ewagner's JournalWhat we need to remember today (and always)
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--Th"Waving the Bloody Shirt"
That was a technique used by Reconstructionists to bring the south to tow after the civil war.
Congressmen LITERALLY waved the bloody shirt of a Union soldier to remind Congress of the horror that the south had wrought upon the Union. It was very effective.
Trump's defense thinks this is something bad....it isn't...the country needs to see the bloody results of Trump's insurrection and we NEED TO WAVE THE BLOODY SHIRT so that nobody in the country can deny the treasonous effects of Trump's actions.
Had to chair a meeting this morning with 3 hard-core Repubs..
One isn't too bad...he holds a position of responsibility in county government and knows how to temper his remarks and behavior in polite company
Another sits smugly only occasionally passing notes or whispers to the third party.
The other? One is a newly elected state official and she DRIVES ME NUTS...She doesn't wait to be recognized and proudly spouts party-line mantras without fear. Today's meme-de-jour was "THE FAT LADY HASN'T SUNG YET!" Backed this up with quotes from RW radio extolling the virtues of the latest Republican law suit against the election in Wisconsin.
I lost it a couple of times.
God help us ...we have at least two more years to put up with these people.
Did the court rule on Kayne West's appeal to get on the ballot?
Friday, I visited with our county clerk who was almost glued to his newsfeed...
Because he has ordered $20,000 of printed ballots which will become scrap paper if West's appeal is granted....
I think there are 71 other clerks in the same position
Trump and the "Southern Strategy".
Yes, Trump is taking a page out of the Nixon playbook....even back then, LBJ knew it would be used and that the Democratic party would (according to LBJ) "..lose the south for a generation or more"
The strange thing about Trump's use of the "southern strategy" is that is isn't confined to the traditional south anymore, it can be activated even in the midwest. In order to make it work he needs to count on one thing. RAGE!
Rage knows no geographical home. It can be used anywhere. So...whenever you create resentment (say white resentment) and public officers (police) act with impunity against people of color, you can instigate lawlessness and then promise to stop the lawlessness you created. And...you can repeat it over and over again. You can also escalate it too...
You can stoke the flames and energize both the protests and the backlash and even better yet, if you can get the two sides to confront each other you can foment even more viiolence.
The hardest part for our side is to contain the rage. Police OURSELVES so police/national guard ..whatever...won't have to intervene. Eliminate their excuse to attack which will only escalate the violence. Make the police DEFEND US...NOT THE GUN-TOTING counter-protestors.
Just my humble opinion.
We need "boots and heels" on the ground
Of course, the boots should be Joe Biden's and the Heels, are Kamala's...
I'm seeing waaaaayyyy too many Trump/Tiffany/Rozar signs and when I went to another community I see the Trump+some other idiot+plus another local idiot signs...
Worse yet I'm seeing a lot of "My Governor is an Idiot" signs popping up along with "Impeach Tony Evers" signs...One on Neceda at the intersection of Hwys 80 and 21 said "Vote for Trump make the Libs cry again".
This may be a minority but they are visible and they are coordinated.
We need Joe and Kamala here to raise some excitement and solidify their support here.
Frankly...these right wingers are beginning to scare me...
May Special Election 7th Congressional District
It is reported that Governor Evers is "taking a look" at postponing the Special Election to pick the successor to Sean Duffy. I can understand why he wants to after all the trouble with the April 7 election.
Generally, I would be in favor of postponing it. What's crazy about this election is that it was delayed so long that the winner of the May election would have to turn around and start campaigning for re-election in November. So putting it off until the General election in November makes some sense. The people of the 7th CD haven't had a voice in congress since Duffy retired/resigned but you could also argue that they weren't truly represented while Duffy was in office.
But there's something else to consider.
What if Evers used the May election as an experiment in all mail-in voting or maybe even "drive-in" voting? It could be used as a test for the November elections where we could find the glitches and correct them before November. This might assure a higher percentage of participation in both the May and November elections.
Just a thought.....
Opinions? Comments?
Crap...Bernie is on TV asking us to delay primary...
I understand why he wants it but in Wisconsin our local offices are up for re-election in the non-partisan elections...
By statute they have to be elected on the second Tuesday of April and be seated (sworn in) by the 3rd Tuesday in April. There isn't any provision by statute of delaying that election and it DOES NOT provide that the current officials hold office until their successor is elected/sworn in. This is a problem that I don't think Bernie understands.
Downtown Oshkosh...Saturday Afternoon
I don't live in Oshkosh but I like it a lot and hope to live there someday.
I really like Main Street. Even on Saturday afternoon/early evening, the streets are busy and you have to watch closely for pedestrians crossing in the crosswalks. It's a vibrant place.
When we were stopped at a light getting near the convention center, there were two men dressed in some perversion of red,white, and blue, one of whom was waving a large Trump FLAG and the other holding and promoting a Trump 2020 campaign sign. Both were shouting and cheering Trump to catch the attention of the stopped traffic. It sort of ruined the whole enjoyment of the downtown.
I know there is a lot of support for Trump in the Fox Valley in general, but I think what bothered me most was the display of radical support for Trump that goes beyond what I've always considered "normal" politics.
In thinking it over, I conclude that we, in Wisconsin, are in for a bare-knuckled brawl in 2020 and we had better be prepared.
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