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AdamGG's Journal
AdamGG's Journal
April 10, 2024

Marjorie Traitor Trash says that her religion is being mocked because of eclipse comments


This woman doubles down on her stupidity so frequently that she makes Pat Robertson look like Stephen Hawking. She said that the recent solar eclipse was evidence that America needs to "repent" or we will face god's wrath.

She apparently has no comprehension that scientists have known the date and path of this eclipse for hundreds of years; that it's a simple matter of physics. It's like saying that god is displeased with Hollywood liberals because the sun sets in the west.

I'm not sure if she is truly this stupid, or is catering to people who are, but either way, it's absurd that she holds the position that she does. I think she's a golden goose for Democrats because although my faith in America is shaken, I feel confident that she damages support for her cause every time she speaks. She's a walking punchline that crystallizes the hateful stupidity of MAGA, so I guess WTG Marge.
September 23, 2023

What are the odds that Chris Christie will try to run for the Menendez Senate seat as plan B?

Democrats will hopefully get a strong candidate in place for the NJ Senate seat quickly. Although I've enjoyed watching him bash Dump, I've always hated Chris Christie. He knew what Trump was when he worked to get him elected in 2016 and 2020. But, Christie is shrewd and opportunistic and must see the NJ Senate seat as an opportunity.

There's very little chance that he can get the Republican Presidential nomination and he must realize that. He may do well enough in the NH primary that he hangs in the Presidential race until Super Tuesday. Would it be too late then for him then to shift to being a Senate candidate? The Republicans may see him as their best chance to pick up the seat and be motivated to keep the spot open for him.

July 18, 2023

Will Special Prosecutor Indictment of Dump for Ja. 6th Go to Different Judge that Documents Case?

If Trump has been served notice that he is the target of the special prosecutor Jan. 6th case, the indictment is on its way. Since the Jan. 6th riots took place in DC, unlike the Maralardo document obstruction, am I right that that case will likely go to a federal judge other than Aileen Cannon?

It seems like that could be an important factor in how things play out. The Jan. 6th charges are very serious (multiple defendants already sentenced to long sentences for seditious conspiracy) and if there is a non Trump sycophant judge allowing that case to proceed normally, it almost won't matter if Aileen Cannon delays the documents case. It will just make her delay seem more inappropriate and leave additional serious charges hanging over Trump's head while the treason case proceeds.

July 23, 2022

Today is the first day that Nate Silver has ranked the odds of Senate control at 50:50

The January 6th hearings, horrible Supreme Court decisions, and strong Democratic candidates in swing states are starting to create some momentum. Hopefully, it can mushroom.


May 3, 2022

Will the SCOTUS Abortion Decision Help Democrats in the Midterms?

As disturbing and regressive as it is, this decision seemed like an inevitability since Trump was able to replace Ruth Bader Ginsberg. But, abortion has been a major hot button issue for decades, where national public opinion is consistently 65% or more pro-choice.

Do you think that this decision could be a rallying point that shifts the trajectory of where things seemed to have been heading for the midterms that boosts turnout of Democrats and independents and helps to shift the results of the midterms more in Democrats' favor?

February 26, 2022

The heroic stand is admirable, but I wish Zelensky would get out

If there's still a chance and Kyiv isn't totally encircled, I root for Zelensky to get out of the country, while he can. The heroic stand is stirring, but if they're committed to it, Russia capturing Kyiv and the country is inevitable. They're a superpower with massive reserves and expertise, who have been prepping for this for many years. It's like Mike Tyson knocking out an 8 year old.

Zelensky would have enormous value as the legitimate democratically elected leader in exile abroad. As time goes by, Russia's position will weaken and forces will coalesce behind Zelensky as the rightful leader to be restored. That's why, given the chance, the Russians will probably kill him and he should get out and not give them that chance.

January 30, 2022

The best choice for Biden's Supreme Court appointment is...

...the youngest candidate. Clarence Thomas has been on the SCOTUS for over 30 years now and he's still only 73.

Obama tried to compromise be selecting Merrick Garland, who was already in his 60s. We need to do what the Rethugs do and pick someone near 40 who has lots of longevity in their family. All of the candidates Biden is considering will make reasonable decisions on the issues, but the final selection should be someone who can do it for as many decades as possible.

December 27, 2021

Encounter with an anti-vax waiter serving me food

My mom is 91 and in a nursing home. She left her apartment a year ago when she got COVID and recovered from that quickly, but her dementia was at the point where she couldn't live by herself any more. We're both fully vaxxed/boosted and I've taken her out to eat once or twice a week because she likes getting out and looks forward to it.

Last Wednesday night, a couple days before Christmas, I took her to IHOP because she doesn't eat much and it's the kind of thing she likes. Our waiter was about 60 years old and looked beaten down by life - pot belly, hair dyed black in a way that looked very fake, teardrop tattoos next to one eye, so maybe he'd been in prison.

He was actually nice and patient with my mom. With her dementia, it takes her a long time to order and it can be 10 minutes of looking at things on the menu, changing her mind and then forgetting and asking about the same item again. She started to chat a bit with the waiter while trying to order and mentioned that she'd had COVID. He then said, "yeah, but you're ok now, right?" and said, "I have my own beliefs about COVID." My mom didn't understand what he meant and I just stared at my phone while he carried on about how you can't trust doctors because they've all been sued for malpractice and everyone he knows who said they got COVID weren't very sick and got better.

After he waited on us, a couple women walked in who were wearing masks (no one else in there was but us) and they asked to be seated away from where everyone else was because they were worried about COVID. The waiter acted really aggravated and then walked up to a coworker or customer (I didn't bother turning my head to see) and said, "I'd like to take Nancy Pelosi and Fauci and throw 'em down and run that bus right over 'em."

I'm from Boston, but my mom lives outside Kansas City (Overland Park) and I've relocated here for now to help with her (only child). It's a bit of a culture shock how virtually everyone wears masks around Boston/Brookline/Cambridge compared to maybe 15% of people here. When I go to a coffeehouse to work on my laptop, I'm often the only one there with a mask and a couple times unmasked people were visibly coughing/congested (I moved or left).

I should have done something about the waiter, but because he'd been nice to my mom and seemed far too limited to learn from any feedback, I let it go. I also didn't want this sketchy guy to decide that I was the enemy and mess with the food. With the Omicron strain regularly breaking through to vaccinated people, I know I shouldn't be taking my mom out to eat any more, but it's one of few things she enjoys. I'm going to switch to more upscale places and the hot bar/eating area at Whole Foods, which seem to have more progressive (and likely vaxed) clientele.

I felt more pity than anger toward the waiter, though I have lots of hatred for the people who create the media that influences his limited mind. I thought of emailing a complaint to IHOP's national office, but hesitated because I might go back and didn't want to be remembered. I'm thinking now that I will send an email, but possibly not be descriptive in describing who the problem employee was.

November 2, 2021

Would it be better for Democrats if Dump had not been taken off of Twitter?

I've wondered, as Biden's poll numbers have dropped over a barrage of right wing media attacks based in nothing, if it might almost have been beneficial for people to have seen the daily stream of chaotic toxic nonsense spewing from Trump for the last 10 months.

He has zero self control and it contributed to his being unre-electable. I was overjoyed to have him silenced, but in retrospect, his omnipresent insanity was a boost to Joe Biden. Allowing Trump to appear on the sidelines may have helped his cause rather than hindered it. When Afghanistan was happening, it may have even helped Biden to have Trump spewing comments that were so hateful and absurd, that Biden looked measured and reasonable by comparison.

Maybe we might actually be better off with Trump having the opportunity to actively damage himself every day and remind people of the complete piece of shit he is and the moral bankruptcy of the Republicans. They might have had more trouble dodging the Jan. 6 committee if Trump was still ranting his unhinged comments about it.

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Member since: Fri Feb 23, 2018, 08:40 PM
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