ewagner's JournalDowntown Oshkosh...Saturday Afternoon
I don't live in Oshkosh but I like it a lot and hope to live there someday.
I really like Main Street. Even on Saturday afternoon/early evening, the streets are busy and you have to watch closely for pedestrians crossing in the crosswalks. It's a vibrant place.
When we were stopped at a light getting near the convention center, there were two men dressed in some perversion of red,white, and blue, one of whom was waving a large Trump FLAG and the other holding and promoting a Trump 2020 campaign sign. Both were shouting and cheering Trump to catch the attention of the stopped traffic. It sort of ruined the whole enjoyment of the downtown.
I know there is a lot of support for Trump in the Fox Valley in general, but I think what bothered me most was the display of radical support for Trump that goes beyond what I've always considered "normal" politics.
In thinking it over, I conclude that we, in Wisconsin, are in for a bare-knuckled brawl in 2020 and we had better be prepared.
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