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laserhaas's Journal
laserhaas's Journal
June 28, 2013

Help get 150,000 Facebook LIKES for Jesse Ventura

Real simple task here people.

Good man - stand up guy - whom main stream is now ostracizing.

Please help "Like" Jesse Ventura's Facebook Page?

June 27, 2013

Here's the email I just sent to Larry and his editor (if Mr. Johnson is still there)

You guys are really a piece of work.

LARRY - what happened to the great human spirit that utilized a flag diaper and was wounded terribly for standing tall against tyranny, cronyism, corruption and Bull Shit?

How did they guy who made a difference;
turn into the guy who doesn't really give a f---?


- - I used to get invited to Larry's house for his weekly private game - before owning Hustler Casino changed all that. Most people haven't noticed that in the film about Larry Flynt - where Woody Harrison does such a wonderful job

Larry Flynt is the JUDGE!

I guess, in order to be and stay a billionaire - you have to sell out like the rest of them.
June 26, 2013

OOPS The US got Edward Snowden’s middle name wrong on extradition documents

Source: Quartz News

Edward Snowden, NSA-leaker extraordinaire, is such a familiar face in world news that he’s almost a household name. But for all the extensive NSA spying capabilities he revealed, US authorities were still not able to get his name right on extradition documents issued to Hong Kong, according to Rimsky Yuen, the city’s justice secretary.

Seeking a provisional arrest warrant for Snowden, the US government submitted documents referring to Edward James Snowden, the Wall Street Journal reported. In another document it just used his middle initial. According to his passport, however, Snowden’s middle name is actually Joseph.

Read more: http://qz.com/97998/the-us-got-edward-snowdens-middle-name-wrong-on-extradition-documents/

You can see more at GovExec.com ( here ) and Wall Street Journal China/Denmark divisions ( here )
Here's an excerpt from WSJ China Real Time News

Hong Kong’s justice secretary, Rimsky Yuen, says that according to Hong Kong immigration records, Joseph is the middle name in Mr. Snowden’s passport. Yet when the U.S. government submitted documents as part of a request to their Hong Kong counterparts to issue a provisional arrest warrant for the former security contractor, they specified one Edward James Snowden. In another, they simply referred to him as Edward J. Snowden, according to Mr. Yuen.

That, among other factors, helped contribute to the processing of the U.S.’s request. What’s more, Mr. Yuen added, attempts to process the U.S. request were further complicated by the fact that the U.S. didn’t specify any passport number for Mr. Snowden in its documents.


“Until the minute of Snowden’s departure, the U.S. government hadn’t yet replied to our requests for clarification,” he said. “Hong Kong’s government had no legal basis to block his departure,” Mr. Yuen said. “Any suggestion that we have been deliberately letting Mr. Snowden go away or to do any other things to obstruct the normal operation is totally untrue.”
June 26, 2013

{OUTRAGEOUS} = Former Office of Special Counsel Director Scott Bloch sentenced {To 1 Day}

Source: Federal Times

It appears that the labyrinthine legal saga of Scott Bloch is over. Bloch, the former head of the government’s whistleblower protection office who once stood accused (incorrectly, he said) of retaliating against whistleblowers, was sentenced yesterday for having files erased from government computers, according to The Washington Post.

Bloch’s lawyer, William Sullivan, confirmed the terms of the sentence to FedLine today: Two years probation, a $5,000 fine, 200 hours community service, and–as a special condition of Bloch’s probation–one day in prison to be served at a facility in the Eastern District of Virginia. The Post has a succinct wrap-up of the case ( here ) ; for anyone wanting a somewhat more irreverent take on just how protracted the proceedings became, here’s a another FedLine post ( here ) from two years ago.

Read more: http://blogs.federaltimes.com/federal-times-blog/2013/06/25/former-office-of-special-counsel-director-scott-bloch-sentenced/

This particular publication was picked (because it is within the time limit) and Fed Times has a back story (both succinct) - with only a couple of comments (also succinct) - that put the whole thing in a neat nutshell. Mr. Bloch did many crimes. He Breached his Fiduciary Duty, Betrayed the public's trust by rejecting his Oath to the Constitution and the People of the United States. He also Obstructed Justice and (apparently) Destroyed evidence. Then he refused to do 30 days in jail (after the Judge proclaimed the sentence to be TOO light). Now Mr. Bloch (with most people long ago forgetting about this tool) - receives only 1 day in jail. A Fed Times comment by Richard Wyeroski states the absurdity in perfect form;

Richard Wyeroski Says:
June 26th, 2013 at 8:36 am
One day! Why bother, just take away his milk and cookies……..

Scott Bloch was the head of the United States Office of SPECIAL COUNSEL ("OSC&quot

- - The OSC division of the Department of Justice is the Federal Whistleblower division created to protect federal employees from retaliation for pointing out bad faith behavior within our federal systems.


- - Scott Bloch (apparently) was one of the parties engaging in bad faith on a grand scale. Not only did he do things wrong, it is readily apparent that he was the wrong man for the job (though GWB and Cheney might argue otherwise).

It also appears that Mr. Bloch was homophobic.

- - As the prior Federal Times story reports ( here ) that is titled "Scott Bloch calls backsies on guilty plea"

What all the stories FAIL to point out - is how serious the crimes are by Scott Bloch. The above story by Federal Times also links to a Washington Post story ( here ) - on Scott Bloch's sentencing.

What all the stories around the web fail to address, is the fact that Mr. Bloch - OBSTRUCTED JUSTICE - while he DESTROYED Evidence and Breached his Fiduciary Duty in grand fashion.

The WaPo story does (at least) contain a remark by the OSC counsel who reported Scott Bloch's bad faith and how many whistleblowers objected to the puny sentence. For not only did Mr. Bloch destroy evidence - he would also oppress those who blew the whistle.


I'm one of the persons who sent Scott Bloch a file - that was most likely destroyed.

Also, after his FBI raid and arrest (of both his home and the OSC office) - I did email him (at the new firm he created for himself) - and to offer to give him a chance to come clean.

Mr. Bloch never responded!


Previous Stories / Discussions on Scott Bloch bad faith.

Bloch tried to turn things on their head - when he claimed he was "protecting gay rights" and sued Karl Rove
(see my DailyKos story ( here ).

My previous Wordpress on Bloch ( here ) - contains links to Blog of Legal Times ( here ) - Free Republic ( here ) - and Wikipedia ( here ).

NOTE: Wikipedia links to the fact that Scott Bloch's 1st action in office was to choose a Deputy Counsel who was against homosexuals; while also hiring RWNJ Conservatives from the Ave Maria School of Law.

This certainly flies in the fact of Bloch's $202 million lawsuit against Karl Rove and gang. Though it is also noteworthy to point out that Bloch alleged he was offered bribes and even a federal judge bench seat, to back off from Karl Rove investigations.


1 Day in Jail sends clear message Breach of Fiduciary Duty is No Big Deal!

- - This is a GREAT DAY for those who do crimes to protect skullduggery inside our federal systems of justice. If all you get for Obstruction and Intimidation of Victim/ Witnesses - while you Destroy evidence and Breach your Fiduciary Duty, is just 1 day in jail;

an avalanche of such acts shall now come!

June 20, 2013


Source: Bloomberg Law

Spitzer adds that he is “disappointed” in the government’s current slate of regulators, pointing to what he sees as an “overstated fear” of the economic consequences of prosecuting systemically important companies. Spitzer also gives his thoughts on the upcoming mayoral election in New York City.

Read more: http://about.bloomberglaw.com/videos/spitzer-lanny-breuer-at-doj-was-a-disaster/

As for myself - I've got several bones to pick with Eliot Spitzer. When we had evidence of Goldman Sachs and Bain Capital frauds in 2004/2005 etc. As NY AG - Spitzer made every excuse not to investigate/prosecute them (with his personnel calling me directly). As Governor - he promoted Judge Moskowitz (who was going after Romney's Paul Traub) - OFF the case. It is also rumored that Spitzer and Marc Dreier utilized the same "call girl" house (Marc Dreier was partners with Paul Traub).

My repeated requests to him - to clear this up - has been in vain.

But I do concur that Lanny Breuer (and for that matter Eric Holder) - have been a waste of time (at best)

and may be duplicitous sell outs or worse!

June 18, 2013


Source: House Oversight & Reform Committee Press Release

Washington, DC (June 18, 2013)—Today, Rep. Elijah E. Cummings, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, released to Members of Congress and the American public the full transcript of an interview with an IRS Screening Group Manager in Cincinnati who provided a detailed account of how Tea Party groups applying for tax-exempt status were first identified by the IRS. The Manager, a self-identified “conservative Republican” and 21-year veteran of the IRS, denies that he or anyone on his team was directed by the White House to take these actions or that they were politically motivated.


The Honorable Darrell E. Issa
Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, D.C. 20515

Dear Mr. Chairman:

I am writing to inform you that I am making available to Members of Congress and the public the full transcript of an interview with the IRS Screening Group Manager in Cincinnati, which was conducted jointly by the Oversight Committee and the Ways and Means Committee as part of our investigation into the identification and screening of Tea Party applicants for taxexempt status. I am attaching a copy of this transcript, with redactions of specific names to protect individual privacy.

Transcript Shows No White House Involvement or Political Motivation

This interview transcript provides a detailed first-hand account of how these practices first originated, and it debunks conspiracy theories about how the IRS first started reviewing these cases. Answering questions from Committee staff for more than five hours, this official— who identified himself as a "conservative Republican"—denied that he or anyone on his team was directed by the White House to take these actions or that they were politically motivated.

Instead, the Screening Group Manager explained that the very first case at issue in this investigation was initially flagged by one of his own screeners in February 2010. He told us he agreed that this case should be elevated to IRS employees in Washington because it was a "high profile" application in which the organization indicated that it would be engaging in political activity. He explained that he initiated the first effort to gather similar cases in order to ensure their consistent treatment, and that he took this action on his own, without any direction from his superiors, and without any political motivation. He also confirmed that one of his screeners developed terms subsequently identified by the Inspector General as "inappropriate," such as "Patriot" and "9/12 project," but that he did not become aware that his screener was using terms until more than a year later.

Read more: http://democrats.oversight.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=5936:first-hand-account-cummings-releases-full-transcript-of-conservative-republican-irs-manager-explaining-genesis-of-tea-party-screening-&catid=3:press-releases&Itemi

Basically, Issa lied his tail off and is now exposed for doing such.

Here;s a PoliticusUSA.com story that led me to this - but is too much of opinion to be featured (per the rules I'm learning)

June 18, 2013

Gallup POLL - Americans' Confidence in Newspapers Continues to Erode

Source: Gallup POLL

Fewer than one in four Americans confident in newspapers, TV news

The percentage of Americans saying they have "a great deal" or "quite a lot" of confidence in newspapers has been generally trending downward since 1979, when it reached a high of 51%.

Newspapers rank near the bottom on a list of 16 societal institutions Gallup measured in a June 1-4 survey. Television news is tied with newspapers on the list, with 23% of Americans also expressing confidence in it. That is up slightly from the all-time low of 21% found last year. The only institutions television news and newspapers beat out this year are big business, organized labor, Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), and Congress.

Conservatives' confidence in newspapers, at 15%, is down from 21% in 2012 and 2011. Moderates' confidence has been trending downward for the past two years, and is now at 25%. Liberals remain the most confident in newspapers -- although not by much -- with 31% putting a great deal or quite a lot of confidence in them this year

Read more: http://www.gallup.com/poll/163097/americans-confidence-newspapers-continues-erode.aspx

This story was posted on Alex Jones 8 hours ago (just can't link to that guy as top bill) - about the recent POLL that American's distrust Congress nearly 90% - (which most of U.S. were already well aware of) - this new POLL serves as a reiteration of the well known fact that;

Main Stream Media is nothing more than veiled agenda propaganda
(especially when a tool like Mitt Romney's owns Bain Capital; which owns Clear Channel Communications) 800 stations/ 100 million plus listeners under such shows as Rush Lame'baugh - Incongruous Hannity & can't Combs - and Glenn (bucks) Beck (who every once in a while actually appears to be sincere).

Here's a link to Alex Jones take (for what its worth) that references Anthony Gucciardi ( here )

who's in this YouTube video;



I know this fall under most of your "DUH" categories - as no big revelation. But here's the deal that we need discuss. 1st of all, the "real" media outlets of today are You & I. We are the one's who Obama reached out through his social media network to get elected and re-elected. Romney could NOT buy such (even after we pointed out that Obama had 15 million followers to Romney's few 100,000) [NOTE: Mitt's campaign went out the very next days and "acquired" 1 million total (purported) followers.

However, the real thing is - until we push papers & TV News to their ultimate (well deserved less than hallowed antiquity) END; we will continue to be torn between hearing verbal, repetitive, reinforcing "main stream" B.S. and our "real" News.

We ARE the People - and we ARE the main stream media of today - (but sadly still need lame stream to say so).
June 13, 2013

Former Georgia Judge Sued by Woman - Arrested for Drugs After Accusing Judge of Sexual Wrongdoing

Source: Jonathan Turley Blog 1 Million Followers

There is an extraordinary story coming out of Georgia this week where two Murray County sheriff’s deputies pleaded guilty in federal court for their part in a scheme to frame a woman, Angela Garmley (left), after she accused Chief Magistrate Judge Bryant Cochran of soliciting sex from her in return to favorable treatment in her pending divorce case. Three other women have accused Cochran of such abuse.

Garmley says that on April 9, 2012, she went to the court in relation to an assault on her on the previous day. She says that Cochran asked to meet with her alone in his office and starting questioning her about the state of her marriage. She quotes him as saying “My wife doesn’t take care of my sexual needs and I need a mistress to have sex with I can trust.” She says that the judge said that he had “a real boner” for her and allegedly told her to “Come back on Wednesday with a dress and no panties so we can have sex.”

After she made the charge against Cochran, she was arrested for possession of methamphetamines. She insisted the drugs were planted in retaliation for the charge against Cochran. She was stopped by Deputy Josh Greeson as a passenger in a car because the driver failed to dim his headlights. Greeson used a drug dog to search the car after noticing Garmley stumble slightly and that she had “slurred speech.” Greeson said that the dog located a small metal can stuck under the driver’s door containing meth.

Cochran has resigned. However, this came after an investigation into other violations of whether Cochran “allowed the prestige of his office to advance his private interests” and he “pre-signed blank arrest warrants for completion by law enforcement officers while he was absent from the office.” Before his resignation, Cochran dismissed the allegations by Garmley: “This is a politically timed, politically motivated personal attack on my family and I.”

Read more: http://jonathanturley.org/2013/06/13/former-georgia-judge-sued-by-woman-who-says-drugs-were-planted-on-her-after-accusing-the-judge-of-sexual-wrongdoing/

What is commendable - is the woman could have simply "gave it up"!

Instead, facing an uphill battle at best, she fought the Judge and Corrupt Police and she is winning.

Here's a previous thread of mine on a similar case, where a cop forced a teen to have oral sex with him.

----------------------------------- What is our Nation coming/turning out to be? SHEESSHHH!
It would help if Professor Turley would try harder to comply with media rule of 6 words as story title!

Another appalling case disgusting.

In Nevada court Monica Contreras complained to the court that she was sexually grab searched by an officer. The Judge, in conjunction with a prosecutor, immediately inform the lady she will be arrested for making false charges against the officer - unless she recants the charges. Threatening her liberty and the status of her child.


June 13, 2013

Main Stream Obfuscations Forces One's Mind Stream to Engage in Cognitive Dissonance

Wikipedia explains 'cognitive dissonance" as the result of Leon Festinger's 1956 book "When Prophecy Fails" which chronicled followers of a UFO cult. The cognitive dissonance phrase was coined in the writing and immortalized by the public's penchant for the term and Festinger's follow up 1957 book titled 'A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance".

During such current mass media/ mass public attention grabbing cases such as the NSA spying on U.S. issues, compounded further by the plethora of banter of the whistleblower Snowden, America is thrust into a quagmire of subjects and babbling banter that is ill fated due to the fact that we all are well aware that Main Stream Media is unduly influenced by powers upon high.

Malcom X warned U.S. that;

"The media is the most powerful entity upon the earth".

"They have the power to make the innocent guilty and the make the guilty innocent and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses".

America's Media Quest - a foreboding tale!

As I'm one type of victim, who is labeled also as a whistleblower, I've studied the main stream, blogs, websites and issues relative to the quest for truth. For is it not Truth that we all seek?

I'm not so sure!

Wikipedia details the fact that Festinger and his associate Carlsmith engaged in a 1959 experiment that became a classic (in the Wiki thread this is titled "Induced-compliance paradigm&quot . They charged parties to do an extremely mundane task for 1 hour (such as turning a screw 1/4 turn - over and over again). Then various parties were paid nothing, or paid $1 or paid $20 (remember 1959 is the year) - to seek to beguile others to believe the task was important or enjoyable.

Those who were "bribed" by the $20 experienced less "dissonance" to justify their behavior.

Then Wiki talks of other cases, issues and things, such as Aesop's fable of the Fox and the Grapes. How, upon the realization that the grapes could not be reached, the fox simply justified in his mind that the fruit was either rotten or not worth eating. Thus Aesop was cognitive of the dissonance factor (and thus "crowd" control) eons ago.
Media Control - is it here to stay?

Given the fact that you and I - as a person - are able to see through the B.S. and can readily admit/ understand the fact that main stream media is a tool for special interests; we "s h o u l d" be able to overcome the efforts to "control" U.S. through babbling verbal repetitive reinforcing B.S.

However, as MIB 1 Agent K pointed out - "A person is smart; but people are dumb".

Gore Vidal is quoted as stating, germane to this discussion - that;

"When you control opinion, as corporate America controls opinion in the united States by owning the media, you can make the masses believe almost anything you want, and guide them as you please".

How can this be? What makes you and I become less intelligent once we are in purported unison? Is it our fear of public rejection that compels U.S. to join the mob. Has 'Arrested Human Development' become the norm in modern day society?

Martin Luther King Jr. was much more highly critical of the real issues transpiring


Dividing Your Heart From Your Mind - is a Conquer's Quest

I'm one of those former bible thumping, RWNJ who believed all Liberal's were the debol's minion's. That is until Meteor Blades of DailyKos said to me "how can you appear to be so bright and so stupidly follow those leaders who could give a [c]hit less about you".

Hmmmmmmm - Do our leaders "REALLY" care about ME?

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If NOT, what does that say about "them" and ME?

Howard Zinn has it right on with this remark

"Historically, the most terrible things - war, genocide, and slavery - have resulted not from disobedience; but from obedience".


On September 10, 2001, Donald Rumsfeld stepped out into the public main stream and said "We've lost $2.3 Trillion dollars and have no idea where it went". (Here's a link to the website Pilots for 9/11 Truth on the issue).

The 9/11 issue is a classic example of extreme 'Cognitive Dissonance'!

If one dares to bring up "ANY" questions about 9/11 - you are automatically booed, scorned, people turn a deaf ear, the ground quakes as everyone distances themselves from your "conspiracy thinking" ways.

Well, fellow humans upon the earth, I'm that guy. He who IS living a Conspiracy Theory through and through. Mitt Romney stole our eToys.com company after I turned down a bribe from his team that included huge cash bonus and a chance to join Pitten's (Eccckkk).

I've seen judges promoted off the case, Deputy DOJ Directors who joined the dark side (including Off Shore Tax Haven fraud schemes). People are dead in our case, including Michael Sesseyoff (whom eToys shareholder Robert Alber had to shoot n kill in his Kingman, Arizona home). Jack Abramoff and his ilk are involved. Marty Lackner (purportedly) committed suicide. The issue REAL STRANGE about Marty is that he was involved in Petters Ponzi (that Romney/Traub are connected to). Marty Lackner's brother is J. Lackner.

That's Minnesota Assistant U.S. Attorney (former head of criminal division) - J. Lackner.

Inexplicably the Minnesota Star Tribune, the Wall Street Journal and even Matt Taibbi refuse to delve into how nationally significant and important the Marty Lackner homicide is. Did Marty 'EVER' benefit his brother J? Are there emails between the 2 of them? If so, what did they say? (I'm more skeptical of the issue if there are NO emails existing).

Did anyone else in the MN DOJ know of the relationship?

They sure do know now! Just as it was before the FBI raided Tom Petters offices and seized his billions (such things as Sun Country Airlines and Polaroid), I've been hounding the entire Department of Justice over the issues. So much so that I was put in contact with "another" DOJ Public Corruption Task Force unit. However, that person has now (also) "Promoted OFF" the case with a new position. (Why I'm of the mindset that it is for the worse, the guy "changed" his email address and ceased to have discussions with me).

Then there's the death of John ("Jack&quot Wheeler!

For 12 years now, I've been fighting Mitt Romney and his Racketeering Gang.

Soon, I'm going to go straight at Mitten's and Bain Capital (Goldman Sachs too - as they partnered up in our case). In so doing, there's bound to be a war of words. The evidence I have is massive, including "Confessions". But - EVERYONE - on Mitt's side "believed" he was going to become President of the United States and hand pick that "friendly" U.S. Attorney General that Mr. Adelson was paying $100 million to receive.

Now, they are bound to start making up stuff about me. After all, Romney's Bain owns Clear Channel Communications with 800 stations and more than 100 million listeners through such babbling B.S. mouthpieces as Rush Limbaugh, Hannity & Beck.

The big question is, will the TRUTH win out - or will the "making the innocent guilty and the guilty innocent" main stream media persuade "people" to blindly follow the babbling, repetitive, reinforcing B.S. of the dark side. We came too dang close to nearly electing a RICO Boss as POTUS. They still own Clear Channel and will work that heavily to defeat YOU and your choices in 2014; because that is what the bad guys do. The question that remains in the meantime, is "IF" Romney and his GANG are now engaged in 'Cognitive Dissonance" too? For he spent $1 billion and yours truly was only armed with the inflexible sword of truth that sought to keep Bain Capital in the News.

And Romney - by the way - Didn't Make It!

Whether or not they "get me" - you can be my hero, just by being a person. Look into the facts - not the babbling B.S. - so that we no longer go to WAR and KILL innocents; because you are too busy to avoid having your mind's stream of common sense engaging in main stream's obfuscations

----------------------------------------------------------------------- and its hell bent desire for your Cognitive Dissonance! [br]

June 10, 2013

Cop Must Pay $2 Million for Forced Sex

Source: Court House News


- A federal judge ordered a former deputy sheriff to pay $2 million in damages to a 15-year-old girl he forced to give him a blow job.

Former Jackson County sheriff's Officer Steven W. Burgess pleaded guilty in 2010 to violating the girl's constitutional rights.

He was sentenced to 14 years in prison without parole.

Read more: http://www.courthousenews.com/2013/06/10/58348.htm

IT is about time some justice is done against Police who abuse their authority.

According to the background story "Teen Says Predatory Cops Get a Pass" - the problem is systemic and (dare I say) incestuous in the Police Force in Kansas City.

As the previous Court House News story details;

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (CN) - A teenage girl says a Jackson County police officer forced her to give him oral sex in his squad car after he found her and some friends in a park after curfew. And she says that assault is just the tip of the iceberg of a pattern of sexual deviancy by Jackson County police officers.
Officer Steven Burgess admitted that he knew the girl, C.B., was just 15 when he sexually assaulted her in July 2007according to the federal complaint.

C.B. claims Burgess' superiors turned a blind eye to his predations upon girls and women long before he assaulted her.


The problem today for U.S. - is that justice is turned on its head. Nearly every day you hear of abuse of ordinary citizens and rich cats like Mitt Romney getting a blind eye of justice about their abuse of the law, lies and frauds.

Someday in the future, the crowd roars over in the Middle East and Europe will come a calling here. That's when the true character of the citizenry and the nation will be known.

Profile Information

Name: Laser Haas
Gender: Do not display
Hometown: Anywhere USA
Home country: United States
Current location: NOMADIC
Member since: Mon Apr 21, 2008, 01:12 PM
Number of posts: 7,805

About laserhaas

Love BB, Laser Tag, Poker (Tournaments only). Work with Occupy camps. Willing to help you in your fight for justice (let's discuss it).
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