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intheflow's Journal
intheflow's Journal
May 16, 2023

As a white person,

I’ve noticed white people bend over backwards to “other” everyone. It’s the same mentality of the people who still post “Is this America?” after every shooting, lynching, insurrection. White culture loves othering others because as “decent white folks” this (whatever) behavior doesn’t happen in my backyard. It’s not a conscious thing, but that’s the insidious nature of white supremacy culture.

May 10, 2023

These are only business economic indicators.

On a human level, the economy sucks. Food prices up 40%. Housing unaffordable in most of the country, rents are out of control and small houses cost a quarter of a million with high interest rates. And job creation is the most bs indicator because what are the jobs and what do they pay? Part time minimum wage jobs? The economy does suck right now for a lot of people.

May 9, 2023

Bigots gonna bigot.

It's a manifestation of people becoming what they most abhor. I'm an atheist with a Masters of Divinity. Went to a super-liberal Methodist seminary where 70% of the grads were women and at least 25% of the whole student body was LGBTQ++. Broad-brush Christian smearing is just as ignorant as conservative Christians broad-brushing atheists as pedophiles. It's disturbing to see, but also somewhat predicable in human relations.

May 9, 2023

I'm sorry, you aren't my parent & it's wrong for you to judge what is/isn't appropriate for DU.

If you don't want to repeat what was said because repeating it makes you uncomfortable, I can respect that. But you acting as in loco parentis is patronizing and rude. If it makes you so uncomfortable, why post here at all? Or, maybe include the link to the NPR report so we could hear what you're talking about. And by the way, if it was on NPR, it's NOT too graphic for DUers.

May 5, 2023

That argument about your first homes in the '80s & '90s had a high interest rate is BS.

Not that I doubt you had a higher interest rate than we’ve enjoyed these past 15 years, but you’re probably talking about a mortgage on a house that cost under $50k making about the same yearly income as your young coworkers are making now trying to buy crappy homes for 3, 4, 5 times that! The interest they’ll pay compared to what you paid is a WIDE divide. And it’s cruel for you to equate the two.

I’m 59 and bought a huge fixer-upper being foreclosed on for $50k in 1997. Made some modest repairs and improvements and sold it 3 years later for $85k. 25+ years later, I’m making about $20k more than I made in 1997 (now with two Masters! and accompanying loans) and cannot even consider buying in that same town because all the houses are now $350-400k. Could a single woman my age even get a mortgage at that rate? So I guess I’m renting for the rest of my life now.

April 26, 2023

I can't see why anything in the NYT would be unsuitable to post here

as long as it wasn't a MAGA love letter being presented as a good thing. We are adults. We can handle difficult topics and even impolite language!

Also, you can almost always find NYT articles on the Internet Archive by cutting and pasting the story's URL into the Wayback Machine. If it hasn't already been saved, you'll get a prompt to save it. I had to do that for this article, but it's archived now, in full and without a paywall, here: https://web.archive.org/web/20230426172545/https://www.nytimes.com/live/2023/04/26/nyregion/trump-carroll-rape-trial-updates

April 24, 2023

Ugh, this song is so creepy!

I was 18 when this came out. Donald Fagan was at least 40 when he wrote it. Every time I hear it it strikes me as an old man whining about getting laid by an ignorant girl more than half his age. Dude, maybe date someone your own age and you won’t have to write songs mocking youth when they don’t share your cultural touchstones. It’s a form of slut-shaming, very misogynistic. Steeley Dan was great but this song has always struck me as whiny and rapey.

April 18, 2023

The reason independents vote along partisan lines is because there are only two parties

to choose from. I registered independent for decades because the Democratic Party isn’t left enough for me. But I voted for Dems faithfully because they were and are the viable party that most closely align with my values.

April 8, 2023

No, people who vote third party do not want to destroy America.

Stein was a Russian agent but Nader's Green Party wanted to change the status quo which at the time included Gore choosing the definitive DINO troll as a running mate. They proposed a New Green Deal over 20 years ago, which could have changed the course of climate change as surely as a Gore presidency could have. So sometimes people vote third party because they dream of a better world than the two-party shitshow system offers.

That being said, anyone who voted third party in 2016 is obviously an idiot. But the national party did itself no favor in putting Clinton up as the God-chosen candidate when nearly everyone outside the mainstream Democrats could see they put (argumentatively) the most hated woman in America against a populist tv star. That tone-deaf, my-way-or-the-highway decision - plus viciously deriding anyone who voted for Bernie in the primaries - is what killed the Clinton presidency, and I have seen very little self-reflection on the party's part to grapple with this.

March 24, 2023

I'm not sure educational privacy laws extends to

children not enrolled in the school. It’s bad form, to be sure, but I doubt the principal has broken any laws or even rules.

On edit: looks like the Federal law only applies to privacy in educational records for children enrolled in a school. And even then, schools can publish student directories and yearbooks. https://www2.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/fpco/ferpa/index.html

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Gender: Do not display
Hometown: Sweetlea
Home country: Planet Earth
Current location: Still Planet Earth, but may be in an AU.
Member since: Mon Aug 9, 2004, 01:39 PM
Number of posts: 28,718

About intheflow

Not whole, but unbroken. Still in The Struggle.
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