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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region Forumsjust got a call from the nursing home- mom's positive
They've had a major outbreak in The nursing home.... They had been doing really well with only a couple of cases all year long but apparently it's gotten out of control in there now...
They moved her into quarantine as of now she's feeling really tired and has a low-grade fever....
Of course I can't see her and as of right now I can't even talk to her but I'm working on that.....
This sucks

(17,719 posts)that has to be hard. Hope she recovers and you can speak to her soon.
(4,784 posts)This is all so sad & terrible. I hope she has a mild case and recovers soon.
(152,925 posts)It sure does suck.
(53,940 posts)sheshe2
(89,541 posts)I wish her a speedy recovery. My thoughts are for you and yours.
Ms. Toad
(35,893 posts)as predicted, this week seems to be the week lots more people have first hand connections with COVID.
Hope she recovers, quicky!
(38,601 posts)MLAA
(18,872 posts)CTyankee
(65,600 posts)I'm so sorry for you and your family. Hope you can talk with her soon.
(11,822 posts)Take good care of her and yourself.
(7,089 posts)I thought they were being more careful at nursing homes now. I hope she recovers soon
(30,162 posts)this fucking virus.
nursing homes it seems have been left behind. are they following protocols, can they keep people on staff, do they have and use the proper PPE?
I hope she has a mild case, recovers completely, and that you get a way to see and talk to her soon.
(1,155 posts)they would call everyone periodically and let them know the status .... Whether there were any cases, precautions they were taking...They had only had a couple of cases all this time and they quickly moved them to a quarantine area..... But there is apparently a sudden outbreak and several people have it now 😱
(54,011 posts)blm
(113,969 posts)MustLoveBeagles
(12,977 posts)I hope she makes a fully recovery.
(1,155 posts)She's a tough woman.....I'm hoping she can beat it...
(29,229 posts)AllaN01Bear
(23,893 posts)

(29,537 posts)This is such a scary time.
(5,313 posts)mercuryblues
(15,418 posts)I wish your Mom the best.
(34,636 posts)TexasBushwhacker
(20,840 posts)It's usually a worker bringing it in from outside rather than transmission among the residents. I'm sorry.
(1,074 posts)Strength to both of you and the staff caring for your mom.
(17,478 posts)For now. Cannot imagine what it will be like when we have to move her. I hope you can find a way to visit soon and that your mother recovers well.
(280,747 posts)It did not have to be this way
(54,580 posts)
(568 posts)I am so sorry any of us have to go through this.
My 90-year old father was diagnosed with COVID on 11/16 (tested on 11/12). He had been under hospice care for a few months for extreme weight loss but seemed to be getting better. He fell on 11/18. The EMTs said he had hypoxia (oxygen level was under 90%) which is likely why he fell. He wound up in the hospital in a lot of pain. Since he was already a hospice patient, was inoperable due to many factors (not the least of which was his age), and he did not want any extraordinary measures taken, he was given palliative care to keep him comfortable. We FaceTimed and spoke to him on the phone but that is so impersonal. He died without any of us there to comfort him in the full COVID unit of the hospital on Wednesday.
Try and make sure your mom doesn't try and walk or at least has someone with her if she does. Hopefully, she will recover from the COVID. She might not recover from a related fall.
Best wishes for her full, safe recovery.
(21,025 posts)ProfessorGAC
(71,520 posts)My BiL is in an assisted living place here in town.
They've had several cases, but very spread out over time, and more staff than residents.
Let's hope for the best.
(1,050 posts)Praying for you and your Mom, and hoping she pulls through with very few symptoms.
(3,307 posts)speedy recovery. My heart goes out to you.
(6,940 posts)FailureToCommunicate
(14,388 posts)visit or "be there" for him.
Covid sucks
Trump sucks
Republicans suck
(11,862 posts)lunatica
(53,410 posts)This is so tough!
Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)Spouse just minutes ago received a text from her BIL's Nursing Home contact person,saying they are notifying all the residents contact people as to five new positive cases today and that four staff people are in quarantine. This whole damn mess could have been avoided had each and everyone wore a mask both in the facility as well as outside. Mentioned this before,two to the staff never wore a mask within the community at all. In fact,both said it was a hoax.
(10,560 posts)with other health issues that made her high risk in that situation a few weeks ago.
She pulled through.
Hang in there.
All the best.
(828 posts)Sending positive thoughts that your mother has a quick recovery with no lasting effects! I hope you get to talk to her soon.
(52,561 posts)mahina
(19,395 posts)((((TalenaGor))))
(23,067 posts)Hope she pulls through o.k.

(13,413 posts)We are here for you.
So much has been discovered in past few weeks and months and people are surviving.
(785 posts)I'll be praying for a speedy recovery...
(23,712 posts)niyad
(122,093 posts)DU family is here for you. I
marble falls
(63,193 posts)TigressDem
(5,126 posts)
(1,251 posts)It's such a worrisome situation--am glad you deem her tough tho.
My friends dad had @ age 80 an came thru fine, so everyone reacts so differently. Hang in there.
(53,556 posts)
(11,861 posts)All my very best wishes to you, your mom, and whoever else there is. I'm very sorry.
live love laugh
(14,890 posts)Heartstrings
(7,349 posts)Sad thing is, it didnt have to be this way....
Healing vibes sent for your mom.
(12,236 posts)
(85,167 posts)Damn.
It didn't have to be this way. I hope you can at least see each other through the window, or something. Even that little bit of a reach-out might cheer her.
So much about this DID. NOT. HAVE. TO. HAPPEN.
(5,539 posts)Hope she makes a full recovery and doesnt get too sick.
My Dad is in a home as well. He turned 93 in August. That was the last time Ive been able to see him. I worry so much but the home is doing a great job!
(253 posts)I haven't seen my family since Mid-March, when I moved my father in to assisted living. My father was diagnosed with Covid-19 a few weeks ago and hospitalized, but thankfully never needed supplemental oxygen. He has since been moved to a nursing/rehab unit, and is doing well. At first, after moving there, he didn't remember much - his children, his wife (he spent 60+ years with her). I think it was Covid fog. Two weeks later he is much better and remembers us. His younger brother, not so much. He was diagnosed after my dad, was doing well, and within 12 hours was dead. Had a Vimeo memorial service.
They were both in a really great organization, one that has also been controlling things very well, and still are, but have a few cases, which happened to impact us personally.
Sorry for making this about me, but my intention is to let you know that others have gone though this and empathize with you. I truly do, and send my love your way. While there is loss (like my uncle) there is also hope (like my father).
Please keep us up to date, and know that more people than you know are sending love and prayers your way.
(1,155 posts)malaise
(280,747 posts)
(866 posts)