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Mr.WeRP's Journal
Mr.WeRP's Journal
June 1, 2024

The NY Appeals should wait to reject Trump's appeal

Of course we all expect Trump to appeal his conviction. And of course we expect it will be rejected. However, if it is rejected and then quickly again by the NY high court, Trump could go to federal courts. The state appeals courts should hold onto these appeals as long as possible before rejecting them to ensure Trump serves as much time as possible (he will get time) and prevent a corrupt SCOTUS from being able to overturn it.

June 1, 2024

Trump is still under the gag order. The doxxing of Jurors will put him in prison

The judge will have no choice but to put Trump in prison for endangering the lives if these American heroes.

May 31, 2024

Todd Blanche Appreciation Thread

Tooooooddddd, Tooddd, Todd,

Man, let me tell you, I was so worried the plan would get uncovered, but we totally got away with it! Can you believe it?!? Man, the chef’s kiss is the fucking G.L.O.A.T.! Haa haaa haaaa Trump is now the GLOAT!!! Nice job agent, thanks for all you do.


The Deep State

P.S. this message will self destruct in …

May 31, 2024

Michael Cohen Appreciation Thread

Hey Mike,

Just want to say fuck you, asshole, and I am glad you got your revenge. Listen, I appreciate your efforts in trying to turn a new leaf. Consider it turned. But what I really meant to say, was thanks for nailing Don Von Shitshispants.


Mr. WeRP

May 30, 2024


Get the orange jumpsuit ready!

May 30, 2024

I've served on a couple of juries

One time, there was a DUI case I was a juror on. The prosecution completely failed to make their case. There was no evidence to support the charge and plenty of evidence to show the opposite: that the officer made multiple mistakes and had a bias against the defendant. The trial lasted 5 days. We went to deliberations. First thing we did was took a straw poll. 9 innocent, 2 unsure and 1 guilty. We listened to the minority and came up with a list of their questions and what evidence and testimony they wanted to review. So we began the review process. This went on for several hours. We broke for the evening. Returning the next day we took a second poll: 10 innocent, 2 guilty. Rinse and repeat. Then lunch. Back at it after lunch we worked until the end of the day again. Next morning back at it again. Now when we polled, we were left with 1 guilty… the same guy who was guilty from the start. This is where the frustrations began for an entire day we tried go get at what was needed to turn the last juror. Nothing seemed to work. Now, this was an older, less groomed and uneducated person. It was the summer and the AC wasn’t great. Many jurors were starting to become visibly upset but we went through iterations of previous reviews anyway. Another day over. Next morning, again, this one juror didn’t budge. We get to lunch and then upon returning, the guy suddenly changed his mind. Some of the jurors inquired what was the change of mind. He didn’t really answer the question, but one juror said, “It was the lunches and the stipend, wasn’t it?!” And the holdout didn’t say a word but just smiled. The foreman wrote up the result and gave it to the bailiff.

Just wanted to share that experience while we wait. I don’t expect anything like that from this jury given what I’ve read about them.

May 29, 2024

Andrew Weissmann has a good point on jury request

Just now on MSNBC, he said to the effect: The defense said during closing that during the Trump Tower meeting, no discussion of “catch and kill” at the meeting. There were two Trump Tower meetings in Jan 2017. The one where Pecker was in attendance, on Jan 6, 2017, Trump thanked Pecker for killing the stories about McDougal and the doorman. Weissmann said the defense closing argument statement about catch and kill probably caused the jury’s request. And it will backfire on the defense since Trump used the word kill, it makes the defense seem like they were using weasel words to fool the jury.

May 29, 2024

Jury sent a note; parties have entered the court room


Jury wants testimony from Pecker and Cohen:

According to the judge, the jury wants:

David Pecker’s testimony regarding a phone conversation with Donald Trump while Pecker was in the investor meeting.

Pecker's testimony about the decision not to finalize and fund the assignment of Karen McDougal's life rights.

Pecker's testimony regarding a Trump Tower meeting.

Michael Cohen's testimony regarding the Trump Tower meeting.

Jury is being brought in
May 29, 2024

You are Judge Merchan

The defendant has been a major pain in the ass during this trial
Weisselberg, who you sentenced to real time for similar and related crimes, sits in a jail cell and was too toxic for either the Prosecution or Defense to use as a witness
Your daughter was repeatedly attacked by the defendant and his surrogates
Your authenticity as a judge and your very citizenship as an American have been challenged by the defendant and repeatedly echoed by his surrogates
The defendant repeatedly violated the gag order and continued to do so after the threat of jail time
The defendant shows no remorse and still uses his influence to defame those who following the rule of law
The defendant is a menace to society
You, as a judge are allowed to consider things the jury can’t: the defendants character, his behavior during the trial, the impact of a light sentence on society, the actual sentence in relation to the election even.
If the jury convicts, you can schedule the sentencing as early as two weeks and can give up to the maximum sentence and even consecutively if you want and no one can appeal it or even question it. When you’re a judge, they let you do it.

What are you going to do should the jury convict?

May 28, 2024

Trump is now reposting videos that (checks notes) threatens to kill all liberals if Elected

From: https://newrepublic.com/article/181973/trump-media-attacks-media-dangerous-turn

Scarborough and the whole Morning Joe crew have been stern Trump critics for years, but I’d like to focus on something beyond Scarborough here: the video’s declaration that if Trump wins the presidency, “liberals” are “done.”

As the man delicately puts it:

He’ll get rid of all you fucking liberals. You liberals are gone when he fucking wins. You fucking blowjob liberals are done. Uncle Donnie’s gonna take this election—landslide. Landslide, you fucking half a blowjob. Landslide. Get the fuck out of here, you scumbag.

By posting this video, Trump appears to be endorsing that sentiment about not only Scarborough but about liberals generally. Shouldn’t that be pretty big news in and of itself?

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Member since: Thu Feb 29, 2024, 01:20 AM
Number of posts: 191
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