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LovingA2andMI's Journal
LovingA2andMI's Journal
July 19, 2015

#BlackLivesMatter but 15 Minutes of Fame Seekers Shouldn't: The Sanders/O'Malley Shoutdown NN15

Disclaimer: Was not in Phoenix this year BUT read reports from the Blogging Media and "Left" and "Right" Mainstream Media so this rant is from a collection of what was read.

Word from the conference is U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders and Martin O'Malley were shouted down repeatedly by those who claim to represent the #BlackLivesMatter movement.

Meanwhile, the "Left" and "Right" wing Mainstream Media jumped all over the melee to say that Bernie Sanders had little to no support among so-called "Progressives" attending the conference.

Basically, the real truth is the following:

A bunch of folks seeking 15 minutes of fame decided to disrupt both U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders and Martin O'Malley so-called "Q & A" session at the conference.

Meanwhile a "Moderator" named "Tia Oso" along lost control of actually performing basic moderation duties and decided to join into the Fame Seekers Disruptions. Jose Vergas lost control of this moderated session also but, did not jump into the melee. That was appreciated.

Now mind you, Hillary Clinton refused to attend Netroots Nation Conference COMPLETELY as the word was attending this event was not "worth her time" this year.

So instead of showing a minuscule of #Respect for the two Progressive Candidates that took time out of their day to show up and answer questions at Netroots Nation, these so-called, literally pop-up young 15 minutes of fame seekers supposedly (really NOT) representing the #BlackLivesMatters movement -- showed their Ass-ets -- to be as frank and honest and possible.

This is disappointing and does NOTHING to help the real #BlackLivesMatter Movement. The "Moderator" #TiaOso should never host a session with a potential Democratic Presidential Nominee again and Jose Vergas need to learn how to hold down an crowd of disruptive individuals before he is ever allowed to.

Netroots Nation should (but they likely won't) apologize to both Martin O'Malley and Bernie Sanders for allowing the sessions to break down to a shouting match were neither candidate were allowed to properly speak.

After reading the various accounts we are glad we declined to attend Netroots Nation this year as a result.

-Independent Underground News & Talk
July 11, 2015

Time for a Welcome Change in Leadership with the Michigan Democratic Party

"On Friday, July 10, the owner of Independent Underground News & Talk (IUNT) Monica RW attended a local Washtenaw County Democratic Party Meeting were State Representative Brandon Dillon and LaVora Barnes outlined their upcoming platform to issues important for the State's Progressive voters, if elected to take the leadership reigns of Michigan Democratic Party."

Personally, I was very impressed by not only the questions both Mr. Dillon and Ms. Barnes answered of the audience, but likewise details given in each of those answers."

Read more: http://www.reachoutjobsearch.com/2015/07/oped-time-for-welcome-change-in.html#ixzz3fcoeKW7C
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June 27, 2015

Bree Newsome Rocks So Hard - Bree has Her Own Superhero!

Thank You Bree! You did the job that Nikki Haley can't manage to do with a 10 (or 90) feet pole! $FreeBree #FreeJames

June 23, 2015

Op/Ed: What's Really Going On In Detroit - The Paid Media Won't Tell: A Lifetime Detroiter Perspe...

Written By: Kenneth Reed - A Lifetime Detroit, Michigan Resident

"I've watched the events unfold in this City over the weekend, and watched the Police Chief posture in front of the various media outlet cameras. In all of this, it occurred to me that Chief Craig in spite of what he has said repeatedly does not have any answers. He doesn't have a handle on the crime problem in Detroit.

I was at a 13th Congressional District Meeting Saturday where he appeared to make a presentation. In the process of addressing the Precinct Delegates he really didn't come across as someone who had a plan to deal with criminal activity. As you can probably determine at this point, he doesn't excite me at all.

After the meeting the events unfolded on Dexter & Webb, and people are asking why are these things happening, then later that evening the 1st shooting in Greektown happened. This is a culmination of 20 yrs. of stripping the City of Detroit of it's pride, self determination, and drive to succeed against all odds.

First there was the elimination of "Revenue Share Money" From the State of Michigan, then the elimination of the residency requirements for city workers that further stripped the tax base. Then came the 1st Takeover of (Detroit Public Schools) DPS in 1999.

The next action was when the people fought to return the management of Public Education to the People, the elected board hired an incompetent Superintendent Connie K. Calloway.

Next the neighborhood school closings were accelerated, thus causing the emptying of those neighborhoods. Then the same School Board surrendered their oversight of the School District to a Democratic Governor who appointed an emergency manager.

Then Rick Sniper became Governor and started picking us off even quicker, and established the (Educational Achievement Authority) EAA called our Children the dumbest 5% in the state."

Read more: http://www.reachoutjobsearch.com/2015/06/oped-whats-really-going-on-in-detroit.html#ixzz3dtwMwseR
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June 23, 2015

Umm...Folks Don Lemon on CNN Has GOT to GO.....

Seriously! Really! He Should be DONE|. Like OVER! Unbelievable What This Idiot Did On NATIONAL TV!

Here you go.....

"Lemon held up a Confederate flag first before holding up the sign. He asked, “Does this offend you? This word?”

He was teasing a discussion about President Obama using the n-word in an interview with Marc Maron.


YES, it was THAT WORD in BIG, BOLD LETTERS. That Word On National TV.

June 22, 2015

She Did It: South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley Calls for Removal of Confederate Flag

South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley in a Monday, June 21 afternoon press conference says the Confederate flag should be removed from the grounds of the state capitol. Haley by calling for the divisive symbol removal reverses her initial position to keep the flag, amid growing calls for it to be removed.

“Today we are here in a moment of unity in our state, without ill will, to say it’s time to move the flag from the Capitol grounds,” Haley said to applause. “My hope is that by removing a symbol that divides us, we can move forward in harmony and honor the nine blessed souls that are now in heaven,” she said.

Read more: http://www.reachoutjobsearch.com/2015/06/she-did-it-south-carolina-governor.html#ixzz3dpdBossb
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June 20, 2015

FBI director: Charleston shooting not an act of terrorism

Source: ABC3340.com - Central Alabama News

FBI director James Comey said Friday that while his agency is investigating the murder of nine people in Charleston, S.C. as a hate crime, it is not an act of terrorism.

He said due to the lack of political motivation for his actions, alleged shooter Dylann Roof is not a domestic terrorist.

"Terrorism is act of violence done or threatens to in order to try to influence a public body or citizenry so it's more of a political act and again based on what I know so more I don't see it as a political act. Doesn't make it any less horrific the label but terrorism has a definition under federal law," he said during a visit to Baltimore.

Read more: http://www.abc3340.com/story/29368499/fbi-director-charleston-shooting-not-an-act-of-terrorism

June 20, 2015


It's called an Executive Order. Any Governor in America's 50 States has the Right to Issue an Executive Order, regardless to what the state law says. In fact, in clear defiance of State Law to be exact.

"Executive orders as issued by the governor are not laws, but do have the same binding nature. Executive orders are usually based on existing constitutional or statutory powers of the Governor and do not require any action by the state legislature to take effect. Executive orders are numbered sequentially for a calendar year and may address agency closings due to inclement weather, may call the legislature into special session, may address county or city officials who have violated their elected positions."


Furthermore, Section 15, Article VI - Executive Department of the South Carolina Constitution States:

SECTION 15. Faithful execution of laws.

The Governor shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed. To this end, the Attorney General shall assist and represent the Governor, but such power shall not be construed to authorize any action or proceeding against the General Assembly or the Supreme Court. (1972 (57) 3171; 1973 (58) 48.)

The key term here is "Take Care". That does not mean the Executive Authority in South Carolina must COMPLY. That is a different word all together.

Now let's review what the South Carolina Constitution says about Executive Orders:

It does not say anything in the exact words of "Executive Order".

Instead, what the South Carolina Constitution does say is the following in Section 1, Article VI - Chief Magistrate:

SECTION 1. Chief Magistrate.
The supreme executive authority of this State shall be vested in a Chief Magistrate, who shall be styled
"The Governor of the State of South Carolina." (1972 (57) 3171; 1973 (58) 48.)

What is a Chief Magistrate?
"The head of the executive department of government of a nation, state, or municipal corporation. Mclntire v. Ward. 3 Yeates (Pa.) 424."

Nikki Haley has issued 86 Executive Orders by her Duty as Chief Magistrate of the State of South Carolina since 2011. Nikki Haley has the authority needed, necessary and required to order a removal of South Carolina's Confederate Flag, in light of the Tragic Deaths of Nine Emanuel African Episodical Methodist deaths by the Hands of Domestic "Hate Crime" Terrorist Dylann Roof on Wednesday, June 17, 2015.

THE QUESTION REMAINS - WHEN WILL SHE? - Independent Underground News & Talk

June 18, 2015

BREAKING: Shooting at Historical African Methodist Church in South Carolina, White Suspect at Large

UPDATE: The Rev. of this church, Rev & South Carolina State Senator Camenta Pinkney has been CONFIRMED by Rev. Al Sharpton to be dead along with 8 other individuals, per MSNBC. The suspect is still on the loose. The bomb threat is still unsubstantiated. Gregory Mullen, the Charleston, South Carolina Police Chief at a 12:57 pm ET Press Conference has described this incident as a Hate Crime.

"A gunman has opened fire on Wednesday evening at a historic African-American church in downtown Charleston, South Carolina, and is still at large. Reuters reported as many as eight people may have been shot along with multiple fatalities inside the church.

CNN International at Midnight has cited that several individuals are deceased inside the church, and there is a unspecified bomb threat in the local area surrounding the church.

Police described the suspect as a 21-year-old white man in a sweatshirt or hoodie and jeans, according to a Charleston local newspaper resource.

Charleston Police Department spokesman Charles Francis said the shooting occurred at the Emanuel African Methodist Church around 9 p.m. local time.

At the time of this report, local Charleston law enforcement officials are still searching for a suspect. Local Fox Affiliate Channel 8 reported that the FBI is on the scene. The FBI could not be immediately reached to comment."

Read more: http://www.reachoutjobsearch.com/2015/06/breaking-shooting-at-historical-african.html#ixzz3dNtBwtZK
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