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mrmpa's Journal
mrmpa's Journal
May 30, 2015

Bad Day At Black Rock...........

is on TCM right now. I love this film.

May 26, 2015

This an email I received from Rand Paul (why I don't know)

The same old crap that colleges are full of "left wing socialists".

Fellow Conservative,

I refuse to accept that our nation's colleges will always remain bastions of left-wing extremism.

I refuse to allow leftists to brainwash an entire generation of American students into hating our country and our free-market system.

That's why I'm joining forces with the Leadership Institute, the nation's premier conservative grassroots training organization, to help liberate our nation's colleges and universities from the clutches of the left.

Please, as a personal favor to me, sign the national Save our Students petition. And then ask everyone you know to do the same.

My goal over the next several weeks is to find 100,000 conservatives who are sick and tired of the left's hijack of our institutions of higher learning.

I want to wave this petition in the faces of the leftist lunatics who have seized control of our nation's great universities.

Too many conservatives believe that America's colleges are lost causes. They believe that tenure of liberal professors and the left's tight control of university bureaucracies have turned higher education into a permanent breeding ground for left-wing extremism.

It doesn't have to be that way.

In fact, I've spent a lot of time traveling the country to talk to young Americans who embrace our shared constitutional principles.

One thing is very, very clear to me. America's college students agree with the conservative movement's pro-freedom message .

All that's missing is someone to help them stand up to the left-wing education establishment.

Conservatives shouldn't surrender to the left . You and I shouldn't leave this next generation of leaders to be brainwashed by America-hating socialists and Marxists .

Conservatives must fight back.

And that is exactly what the Leadership Institute and I will do.

Please sign the national Save Our Students petition today. Your signature will mean so much to conservative students in the fight against the left. They'll know they have grassroots patriots like you standing with them.

I have told my friend, Leadership Institute president Morton Blackwell, that I will do what I can to get 100,000 patriotic Americans to sign this petition.

You and I will show campus liberals we're coming for them - and we're not afraid to fight them on their own turf .

Every day conservative young people must battle with a university culture hostile towards everything they ever learned about freedom and America's traditions.

These students want to hold fast to pro-liberty, conservative principles.

Students have seen how the Obama administration's big government policies have damaged their career prospects, their financial outlook, and even their family lives - their futures

However, the constant left-wing propaganda students must endure in class day after day takes its toll, and many end up believing the left's lies.

That's why you and I have to fight back now.

If you agree with me, please sign the petition today.

In order to win, conservative students must have the organization, training, and support to fight back against the leftist campus monopoly and stop the indoctrination .

And the Leadership Institute will provide just that, with your help.

The Leadership Institute teaches students how to: • increase the size and effectiveness of their campus group
• organize large numbers of volunteers and voters
• host successful high-profile speaker events
• engage in campus activism to promote conservative principles
• use the media to get their message out
In short, they teach conservative students how to go toe-to-toe with campus liberals - and win .

Consider the case of Evan Schrage at Michigan State University (MSU).

Evan was a member of a student group the Leadership Institute started at MSU called the Campus Conservatives.

Evan enrolled in a creative writing course. When the professor went on a vicious anti-conservative tirade, Evan knew what to do, thanks to Leadership Institute training.

Evan recorded his professor's rant on his cell phone video camera. He then sent it to Morton's staff, who published it on the Leadership Institute's campus news watchdog website, CampusReform.org.

The story became national news . Evan appeared twice on national TV to expose his professor .

The result?

The professor was suspended from teaching.

Will you stand with Morton Blackwell and the Leadership Institute to continue this vital work?

Please sign your petition right now.

Today's college students are concerned citizens who are experiencing firsthand how big government destroys opportunity.

They've seen their graduating peers struggle to find jobs. They have friends who suffer under Obamacare and struggle to pay off student loan debt.

You and I can't give them up to the left.

My friends at the Leadership Institute are across the country, visiting college campuses from UCSD in California to Bates College in Maine.

They've gone right into the "belly of the beast" to organize conservative students together into strong groups to fight back .

If you stand with Morton and me, we'll show the radical professors and leftist administrators that Americans won't let our nation's youth become indoctrinated.

Please sign your petition now. And ask every friend and family member you know to do the same.

Thank you for your help to advance our shared conservative principles.


Rand Paul
United States Senator

The Leadership Institute is a non-partisan educational organization approved by the Internal Revenue Service as a public foundation operating under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code. The Leadership Institute does not endorse, support, or oppose candidates or proposed legislation. The Institute has an open admissions policy; all programs are open to the public. Contributions to the Leadership Institute by individuals, corporations, and foundations are tax deductible.

May 25, 2015

In honor of all veterans and those in my family...

This is what I know:

World War I: My paternal Grandfather and 2 maternal Great Uncles, who will both die in the 1920's from the affects of mustard gas

World War II: My paternal Uncle: 2 maternal Uncles, one of whom will be wounded twice in the South Pacific and 4 maternal Great Uncles, one of whom will be killed in France

Korean War: My Father and his Brother. My Father somehow survived at Chosin Reservoir and my Uncle was present during the Peace talks.

Vietnam War: One maternal cousin who did not return unscathed.

Give thanks to my Father who would not allow any of his children to enter military service, due to what he saw and endured. he was against the Vietnam War, and were he alive now, he would as his brother did protest against what has gone on during this century.

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