subverts the nascent progressive strides that are being made, particularly when it comes to the living wage movement.

The Clinton’s who are neoliberals, here and abroad, are fundamentally at odds with the emerging voices around labor issues and standard of living for working people. TPP ring a bell to anyone?

Furthermore, as the establishment candidate, Hilary Clinton has little to say about the aftermath of Ferguson and the issue of police brutality. How she will get that base of support behind her, should be a cause of concern for Democratic strategists. But, that is their concern, not that of the movements.

For example, the Black Lives Matter movement which has sprung up in the second term of President Obama. It’s not up to the movement or its supporters to figure out a way for the Clinton candidacy the capture their thunder, so to speak."


From Writer and Monthly Commentator on Independent Underground News & Talk​/IU Radio LIVE Program - M. Polite at Polite On Society​!

Read More Here: http://www.politeonsociety.com/2015/04/13/hillary-clintons-progressive-problem/
April 6, 2015

Where is the Love for Stoni and Stephen? RIP Little Angels

"This post will not be a "feel good" let us all hug and sing kumbaya from the rooftops moment in time. Instead, this post will be a bit of truth about our so-called American society and its complete and utter failure to care two for poor African-American kids found in a freezer three years after their untimely and torture filled deaths.

The children - Stoni Ann Blair and Stephen Berry, and this is only a part of their story.

Where is the love? There is a popular R & B song by this name written in 1972 and sung by Artists Roberta Flack and the late great Donny Hathaway which won a Grammy. A modern day version was placed in rotation by the Black Eyes Peas in 2003.

Important lines from the lyrics of The Black Eyes Peas Song:

People killin', people dyin'
Children hurt and you hear them cryin'
Can you practice what you preach?
Or would you turn the other cheek?
Father, Father, Father help us
Send some guidance from above
'Cause people got me, got me questionin'
Where is the love (Love)

Stoni Blair and Stephen Berry died. It is estimated Stoni and Stephen's deaths occurred upwards of three years ago. In a deep freezer which sat in the entryway of their Mother's Apartment complex ironically named The Martin Luther King Apartment homes.

MLK is crying tears from heaven to what occurred to Stoni and Stephen in a place named after this great civil rights leader.

Where is the Love? How exactly did these children end up in a freezer, dead. Stoni and Stephen's deranged biological Mother Mitchelle Blair put them there."


Pictures of the Late Stoni Blair and Stephen Berry

March 18, 2015

Truth-Meter on Michigan Proposal 1 of 2015 Flyer Measures 'Mostly-False'

"They could have save the $.54 cent -- isn't that the cost of a stamp now? Normally, I purchase the forever stamps as of late.

Okay, on the morning trip to the mailbox, this thing -- a colorful marketing flyer-- pictured above was within it.

It is a thing because it appears, politicians and their associated financing cohorts must lie to you, to fool you into voting against your best interests. This time the untruths lay within Proposal 1 of May 5, 2015.

So let's tackle LIE ONE: 15,000 Jobs."

Read more: http://www.reachoutjobsearch.com/2015/03/oped-truth-meter-on-michigan-proposal-1.html#ixzz3UlSgdxgq
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