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I wanna tell you 'bout Texas Radio and the Big Beat
Comes out of the Virginia swamps
Cool and slow with deadly precision
With a back beat narrow and hard to master.
Jim Morrison
I'd like to discuss some people that I dislike, who are current or past inhabitants of the bowels of the Trump administration. Let's start with John Bolton. Like others of his ilk, he both favored the war in Vietnam, but figured out a way to avoid fighting in it. He is an old hand in DC, having worked for presidents Reagan, Bush 1 & 2, and most recently Trump. He has been a constant advocate for regime change in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela, and Yemen. He worked to get Rehnquist and Scalia on the Supreme Court. He participated in the Iran-Contra scandal.
Thus, we can conclude two things: Bolton is a necro-conservative, and is no friend of the Democratic Party. But that does not mean that we cannot take pleasure in his emerging conflict with Donald Trump. As concerning as it was when he joined Trump's administration, there were hints of tensions between the two even before Bolton resigned. (Trump, of course, insisted he fired Bolton.)
From witness testimony before the House committees, we know that Bolton called Rudy Giuliani a hand grenade that would blow up inside the administration. He referred to the Ukraine plot as a drug deal. Bolton originally said through his lawyer that he would testify if he received a subpoena; since then, his attorney has recommended that he seek a federal court ruling regarding Trump's effort to prevent his testimony.
In conversations between Bolton's lawyer and a House committee, several things are known. These go far beyond what others have testified to thus far. Included are Bolton's private conversations with Trump, which the White House attorney claims are protected by privilege. Because these discussions illegal activities that are impeachable, there is no privilege.
More, Bolton had a series of conversations with both Mike Pompeo and Mark Esper about the folly of the White House's Ukraine operation. Apparently, all three were aware of the dangers of such an operation, and attempted to convince Trump it would backfire on him. Pompeo waivered at important times, due to his lack of backbone. Clearly, the military aide to Ukraine was not released until two days after the administration learned the whistle-blower's concerns were going to be made public.
Despite the stumbling blocks that have been set in place to prevent Bolton from testifying, it is likely that he will be a witness in the public hearings before Thanksgiving.
Now, briefly, let's look at the book A Warning by Anonymous. The book was authored by the same person or persons that wrote the infamous op-ed that was published when Bob Woodward's book Fear was released. Thus, it is safe to assume that the author/authors were coordinating with Woodward, who has a long history of destabilizing administrations by way of combining intelligence and journalism.
Trump was furious when the op-ed was published, and attempted to identify the identity of its author. If a top White House person was personally communicating with the New York Times, it would have been uncovered. Thus, we can speculate that Woodward advised the author(s) to have a lawyer representing the author(s) handle the situation. So we need to think ..which White House person has a close relationship with a lawyer that the NY Times would recognize as being connected to what was going on inside the administration?
No spokesperson for Trump disagrees publicly with the president. So let's look closer. Why, for example, has Mourning Joe refused to have Kellyanne Conway on for over a year? If we were to look back to the 24 hours after her last appearance, we would find my essay telling about how, during commercial breaks, Kellyanne pretended to put her finger down her throat to induce vomiting, and spoke about how out-of-control Trump was. Joe and Mika were sorely offended, and decided to not allow her on their show again.
But, does Conway have any known contact with a lawyer who dislikes Trump, and who the NY Times would recognize as representing the interests of one or more people in the White House? Let's think ..hmmmm ..might George fit that description?
In it, the author(s) explain that a group of high-ranking officials considered resigning together in public protest of Trump's behaviors. Is it a stretch to consider the possibility that this same general group of cowards joined together to write the op-ed and now the book? Does one find any hint in where the profits from the book will go? Surely the White House would easily discover if one person had a significant bump in income from a book publisher showing up in their tax returns.
A single author might donate proceeds to a charity. A group of contributors might be more likely to donate the funds, rather than attempting to divide the money fairly. And a group effort to prevent Trump from finding out who has betrayed him could be more successful than an individual's effort. This would make sense within the context of a system where such a group had considered a mass resignation.
H2O Man
(35,454 posts)I think he serves as the authors' agent. The too frequently non-specific writings sounds a lot like Kellyanne. I will not buy the book, as I think it's cowardly in present form. But I do appreciate that it is causing some discomfort within the White House, and within Pence's staff (one of whom is a contributor).
(6,319 posts)coeur_de_lion
(3,829 posts)But she's been on Tee Vee lately defending the orange lump.
I would love it if she was the one. And SOMEONE from the lump administration or maybe many someones, will make a mint when this is all over and he is gone.
For a man who hates to be made fun of he sure picked a stupid profession. Should have stuck to bilking donors with his foundation.
Speaking of which, if he was desperate enough to steal from veterans he is probably so much poorer than we have imagined before. I can't see a real billionaire doing that can you?
H2O Man
(75,955 posts)was last on the MSNBC show, Kellyanne did her usual obnoxious cheerleading for Trump. During the commercial breaks, she did her "poor me" routine that so offended the hosts. After Conway left the studio, the crew asked the hosts why they invited the parasite to come on the show? And that was when Mika Mouse decided to never have her back on again.
(35,454 posts)And, why do other shows keeping having her on? The one thing I wonder about is, if it is her, and given her husbands tweets, why hasn't the WH figured it out?
H2O Man
(75,955 posts)I feel obligated to answer these questions, despite the risk of making closely-guarded secrets less secret.
First, the crew shouldn't have had to ask. Mika was mightily offended by Conway's behavior. Everyone on set was saying how gross Conways was. But it happened how it did.
Chris continues to have her on CNN because he likes her off the set. It is the only area of strong disagreement I have with him. I can't say for sure why others have her on. I suspect it is the result of the White House making her the only option at times, when they inform shows who is available. But that is speculation upon my part.
Now for the heavily guarded secret. I hope you are sitting down. There are three groups in the White House and administration: first, those who keep their heads down and their mouths shut, and just try to do their job with "career" in mind; second, those who hate and fear Trump, and are trying to undermine him with anonymous op-eds and books, and leaking to reporters; and third, those who believe in Trump, and like him regardless of his insulting them.
Let's focus on that third group. Here's the secret part -- they are stupid. Really stupid. How stupid, you ask? They believe Conway when she pretends she likes Trump. More, they believe her and Trump when they say they believe there is no "anonymous" in the White House, and that it is all a deep state operation. Seriously. They are highly prone to paranoid conspiracy theories, no different than Trump's base of supporters.
Now...who would cut him deeper...if it was KellyAnne or General Kelly?
H2O Man
(75,955 posts)was on the inside team while he was in the White House. Some of the book is from stories he shared. The book is shallow though, with a lack of specific details.
(3,829 posts)She's awful. Don't even understand why her husband is still married to her.
It's bad enough she's a tRump advocate. But then she is two-faced about it.
H2O Man
(75,955 posts)On a related topic: do you think that there is any truth to the rumor I am hearby starting that Matt Gaetz is advocating the republicans subpoena John Kradinski to star as Jack Ryan in the impeachment hearings?
(3,829 posts)Everyone knows it is John Krasinski. Because Tom Cruise is not tall enough.
Gaetz reminds me of that preppie strangler in central park Robert Chambers.
I don't know how to post a photo but here's an article with his photo in it:
H2O Man
(75,955 posts)coeur_de_lion
(3,829 posts)My Dad used to call me 99.
As in Good thinking 99.
Get Smart was Dads favorite show.
H2O Man
(75,955 posts)that my children discourage me from attempting humor. "Just face it, Old Man" they say, "you aren't funny." Yet from time to time, I do try to tell a joke on the internet, knowing that I am the only one who laughs.
I have the DVD collection of "Get Smart." My kids prefer the movie.
(3,829 posts)So much sillier.
H2O Man
(75,955 posts)I do prefer the series, though.
A week ago, Corey and I were watching a documentary on Dr. Samuel Shepperd. It mentioned that "The Fugative" was loosely-based on his case. Corey said, "That's a great movie, but it sounds like they are talking about a television series." I told him that I have the series on DVD, which surprised him. Same thing there: great movie, but I'll always prefer the old series.
(18,230 posts)H2O Man
(75,955 posts)While I find what harm Trump is actively doing, and will continue to do until he is removed from office, depressing, there are some encouraging dynamics in recent weeks.
What do you think about Roger Stone's trial? Bannon testifying against him? I think it is yet another sign that when we pursue justice, the rats turn on one another.
(72,065 posts)that this person or persons will come forward at the right moment.
perhaps before the impeachment committee.
i do hope there is at least one count, a typical scandal on which the typical crazy playbook was run, that points to the utter idiocy and unfitness of this moron.
i got no traction on this post, but i feel certain that if he digs in his heels, and refuses to leave when the time comes, whenever that is, they will launch a well thought out plan.
this is just the kind of fantasy with which i calm myself these days.
H2O Man
(75,955 posts)respected your opinion and insights. Now, this might sound off the wall, but from many decades of raising various pets and farm animals, and closely watching wild animals, I'm convinced that every living thing's behavior is dictated by their nature. This includes humans, which have long been among my favorite creatures -- at least some of them.
There are many people who behave within the boundaries of their usual, or ordinary, potential. In certain circumstances, these women and men step up, and do extraordinary things. I have witnessed this in my years spent being a spectator.
At the same time, I've witnessed a pattern where those who inhabit the lower potentials of being human also attempt to step up. To raise their game. And some of them actually do reach that middle level. It is remarkably rare that someone from low reaches the highest potential. Malcolm X famously did. Yet his nature at all times was distinct to a Kellyanne, a General Kelly, etc.
I would be positively impressed if they made it to their next level. I would be willing to say publicly if they ever did anything regarding the Trump administration that was even a bit better than cowardly and disgusting.
(72,065 posts)have you ever read the book 'the moral animal' by steven wright?
my #1 life changing book. about the evolution of modern humans, and the exact interplay of nature and nurture.
the bottom line is that nurture can impact nature, but only along specific channels.
it sort of underscored for me that the paradigm of good v evil as equal battling forces, is wrong. it posits that evil is a valid fallback strategy when good is a foolhardy option.
very interesting pov
H2O Man
(75,955 posts)read the book, but my normal brother has recommended it to me. (He refers to humanity as a "failed species, soon to become extinct." But it is a topic that Rubin and I used to discuss. Rubin believed that on the group level -- all people -- that there was an exact measure of "good" and "bad," following the law that for every action, there is an equal reaction. In that sense, it explains why, with all the horrors we witness in this world, we survive.
In his opinion, ever form of organic life on Earth either grows or decays. Having just come in from a morning walk with one of my dogs, I am aware that this old bag of bones is indeed on the decline. My attempts to slow the process helps, but I'm fully aware of the destination on this curious journey. For all organic life follows that route, which can be traced throughout the evolution of life-forms on this living Earth.
The evolution of human beings has reached its peak in the context of physical changes. The evolution of human beings now -- individually and as a group -- is the evolution of our consciousness. We can see that vast numbers of people believe that they are conscious, because they can touch, taste, smell, etc, and respond to physical impulses. Yet that cannot explain why people would, for example, vote for Trump, act against their own self-interests, and on and on. What does explain it is that they are organic machines, similar to a crocodile, participating exclusively in the organic cycle of physical growth and decay. They worship stained-glass windows, hoping it will lead to eternal life -- but not even dimly aware that we are always participating in the eternal, because it is always "Now," and will be Now in a hundred or a million years. Organic life is merely a turn in that eternal.
Yet we have evidence, both historically and currently, of individuals from around the globe, at various points in time, who we recognize as "enlightened." And despite some cultural distinctions, these women and men have attempted to teach (by way of example) the potential evolution of consciousness. And it is then, and only with that evolved consciousness, that we can begin to put both "good" and "bad" into its proper context.
Get me started on this topic, and I'll ramble on and on. For that is what old men do .....probably because we can't do much else!
(279,573 posts)Thank you
I'm pretty confident that documentation confirming these things will unfold before our very eyes.
What do you think about the Roger Stone trial? I find the reports on it interesting.
(38,701 posts)Rachel said the person was giving the bulk of their book money to charity while keeping a portion for any future legal shenanigans.
I suppose this secret identity business could be considered an effective marketing strategy. If the person is some no-name then the Op-ed and the book might not be as newsworthy.
I really don't care who they are. What they're doing is not heroic. Then again, a thousand cuts is a thousand cuts.
H2O Man
(75,955 posts)"....a thousand cuts is a thousand cuts."
One of the many things I learned from years of working with Onondaga Chief Waterman is that politics are fluid, and move like a stream or river. There are times when those who have been your opposition may coordinate with you on something now or in the future. And I think of that when I see some of the republicans speaking ill of Trump on CNN and MSNBC. I agree with them on a few things, but amfully aware that there are more things I disagree with them on. It usually comes down to values.
So I welcome the publication and discussion of the book. I won't buy one, but will probably end up with a copy someday. But I won't spend a penny on it.
(113,030 posts)Unfortunately, the House cannot wait on the Courts. It's going to get interesting!
I am convinced that Bolton will be the key witness in the Senate trial. And I equally agree with you regarding the House, the Courts, and that it's going to be interesting!
I think it's interesting that Bolton will be playing a role different than any White House staff during Watergate, with the possible exception of Paul Butterfield.
Haldeman and Ehrlichman, known as Nixon's "German Shepherds" when in power, are being played by Pompeo and Mulvaney, Trump's chihuahuas. They should be a constant reminder to all Democrats that we have to win the White House in 2020, so that they face criminal prosecution.
(686 posts)...her longevity now that she sees the end of the road drawing nigh with the ADMIN and she's doing this to save her own legacy and future or otherwise be remembered as a Baghdad Bob or Hanoi Hannah and that would not go to well on her PR type resume. You may be on to something here. And, she's kinda saying look, I'm blowing a silent whistle for now, but I'm still a patriot because I have to babysit POTUS but I'm giving you inside secret scoop so hang tight the nightmare is almost over.
And, it seems to be quite faddish during the last few days with Bannon truly stepping up to say something done was unpatriotic, and Bolton called Ukraine a drug deal, EU Ambassador suddenly has his memory refreshed... I see a pattern here. Subway writing on the wall kinda thing.
Hopefully more legacy savers are stepping up to the plate and Anonymous though cowardly, may be one of the only ones to make the final curtain call to end this very bad movie and shameful presidency.
H2O Man
(75,955 posts)think about all the time that Woodward was free to meet with and interview various people in the White House while researching his book. He also met with numerous others in the administration. We also know from Nikki Haley that high-ranking people were talking about the serious problems with Trump; it's a clear measure of her lack of character that she continues to kiss Trump's fat white ass, though only because she hopes to be on the republican ticket in 2020.
Woodward did not only meet with people individually. There were many times he met with small groups to discuss some of the same concerns that Kelly and Tillerson spoke to Haley about. He advised those groups. They continued to meet while Woodward was completing the book.
What did this group need? Someone in the White House with very little to do -- an exact description of Kellyanne's duties. Someone to gather stories, organize them, and write an op-ed that was clearly authored by an attorney. Which Kellyanne is.
It will be interesting to see if Haley -- who didn't join the group effort -- erred in exposing Kelly and Tillerson.