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update to -
she went to the hosp the other day, they addressed her UTI and fractured ankle from a recent fall but said she didnt have any symptoms of covid so they sent her back to her nursing home yesterday - today I got a frantic call from the home - they were sending her back to the hosp - she was having trouble breathing, was confused and they could not stabilize her oxygen - she was rushed in - put in ICU - the doc called me and asked me if she would want to be saved with 'heroic measures' - CPR, life support etc
I didnt really know what to say - I dont really understand all this covid treatment stuff but I also have had to answer those types of questions for her before - I asked him what he recommends - we discussed what her quality of life was before this happened - based on that he said we should try treating the covid and if she responds to treatment he feels like she can be back to her usual self - IF she responds....
but if she doesnt respond to treatment, and she goes into cardiac arrest - no pulse etc - they wont try to revive her - because if it went that far and they revived her & she survived that...she wouldnt be the same - no quality of life.....
they are giving her steroids, anti-biotics, plasma w antibodies - they put her to sleep and intubated we wait and see if she responds.....

(227,930 posts)I went through something similar several years ago when my mother fell down the stairs during a hurricane related blackout, she was in ICU for 3 weeks, so I can empathize, it is so hard. Wishing all the best for your Mom and remember to take special care of yourself.
(1,155 posts)AND my cousin is in the same boat but not quite as bad - not intubated at this time...
(3,307 posts)this. Its horrible and helpless and heartbreaking.
(1,155 posts)Raine
(30,674 posts)I'm sending positive thoughts and prayers 🙏 and a big for you.
(10,501 posts)Tanuki
(15,575 posts)She did not deserve this. It sounds as if she is receiving skilled, compassionate care and the most up-to-date treatments available. I am praying for peace, comfort, and healing.
(20,035 posts)
(7,089 posts)I hope she pulls through, I am glad they are treating her and not giving up...
(27,153 posts)Let me offer this. Start with, pretend Covid isn't there.
Now, in regards to the fractured ankle. Ooh, that's painful, which I (and pretty much every one reading if gets) is not fun at all. .
Quality of life. That's huge. Again, think back to before Covid. What would you have recommended back then? Do you recommend the same now? Okay.
Think back to last year. What heroics would you have been willing to do then? Are you willing to do the same now?
These are highly personal considerations.
I already know from personal experience, that the death of someone close to you is hard, very hard. Even when you know it is imminent, it is still a shock. Nothing I post doesn't even begin to convey adequate sympathy.
In the best of circumstances, these are decisions are not easy. I can only hope to offer you support and strength. I know that whatever happens this will not be easy. Please accept my love and condolences.
(15,418 posts)I wish the best for your Mom and pray she responds to treatment.
These are going to be hard days ahead. Waiting on the phone calls and dreading them at the same time.
(280,746 posts)Heard someone of TV saying that right now 54% of the population know someone who has Covid and shortly that will move to 60%.
Hope your mom recovers
(52,078 posts)

(8,003 posts) Mom is 92 and we are all terrified of this.
Damn this disease...
(419 posts)Hopefully she will be ok and back to herself. Im sorry you guys are going through this, sending positive thoughts/energy and prayers your way.
(9,917 posts)Peace to you and yours.
(34,636 posts)
(11,299 posts)Take care.
(3,105 posts)Sending positive energy to your mama this morning.
(10,430 posts)God this is so bad
Trueblue Texan
(3,157 posts)I know this is a miserable, sad time for you and your family. I'm sending healing thoughts and wishing you peace and comfort, whatever may come.
(18,385 posts)...(((hugs))) to you and mom.
(122,093 posts)Your DU family is here for you.
(21,910 posts)jeffreyi
(2,213 posts)Nonstop UTIs were the last straw for my mother.
(21,910 posts)jeffreyi
(2,213 posts)I ain't there yet, hopefully not for many years, but when the inevitable starts to happen I will definitely give that a try.
(21,910 posts)BSdetect
(9,048 posts)docs forget the chemistry that is the foundation they all had to build.
ph is essential to all chemistry in solution.
hi dose c works, too.
(71,038 posts)

(10,471 posts)This is such a nightmare, but I believe you made the right decision for your mom. It sounds like something she herself would choose if asked.
Hang in there. There's still hope.
(26,158 posts)All the strength and love in the world to you and your mom.
(1,155 posts)Atticus
(15,124 posts)live love laugh
(14,890 posts)Hekate
(96,103 posts)

(9,988 posts)
(38,729 posts)My heart is with you.
(63,221 posts)I am so sorry for you, your mom and your family. This is so upsetting. I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now. I hope and pray for you and your mom to be ok.
I would be out of my mind with grief if I were in your position. I can't believe how well you are holding it together. I wish all the best for you and your mother. Please keep us posted. I hope it will be good news.
(7,478 posts)important questions that only your family can answer. Just make sure it's what YOUR FAMILY wants, and do not let them push you into anything.
I'm very bitter over the way my mother was treated by docs, in a time when we had plenty of beds and she was a vet. They plainly wanted to make her DNR, and they repeatedly asked to make her so. I took her home and she lived for three more years. It was tough, though, and you have to have a lot of fortitude and backup support.
I'm just saying, do what YOU want to do. Accept knowledgeable medical advice, but she's your Mom, not theirs. These times are different, and soon we may have to choose between old and young. Just do your best.
If she has to be intubated, she may end up not being weanable. Be strong. I once had a patient's daughter fly in from Arizona to be with her when she was removed from the ventilator. Patient passed in ten minutes.
Dear, this is tough for you. Prayers coming your way. Your Mom is lucky to have you helping her.
Ms. Toad
(35,893 posts)Let alone for our loved ones.
Fortunately, I haven't actually had to make any decisions yet - but (also fortunately) we talk about things like this in our family.
It will be so much easier for me to make decisions because we talk openly about end of life decisions in our family. I know that my mom does not want to be intubated. Period. No CPR. No extraordinary measures. If she's ever no longer mentally present, she doesn't want to be physically present. My father wants the decision made based on whether he is likely to have good days post illness. If he can't play in the dirt, or have thoughtful problem-solving conversations with others he doesn't want extraordinary measures. If there's a 50%+ chance he'll have those things later - he wants us to make the effort. I'm the secondary decision-maker for my father, and my father has to have my consent to authorize life-extending care for my mother (since my mother is afraid he will not be able to make the decision to let her go).
It's tough - but at least when I'm grieving the life-threatening condition, I don't have to wonder whether I'm doing what my parents want.
(16,505 posts)on everyone. My parents both had one drawn up with no one else, not even me, able to contravene their decisions. Every time they were in the hospital or later in LTC, I made sure the facility had a copy of these documents. They did me a tremendous service taking their end-of-life decisions out of my hands.
(29,537 posts)So hard to feel this pain. Wishing her the absolute best.