Demsrule86's JournalRace called by MSNBC for Biden. Nevada Democratic Primary. Biden winning easily 90%+.
Marianne is losing to 'None of these'. The GOP governor came up with this...not working well..haha. There are like 30 candidates so I only did the top three. In a primary that doesn't even matter, Biden is doing great..
I am never watching the Weekend again.
I like Simone but Michael Steele sat there all disappointed with the idea of Bidens success in Carolina with a worried nasty expression. Biden has a big problem. The Democrats are doomed I tell you
And they had Dean Phillips on the show. Steele gives him a chance to defend his plan to stay in the election and attack Biden.
Bad polls and more bullshit. Simone pushed back, but it is not enough. I am turning it off. Make no mistake, Steele has an agenda. I wont watch it again.
The new show the weekend is a disappointment
Michael Steele sat there all disappointed with the idea of Bidens success in Carolina with a worried nasty expression. Biden has a big problem. The Democrats are doomed I tell you And they had Dean Phillips on the show. Steele gives him a chance to defend his plan to stay in the election and attack Biden. I turned it off.
Bad polls and more bullshit. I will say he did say later that Phillips should step aside. But giving that guy airtime was a mistake.
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