Tarc's JournalInquisitr again?
So, the user-generated aggregation site favored by Sanders supporters lately. Let's take a look at this byline...
Curious. No bio. Are these people even real?
Oh wait, I found her.
Amazon author profile
So what has Ms. Mooney written previously that would lend her the gravitas to tackle a high-profile anti-Clinton piece...let's see...
How to Publish a Book - Amazon Kindle Books Self-Publishing: Write eBooks Using Microsoft Word & Publish Them as Kindle Books - A Step-by-Step Guide with Photos to Help You Make Your Own Kindle Books. Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, does it? Basically, 10 bucks to show you how to convert an MS Word file to an eBook format (Psst, I'll tell you how to do it for free... calibre-ebook.com )
Make Money From Home Writing Books: 10 Real Writers Making $650 Per Month to Six Figures Per Year Self-Publishing eBooks Online (Make Money From Home Online). I'm gonna take a stab in the dark here...I think her plan is...wait for it....getting people to buy an eBook that tells you how to make money from home writing...eBooks. It's like an Ouroboros of Ingenuity!
As George would say...
It looks like Inquisitr truly is recruiting quality journalists...
Now that's actually a semblance of a point
Which is more than most have managed today, though I still disagree with it. The voters have chosen...or to be perfectly pedantic and precise, cause some around here like that, are about to choose...Hillary Clinton as the nominee.
Hell or high water, you dance with the one you brung. There would have to be absolutely, 100% crystal-clear dire doom afoot if we were to ever let a small group of people override the will of the primary voter, and I'm sorry but "I think my guy can beat the GOP" is not it. "She might be indicted" isn't it. Hell, let's pretend that Hillary literally was indicted, I'd STILL see it through, because the goddamn voters have picked it. We get who we deserve in a democracy, to paraphrase someone I don't care enough to google atm.
The only...literally the O-N-L-Y...scenario in the 40 years of the superdelegate existence I'd support the supers overthrowing the people would be if Lyndon motherfucking Larouche somehow wound up with the pledged delegate lead in one of his perennial campaigns. And that is only because I support any and all forms of disobedience, civil and otherwise, to disrupt racists. That's why I freely call for people to disrupt Trump's so-called "free speech" rights at his rallies.
If you're going to usurp a democratic process, you best be damn sure that bar is high. "Hillary might lose" is just a form of ends-justify-the-means
Why do Sanders supporters seem to want it both ways, regarding superdelegates?
The hue and cry for awhile now has been that superdelegates are an elitist group that can thwart the will of the voters, especially if they pledge to one candidate even though their state's primary or caucus is won by the other candidate. But, as Sanders is so far behind in the pledged delegate count and is almost certainly unlikely to catch Clinton in that area, his hope rests on wooing the superdelegates to his side despite that.
But this seems to raise a bit of a conundrum; is Bernie committing a bit of a moral faux pas if he solicits superdelegates from states that Hillary won? Should he feel obligated, on moral/ethical grounds, to refrain from contacting superdelegates in;
American Samoa
New York
North Carolina
Northern Marianas
South Carolina
By my rough/quick count of the superdelegate list, there's 198 superdelegates in states that Bernie has won, of which he already has 27...but if we're to be fair he'll have to renounce the 13 that are from Hillary-won states. These calculations go by winner-take-all-the-supers btw; figuring out a proportional allocation would be a bit time-consuming atm.
So if Bernie plays by the right way to do things, can he get enough supers?
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Member since: 2003 before July 6thNumber of posts: 10,575