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laserhaas's Journal
laserhaas's Journal
December 10, 2012

Judge Rules evidence of Romney/ Bain Cap organized crimes is forbidden. Whistleblower Banned

This is a follow up to my previous threads on my 12 year battle with Mitt Romney/ Bain Capital

(see threads (here))


After being forbidden to enter evidence for 8 1/2 years - the court scheduled a hearing (once Romney lost election)

And - on December 4th at 10:30 a.m. - the Court changed its mind and said NO.

Ruling contrary to law - the court said she is Ordering the Clerk to FORBID/ Block my evidences from the record.

Her Honor [sic] Mary F Walrath (MFW) in the case of eToys;
said she is tired of me and that pointing out [Bain Capital/ Romney] frauds is a waste of time.

The only person that can enter evidence in the records is MNAT, Paul Traub and Barry Gold.
All 3 of these parties have (already) CONFESSED to lying to the court 34 times.

Goldman Sachs and Bain Capital stole eToys for Bain Capital
MNAT, Paul TRaub and Barry Gold - ALL work FOR - Mitt Romney/ Bain Capital (secretly)

This is WHY the Judge is forbidding the evidence from getting "officially" put in the record.

Once it does happen - the FBI must seize (RICO) Bain Capital.

In other words - Mitt Romney / Bain Capital is above the law - for now and evermore!

In 3 weeks - I 'm going to file any brief - above Her Honor's corrupt reach.


I wrote a story on DailyKos (I know G-d forbid) - because I'm more familiar with using HTML there.

It explains what is going on

Here's my WHITE HOUSE - Petition - calling for a federal investigation
(after all - is that really too much to ask for?)

PLEASE SIGN the Petition (DU helped it get to over 1000 signatures already)?



this is my response to a comment below by Jim Lane
who purports that my pleading and/ or claims are without merit.

While I do not allege that the particular commentor has any personal animus to my plight, it's readily apparent by the snide remarks and assaults upon me (and obtuseness to the true facts/ issues at hand) that others would rather pounce on a victim/witness of Mitt Romney/ Bain Capital like a mob; rather than see a proper investigation.

This arresting of human decency is both inexplicable and intolerable. It amazes me that good conversation by many, can be destroyed by a few bad faith parties. This case is special and the outcome has great significance (one way or another). This is why I supported James Traficant, Rick Convertino, Mo Hurley, Richard Fine and others such as they - who stand tall against tyranny, cronyism and corruption - for the sake of the greater good. They are made victims twice - thus, so shall I be.

Unlike Sam Adams and his "chains" quote - I would simply ask that those who rush in to kick me while I'm down - please Reconsider? Not for my sake (after all Romney/ Bain and bad faith federal agents are out to destroy me - so your words are minor at best)

But = for the sake of the integrity of this realm and good debate - PLEASE look at the facts in full and reconsider your stance?

To that end - I'm posting my case in a nutshell (my comment below) here - for the sake of clarity.

Bain Capital cohorts lied & schemed to become eToys fiduciaries;
so that Bain Capital (and thus the POTUS wannabe Romney)
could get rich enough to buy things like Clear Channel.

Utilizing such methods is illegitimate and an assault upon our Constitution by enemies Domestic!

It MUST be stopped At ALL COSTS!
(including my suffering those who rather let the bad guys win and see the innocents demise).

1st of all - The Merits.

MNAT is Debtor counsel and has confessed to lying to the Chief Justice

Paul Traub is creditors counsel - who confessed lying to the Chief Justice

Barry Gold who was (secretly) Paul Traub's partner
was placed inside the eToys estate post-petition
(AFTER - the United States Trustee "FOREwarned" them NOT to do the very crime they did in secret)

(PLEASE see parts 19 & 35 of U.S. Trustee Motion to Disgorge for $1.6 million
http://petters-fraud.com/DisgorgeMotion_TBF_1_6_Million.pdf )

The US Trustee also concluded (without knowleged of the other 100 crimes now discovered)
that Fraud on the Court (by Officers for the Court) had transpired (see part 35 of US Trustee Disgorge Motion Supra link)

Additionally, Barry Gold testified ON the Stand and in his Declaration (Under Penalty of Perjury)
that the affairs of eToys were negotiated by "extensive" arm's length negotiations
between Debtor and Creditor
(that is between Barry Gold as Debtor and Paul Traub [his illegal Secret partner] for Creditors)

Their CONFESSED acts of Perjury & Deliberate Fraud are (at the bare minimum) 34 ACTS

The Judge stipulated, in her OPINION of Finding of Fact and Conclusion of Law that NO perjury was documented.
And she then Declined (contrary to Law 18 USC § 3057(a)) - to Notify & Refer the matter to the US Attorney
(which was BEcause - the US Attorney was Bain Capital's Colm Connolly - who would have had to Recuse himself)

(See OPINION pages 50 to 52 on Barry Gold
http://www.deb.uscourts.gov/sites/default/files/opinions/judge-mary-f.walrath/etoysmnatfees.pdf )

also - the Judge (apropos) cited the case of In re Benjamin [Benedict] Arnold's
stating that it would be "WRONG to punish plaintiff and reward conflicted attorneys"
(see page 16 of her Honor's [sic] OPINION)

The LAW (under Section 327(a)) - MANDATES that the parties who failed to disclose
MUST be disqualified (In re Middleton Arm's is adopted by the 3rd Circuit and cited by US Sup Ct)
It is UNambiguous.

The robbers were told NOT to rob the bank - did it in secret anyway - and got caught (because I turned down a bribe)


Whereupon - the Police then handed them the keys and let the robbers remove me from the case.

Stating that my pleadings have NO merits is contrary to the facts found

It is the application of law (and decency) that is in place here.

I'm a victim/ witness/ whistleblower - being punished for doing the right thing.
And ostracized out of my career, home, savings etc
by the very persons who swore an oath to protect U.S. from enemies foreign and Domestic

THEREfore - please explain how I don't have a case?

And - WHY you would rather see Mitt Romney & gang get away with it all
while being granted the additional benefit of destroying the victim/ witness?
December 3, 2012

Tell the DOJ to Investigate Mitt Romney's Serial Fraud and Perjury

Source: PoliticusUSA.com (and reporter Rmuse)

Perjury is considered a serious offense as it can be used to usurp the power of the courts resulting in miscarriages of justice, and after investigating Willard Romney’s record while head of Bain Capital, it appears that committing perjury was standard procedure for him and his surrogates.

Romney’s surrogates working in several bankruptcy cases also made false declarations and committed perjury to be creditors and debtors’ counsel in eToys bankruptcy. A bankruptcy court golden rule that “mandates all disclosures of conflict of interest” was deliberately unheeded by Bain Capital’s secret law firm and Paul Traub who committed several acts of perjury by failing to disclose conflict of interest that will be addressed in a hearing that was set to take place December 4, but has been rescheduled to March 2013. Bain’s secret law firm convinced the Delaware bankruptcy court that on Tuesday, instead of addressing the acts of fraud and corruption in eToys bankruptcy, they will have a Status Conference to discuss the hearing in March. It is still a prime opportunity for eToys shareholders who were bilked out of their investments to address the court with their concerns regarding perjury that allowed Bain Capital to get eToys for free.
The Department of Justice cannot allow the miscarriage of justice by any American under any circumstance, and because Romney is no longer running for public office, he is no longer above the law. It was understandable, but egregiously wrong, for the DOJ to ignore Romney’s perjury in filling out disclosures and filings with the FEC and SEC during the campaign for the presidency, but as a loser and regular citizen, he must be investigated and held accountable as any other American. It is true that an investigation into him and his son’s connection to an $8.5 billion Ponzi scheme, and concealing over $15 million from the auto-bailout are being pursued, but the Justice Department must conduct a thorough investigation into all of the accusations of racketeering and criminal malfeasance that will inevitably lead to serious charges and if there is justice, a far-reaching RICO investigation. To expedite an investigation by the Department of Justice, a petition on We the People-WhiteHouse.gov website petitioning President Obama to instruct the DOJ to investigate “fraud & confessed, deliberate acts of perjury” may help bring Willard Romney and Bain Capital to justice, and now that he is no longer a candidate for public office, there is no reasonable excuse to allow this liar to escape justice any longer.

Read more: http://www.politicususa.com/doj-investigate-mitt-romneys-serial-fraud-perjury.html

We have a hearing tomorrow - where it was my desire (and Civil Right) to enter evidence of the crimes in 2001 that Mitt Romney/ Bain Capital benefited from (and seek to be "retroactively" retired from).

Despite the fact that Bain Capital (secret) attorneys have confessed to 34 acts of Perjury and also admitted that they intentionally deceived the court in the eToys case - The JUDGE has ordered that the culprits do NOT have to respond to my allegations and has post-poned my evidence hearing to hold a farce hearing. (She actually Ordered on November 20th that I had until November 20th at 4 p.m. to respond to the Bain Capital attorneys request that my hearing by post-poned).

What transpired is eToys went public and the MNAT law firm represents Goldman Sachs and Bain Capital in Delaware. The stock soared to $85 - but eToys received less than $20. MNAT lied to become eToys attorney and asked the judge for permission to destroy books & records in May 2001 (because we learned that they were hiding cash and eToys may have NOT actually been bankrupt).

Then, Michael Glazer (see Rolling Stone's Taibbi article "Greed and Debt" The Truth About Romney and Bain) - who was CEO of Kay Bee (and worked with Paul Traub at Stage Stores) - arranged for their Bain Capital assistant to become eToys CEO. They threw me out and sold eToys to Bain/ Kay Bee for less than pennies on the dollar. Then Bain Capital's attorney (MNAT) with Barry Gold (Bain Capital's Stage Stores Assistant working for Michael Glazer) and Paul Traub as Creditors Attorney (who really was a partner with Barry Gold and worked for Romney since NeoStar in the 1980's) - ALL LIED and said they had nothing to do with Bain/ Kay Bee.

When I try to submit evidence of this (which would force the Dept of Justice to do a Racketeering indictment of Bain Capital and a seizure of Mitt Romney's off shore accounts) - the evidence is always BLOCKED from being entered into the public record.

This is because a Bain Capital attorney became the Delaware United States Attorney on August 2001
(REMEMBER - Mitt Romney wants to be "retroactively" retired from August 2001 - back to February 1999 - and then go look at Colm Connolly's RESUME at the Dept of Justice Office of Legal Policy http://www.justice.gov/archive/olp/colmconnollyresume.htm

If we let Goldman Sachs and Bain Capital get away with OPENLY breaking our laws, assaulting our Constitution and corrupting our Department of Justice - how much skullduggery do you think they will do in secret?

For more background - you can read the other DU Thread


PLEASE - [br]Sign our White House Petition [br] calling for a honorable investigation of Mitt Romney/ Bain 2001?

December 2, 2012

Please Sign White House Petition to Investigate Mitt Romney/ Bain Capital Fraud 2001

For 11 1/2 years - I've been fighting this cumquats and beating them up - winning many battles. (Closed a couple of law firms, helped put some billionaire fraudsters behind bars and made many bad faith Federal Employees RESIGN).

Now that we got a focus on Mitt Romey's / Bain Capital - true nature;
I need your help to get 25,000 signatures.

Mitt Romney's Bain Capital stole eToys.com by federal fraud & perjury. We forced the lawyers to confess to lying under oath and deliberate fraud on the court 34 times. What they keep Covering UP - is the fact that they are also connected to Mitt Romney/ Bain Capital.

Toys R Us is in possession of the stolen property of the eToys federal estate - using federal CORRUPTION!
See DU Thread here http://www.democraticunderground.com/1014315589




November 24, 2012

Meet the Man Who Has Been Battling Romney and Bain’s Bankruptcy Fraud for 12 Years

Source: PoliticusUSA.com (and reporter Rmuse)

There is something appealing to human beings about a small individual taking on a powerful adversary, and most people are aware of the David and Goliath story where a small insignificant boy took on and defeated a powerful giant because his unwavering faith gave him courage and conviction that right would overcome might. For the past eleven-and-a-half years, one American with unwavering faith in the judicial system has taken on a modern day giant without respite based on a belief that justice is due diligence and that in America, right overcomes might. However, in this circumstance, the system that exists to ensure justice prevails has conflated power with right and gave an already powerful giant a wall of separation from the law, and yet one small individual continues battling for justice against a behemoth.

As an eToys executive, Haas had a legal and fiduciary responsibility to report his discoveries to eToys estate managers and lawyers, and instead of gratitude for doing his job well, he was asked to betray his client for the sake of his future in the liquidation business. When Haas refused the offer to look the other way and allow eToys to be gutted and sold to Bain Capital for free, a Bain Capital surrogate installed his business partner and co-conspirator in other bankruptcies to replace Haas, and colluded to annul a court-approved contract to pay him. As an officer of the court, and 18 USC § 4 – Misprision of felony, Mr. Haas, having knowledge of the commission of a felony had a duty, as soon as possible, to make known the same to some judge or other person in civil authority and if he failed to do so, he risked being fined or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. Haas fulfilled his legal duty and reported the malfeasance to the proper authorities.

Shortly after reporting the crimes, in August 2001, George W. Bush appointed another Bain Capital lawyer as U.S. Attorney and he refused to investigate or prosecute the crimes throughout his tenure; despite the U.S. and former Bain attorney’s malfeasance, Haas continued fighting for eToys shareholders and to bring the criminals to justice. During his long battle, Haas discovered attorneys representing the creditors and debtors worked for the same giant (Bain Capital) in the eToys bankruptcy and committed perjury by deliberately failing the mandate to disclose conflict of interest. In what can conservatively be called racketeering, fraud on the court, and miscarriage of justice, the court failed to prosecute or report the crimes then, and continues protecting Bain Capital and its surrogates as recently as last week when the eToys judge postponed a hearing to remove the fraudulent eToys manager in another curious miscarriage of justice.

Due diligence means making every effort to find and rectify problems in business or criminal situations, and Haas fulfilled that role as eToys executive and officer of the court, and for eleven-and-a-half years he has continued as a private citizen. No-one can ever accuse Haas of not fighting for a fair resolution that satisfies shareholders, creditors, and debtors in the eToys bankruptcy, and for his trouble the court protected Bain Capital’s surrogates and helped thwart his efforts in spite of confessions of perjury, corruptions, and fraud giving the appearance the court has no interest in justice.

Read more: http://www.politicususa.com/meet-man-battling-romney-bains-bankruptcy-fraud-12-years.html

This is not and should not be a story about Laser Haas.

I wish someone else had posted this.

However, my hearing that the Delaware Federal System of Justice is trying to bury - so that Mitt Romney/ Bain Capital does not get investigated - is on December 4, 2012 at 10:30 a.m.

Being that we want to get the White House Petition signed as much as we can by then;
I'm doing what I shouldn't do - and reporting my own story.

Again - it is NOT about me......it is about Mitt Romney's organized crimes that need to be halted.

- for I am only doing the job I was hired to do. What is going on here - is tyranny, cronyism and federal corruption that is benefiting the organized criminal [Bain Capital] empire. In the past - I told them I would gladly give up everything they owed me - if they would just do the right thing. They laughed me to scorn and stated "We've already taken everything you were owed and more".

So, Mitt Romney and Laser Haas are "ALL IN" at the final table/ battle of their lives. Prior to this time, Mitt Romney believed he was going to become POTUS and be able to 'handpick' his very own Attorney General of the United STates and be able to bury the case. This is because the former U.S. Attorney (Colm Connolly), already provided proof that corruption works well for Goldman Sachs and Bain Capital. As U.S. Attorney, Colm failed to disclose that he was a Bain Capital law firm partner. http://www.justice.gov/archive/olp/colmconnollyresume.htm

Where for seven (7) years (his entire tenure in office) - United States Attorney Connolly - buried any investigation and/or prosecution into Mitt Romney/ Bain Capital etc and their cohorts in crimes (even after MNAT and Paul Traub confessed to intentional fraud & 34 acts of Perjury). Now the corrupt federal system of justice still seeks to bury the case. Please help (if you have not already) by signing our White House Petition calling for an investigation into Mitt Romney/ Bain Capital?

After all - is the request for an honorable investigation too much to ask for?


Background of Bain Capital/ eToys Perjury & Fraud

    In 1999 eToys went IPO with Goldman Sachs and the stock soard to $85 - but eToys received less than $20

  • November 2000 - Wells Fargo loaned eToys $40 million

  • March 6, 2001 - after transacting more than $100 million - the Wells Fargo loan was closed

  • eToys filed Bankruptcy on March 7, 2001.

  • www.MNAT.com lied about its connections to Bain Capital and Goldman Sachs to become eToys attorney

  • Paul Traub lied about his connections to Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo and Bain Capital to become Creditors attorney

  • MNAT and Mr. Traub then place Paul Traub's partner inside eToys as President/CEO

  • Laser Haas refuses their bribe (to become Bain's partner)

  • MNAT submits a (forgery) to the Federal Court - telling the Judge Laser Haas waives his right to be paid

  • In Delaware, MNAT represents (secretly) - both Goldman Sachs & Bain Capital

  • Mitt Romney own's stage stores and Michael Glazer was his director, Barry Gold assist Director who hired Paul Traub

  • eToys was sold to Bain Capital for less than pennies on the dollar to Kay Bee/ Michael Glazer

  • It takes several years to find the proof of Perjury & Fraud;which forced Paul Traub and MNAT to confess

  • US Trustee, having no authority to do so, gives MNAT & Traub (illegal) immunity

  • In 2007, Laser Haas learns that US Attorney (Colm Connolly) is partner with Bain Capital law firm MNAT

  • Crimes & Corruption are reported to Dept of Justice Public Corruption Task Force

  • GWB's Navy Pilot buddy (Tom O'Brien) as US Attorney - Shuts DOWN Public Corruption Task Force
    career Assistant U.S. Attorneys are Threatened to Keep their Mouths SHUT


  • Laser Haas files a brief in Wilmington DE Fed BK Court to bring this to public's attention
    Court & Clerk illegally withhold the Mitt Romney/ Bain Capital litigation until the election is over


    update Saturday morning November 24th.


    We now have the bare minimum of signatures
    that our Petition is viewable on the White House page.

    HOWEVER - the job is NOT done - we need 24,000 more signatures
    to get an answer from the White House.

    ANYbody with any ideas on how to get the other 24,000 signatures - Please Advise?

    And I've got a VERY BIG surprise for them next week.

    Appreciate helping me nail this crooks by their proverbials



November 15, 2012

Post Election Romney and Bain Face a Federal Corruption and Perjury Hearing

Source: PoliticusUSA.com (and reporter Rmuse)

It is absolutely true that Romney was looking forward to cutting his own tax liability to zero, privatizing the federal government, handing the Social Security Trust to Wall Street, and waging perpetual war, but with a plethora of investigations and allegations of corruption into his finances on the horizon, appointing a friendly Attorney General was certainly a primary reason for seeking the presidency. To date, Romney’s legal troubles include fallacious FEC and SEC disclosures, an investigation into him and his son’s connection to an $8.5 billion Ponzi scheme, and concealing over $15 million from the auto-bailout, and now his surrogate’s malfeasance and perjury in the eToys bankruptcy case.

Exactly ten days ago, this column reported on a Delaware bankruptcy court’s failure to enter an Emergency Motion into the public docket that included Bain Capital and Romney operative’s perjury and corruption in the eToys bankruptcy case. At the time it appeared the judge was protecting Romney and Bain Capital by suppressing the Motion in expectation he would win the election and have the Motion tossed out of court leading to the question; “is Romney’s main impetus for seeking the White House to appoint an Attorney General who will guarantee that all charges against him will go away?” Well now that he lost the election, it appears the allegation had merit because on November 7, the day after his crushing defeat, the Delaware bankruptcy court judge entered the motion into the public docket and scheduled a hearing for December 4, 2012; all on the same day.

It was a victory for the whistleblower and eToys investors, and incriminating for the Delaware court and Willard Romney because although the judge received the Emergency Motion on October 24th, it was withheld from the public docket until after it was clear Romney lost the election and would not be appointing an attorney general to drop the case. --

It is believable the Delaware court held up a legitimate Motion for 14 days expecting a friend of Bain Capital and Romney would head the Justice Department and dismiss the eToys case investigation, and the fact that the day after the election the judge granted a hearing certainly adds credence to the assertion. The good news, though, is that eToys investors and the whistleblower will finally have their day in court and without interference from Bain Capital’s lawyers, justice may finally prevail. However, it is bad news for Romney who told a mine owner facing a racketeering investigation that, “We get a lot of charges, this will go away,” because now that he is a regular citizen, this may not go away and he may face the same consequences as any other American. There are myriad implications stemming from Romney’s loss to President Obama last week, but for eToys investors and law-abiding citizens everywhere, the most important one may be seeing justice prevail.

Read more: http://www.politicususa.com/post-election-romney-bain-face-federal-corruption-perjury-hearing.html

[img src=""]

[h4]SUMMARY of Issues Presented[/h4].
(Secret) Bain Capital Attorneys Already Confessed Perjury & Fraud in eToys case
Those of you who have been following (and G-d bless those who have been helping spread the word) - may be aware of Mitt Romney's desire to "retroactively" retire from August 2001 - back to February 1999. It has been our contention, that the REAL reason for this - is his desire to escape culpability for federal frauds & corruption. In 2001, Bain Capital attorneys lied to the Chief federal justice of the Wilmington Delaware federal bankruptcy court; so that they could (illegally) seize the entire eToys public company and destroy it (devour it) for themselves.
Colm Connolly was Bain Capital law firm partner who became U.S. Attorney on August 2, 2001
In 2004, Smoking Gun evidences were presented, that forced them (www.MNAT.com law firm, Paul Traub's law firm and eToys President/ CEO) - to "confess" that they lied under oath more than 34 times - over several years. Unfortunately, they were NOT prosecuted (or even properly investigated) - because Mitt Romney's law firm partner (Colm Connolly) was made the Delaware United States Attorney in August 2001. (Please see Colm's DOJ Office of Legal Policy Resume and NOTE: that Connolly was a partner of the MNAT law firm from 1999 to August 2001 - the "very" same time period Mitt Romney seeks to be "retroactively" resigned from) http://www.justice.gov/archive/olp/colmconnollyresume.htm

Goldman Sachs and Bain Capital are (apparently) Above the Law
Federal frauds and corruption appear to be the norm when it concerns Goldman Sachs & Bain Capital in Wilmington Delaware federal courts. You may have heard about the Matt Taibbi story "Greed and Debt" The True Story About Mitt Romney and Bain Capital. The Rolling Stone cover story denotes the fact that Michael Glazer (CEO of Kay Bee) - paid himself $18 million and then gave Bain Capital $83 million before filing bankruptcy of Kay Bee Toys. This, of course, is illegal for U.S. 47%'rs. But, when it comes to Goldman Sachs, Bain Capital and POTUS wannabe Mitt Romney - they are (apparently) - Above the Law.
Federal Authorities are Protecting Bain Capital Organized Criminal Enterprise
When the SEC, FBI, DOJ and various other authorities refused to do anything about the more than 100 crimes and blatant acts of federal corruption obvious; I filed a brief naming Mitt Romney and Bain Capital in the opening remarks. It also denotes the facts I just mentioned and concluded that we may suffer a national tragedy of Al Capone incarnate become POTUS.
Delaware Federal Court Deliberately conceals Mitt Romney/ Bain Capital Fraud issues until Election is Over
The Clerk of Court violated the Law and blamed it on the Judge. When the PoliticusUSA reporter (Rmuse) called her and asked why - she hung up the phone on him (see previous article Court Clerk Indicates Romney & Bain Capital are Above the Law). As the PoliticusUSA story denotes, our briefing was withheld from the record until the day of the election (where it was too late to inform the public). Only after Romney lost the election, was the briefing put on the docket for a hearing (the docket states posted November 6, 2012 - received October 24, 2012 and the hearing paper is dated November 7, 2012).
Please Sign Our White House Petition Seeking Mitt Romney/ Bain Capital Investigation

Mitt Romney and Bain Capital shall remain Above the Law - unless we cry foul and say it is intolerable.

For those who wish to help - we have a PETITION at WhiteHouse.Gov - PLEASE SIGN?
(we only need 150 signatures for starters)

PETITION - Asking White House to Request Investigation into Mitt Romney/ Bain Capital 2001 Frauds & Corruption

The story is gaining strength - Grudge put it up (so the trolls would do their work)
It even made it up on Long Island N.Y. - NEWSDAY station as Top 10 item this weekend
Thank You - EveryBody - For all the great support!

November 6, 2012

BREAKING - II - DE Fed Clerk Refuses to Docket Romney/ Bain Litigation until After Election

Source: PoliticusUSA.com (and reporter Rmuse)

-- Over the course of the past six months, there has been revelation after revelation of malfeasance connected to Willard Mitt Romney, and each time they are revealed, people ask why he is not investigated, and does he think he is above the law. Last week while investigating a recently re-opened case in bankruptcy court in Delaware, a clerk of the court indicated that where Romney and Bain Capital are concerned, they are above the law.

After monitoring the eToys case docket entries for two days and discovering the Emergency Motion was never recorded or filed by the clerk, at 4:45 p.m. EST on Friday, 26 October, this author [PoliticusUSA reporter Rmuse] called the clerk to learn why the Emergency Motion was not filed as required by Rule 79. For 5 minutes the clerk feigned ignorance of the motion until alerting her that a Postal Service receipt noted delivery on Wednesday afternoon, at which time she acknowledged receiving it, but did not enter it into the record. Her excuse for not fulfilling her duty was that she sent it to the judge to review and approve before entering it into the public docket. At that time she was informed the judge received her own copy on Wednesday afternoon as per Postal Service delivery confirmation, and asked why the clerk needed the judge’s approval before entering it in the record. The clerk said in Delaware the judge often peruses documents prior to entering them into the record; she was promptly reminded that bankruptcy court is a federal entity and not beholden to arbitrary rules dictated by individual states or judges. At that point the conversation devolved into sharp retorts to further questions and when asked to give her full name for this report, she hung up the phone.

The judge on the case has been with the eToys bankruptcy since March 7, 2001, and it is not the first time she held up documents to benefit Bain Capital’s lawyers. In fact, the judge failed to remove lawyers despite mandated disqualification for failing to disclose conflict of interest and it is highly probable she has connections to Bain Capital’s lawyers who were on the Third Circuit bench that appoints bankruptcy judges. Apparently, being above the law is dependent on having friends in the judicial system and it begins to explain why Willard Romney escapes justice time and time again.

Read more: http://www.politicususa.com/court-clerk-romney-bain-capital-considered-law.html

UPDATE Nov 6, 2012 - 4 pm - Clerk Admits Error and Dockets Romney/ Bain Brief

and - the clerk is not hiding the fact that it was received on October 25th 2012 (picture link soon).\

THANKS to DU and Rmuse/ PotliticusUSA and everyone here who made the difference

On Friday, the same PoliticusUSA reporter (Rmuse) was the 1st reporter (since our dear Tim Russert passed away) - to go after Bain Capital and Mitt Romney with no holds barred. His November 2, 2012 story broke on Friday late (pacific time) - to make sure that Karl Rove, Mitt Romney and Bain Capital could not go get a TRO (temporary restraining order) to block it from being seen - before the election on Tuesday. It states, in his story entitled "Public Records Reveal Romney Benefited From Corruption, Fraud & Racketeering at Bain" with a wonderful picture (that this blogger has NO idea how to post here) - that remarks;

At the Core


Though the story did break late, it made it upon AlterNet and Democratic Underground (getting authorization for copyright okay to reprint the entire story). You can see my original Thread on the issue and some more details (here). I've chosen to make this separate thread - because this item is a separate issue of corruption about Romney and - just as importantly - our federal system of justice.

What is at hand here - are issues obscene, inexplicable and intolerable. Basically, you have a federal clerk and a (former) Chief Justice in Wilmington Delaware - assisting Mitt Romney (Al Capone incarnate) - to have a chance to put an Organized Criminal into the White House. While I am one of those rare apples who believe that Madoff should have only gotten 10 years; when it comes to public servants taking tax salaries (often times larger than those who pay the taxes) and then betraying their oath to protect the Constitution from enemies foreign and Domestic.

That is a crime deserving 10 to 20 years.

The integrity of the judicial process is sacrosanct![br]

The PoliticusUSA.com new story is entitled

------------------- "A Court Clerk Indicates that Romney and Bain Capital are Above the Law"


This is the link to my Motion that the reporter is talking about - you will see "why" Romney & Bain had it buried.


November 6, 2012

Romney may steal this election -cause I failed to arrest him, I feel like I've let our country down

Right now - Karl Rove is spending tens of millions with an intent to steal Ohio.

Busing in people, rigged software, intimidation and worse.

Had my efforts to bring down Mitt Romney & Bain Capital been more successful - this would not be happening.

All they have to do, is use the 75% control of the media (Clear Channel, FUAX u.s. News etc)
to make it "appear" that the race is within 3.5% - then a legal war will begin.

You can NOT expect corrupt courts to turn on their honorable lights;
by (falsely) believing in the integrity of our systems.

All day long today - I've been begging and pleading with Taibbi, Ed Schultz's Producer (James)
and the Times, Larry Flynt and everyone else I can think of

to NO avail.

They simply won't report on the story that broke Friday night
"Public Records Reveal Romney -- Fraud, Corruption and Racketeering"


I just don't know what I could have done any different and feel I've failed my task to our country.

Even if Pitten's doesn't succeed in stealing this election;
the very fact he got this far - is intolerable! (actually Obscene)

You can look at these links to see how long the battle has been going on and how much proof I've got on him;

Where's that golden manual that tells you how to defeat a corrupt bastard?

Romney, Traub (secret attorney) and Tom Petters Fraud (here) and (here)

Details of MNAT (other Bain secret attorneys Morris Nichols Arsht & Tunnel) - see link (here) and (here)

November 3, 2012

BREAKING -Public Records Reveal Romney Profited From Corruption, Fraud & Racketeering at Bain

Source: Journalist Rmuse at PoliticusUSA.com

MoveOn.org filed a complaint with the DOJ over Romney’s disclosure claiming he was 100% stock holder and paid Bain Capital executive in 2002 despite his contention left active management in 1999. The period between Feb 1999 and Aug 2001 is when Romney, Bain Capital, and their corrupt operatives conspired to commit bankruptcy fraud guaranteeing Bain Capital could plunder a company they managed with impunity.


A similar scenario unfolded when Bain Capital took eToys into bankruptcy. Bain Capital’s secret law firm, MNAT, colluded with Romney’s bankruptcy gang by committing perjury to represent the debtors’ counsel and creditor’s counsel to give the appearance of being on opposite sides and conceal the fact eToys was not broke. Controlling both sides, Bain Capital’s corrupt gang colluded to plunder the company’s assets without opposition, and give Bain Capital eToys for free.

A 2005 Wall Street Journal article explained that eToys creditor’s attorney lied by failing to disclose conflict of interest when he appointed his partner as CEO of eToys. The eToys bankruptcy trustee alleged the “failure to disclose is difficult to understand as inadvertent rather than deliberate,” and it transpired in other companies Bain Capital took into bankruptcy during the same period. Influencing the debtor and creditor’s counsel, Bain was assured their bust out scheme would be successful. However, when an eToys executive liquidating assets discovered the frauds, including the company may not be broke, he alerted eToys managers and attorneys who attempted to buy him off; he declined their offer and reported the corruption to the Department of Justice. It is about this time that Romney, fearing a Department of Justice investigation, fled Bain Capital by retroactively retiring back to February 1999 to conceal his involvement in the eToys corruption scandal.

Despite the fact that Bain’s secret law firms (MNAT and Paul Traub) admitted lying, there was no Department of Justice investigation into Bain Capital, Romney, or their surrogates’ fraud and perjury because in August 2001, George W. Bush nominated another MNAT partner, Colm Connolly, as Delaware United States Attorney. Consequently, as Bain Capital’s friend, he refused to investigate and/or prosecute the confessed acts of perjury and admitted intentional crimes.

Read more: http://www.politicususa.com/public-records-reveal-romney-profited-corruption-fraud-racketeering-bain.html

[h4]UPDATE - New Thread - Breaking News II [h/4]
another story just broke on the issue that a Clerk and Judge are hiding Romney/ Bain lawsuit
until after the election (see new thread (here)).


Democratic Underground's addressing this issue has been reported upon by

and AlterNet has copyright permission to print full story


Mitt Romney's distant cousin - Park Romney - posted it on his website

In a Nutshell


Goldman Sachs took eToys public in 1999. At that time MNAT represented Goldman Sachs in Delaware (where eToys is formed as a company). Also in 1999, MNAT merged Mitt Romney and Bain Capital's entity - "The Learning Company" - with Mattel Toys. The stock of eToys soared above $78, but the new public entity only received around $18. This classic pump-n-dump stock scheme gave Goldman Sachs and Bain Capital the perfect opportunity. All they needed was for the MNAT law firm (that also represented the Mormon Church's claim on the Howard Hughes estate) - to LIE to the Chief Federal Justice in 2001 - and become eToys Debtor attorneys.
Then, Mitt Romney's other secret attorney (Paul Traub) lied to become the eToys Creditors attorney. Upon the success of those schemes, MNAT and Mr. Traub then put in Barry Gold as President/ CEO of eToys. Barry Gold worked for Mitt Romney and Michael Glazer at Stage Stores bankruptcy in 2000. Traub had been working with Romney/ Bain since the NeoStar case 2 decades ago. He was also at Jumbo Sports and Stage Stores with Barry Gold.

When a bribe was offered to this consultant and turned down, Mitt Romney panics and resigns as CEO of Bain Capital. Colm Connolly was a partner at MNAT from early 1999 to August 2, 2001 (the very same time Romney wants to be "retroactive" from). Former Pres GW Bush nominated Colm Connolly to be the United States Attorney in Wilmington Delaware. For his entire 7 years of tenure, Mr. Connolly buried all investigations and/ or prosecutions of Goldman Sachs and Bain Capital. This takes care of the fraud and corruption.

How it gets built up into Racketeering is also simple. MNAT, Paul Traub and Barry Gold have already confessed that the lied to a Chief federal judge 34 times over several years. But, due to the federal corruption with Colm Connolly, no prosecutions transpired. Yet, due to this pesky consultant and some eToys shareholders pushing buttons, they also had to perpetrate frauds on the California courts, the Delaware District Court, the United States 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals and the New York Supreme Court (where case 601805/2002 is placed entirely Under SEAL). Being that it is the same people, over several years, in many states, many courts and hundreds of millions (if not billions of dollars) = that equals RICO.

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Name: Laser Haas
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About laserhaas

Love BB, Laser Tag, Poker (Tournaments only). Work with Occupy camps. Willing to help you in your fight for justice (let's discuss it).
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