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(135,425 posts)
83. I am going to trust YOUR characterizations? Naaah. Let''s bold all the pro-Bern/Anti-Clinton posts
Wed Dec 9, 2015, 06:25 PM
Dec 2015

This doesn't mean all the unbolded ones are pro-Hillary/anti-Sanders...there are "neutral" comments in the pile, like polling data and exhortations for unity.

Further, this is in the wake of the Sanders campaign making a HUGE (yuuuuuuuuge?) tactical mistake by having the untested, inexperienced press secretary try to order the press to not ask questions about a specific topic (ISIS). That generated a large number of posts--and deservedly so. His campaign screwed up and people noticed. The vast majority of the critical posts are about that particular issue, they aren't generic "Waaaah Bernie sux" posts, or "Let's dig into Bernie's past/Bernie's wife's past and try to make something of it" posts, either.

New USAToday/Suffolk poll: Hillary 56%-BS 29%
Is Sanders making a tactical campaign mistake?
Hillary supporters here obviously don't care about Baltimore
Bernie Sanders’ biggest limitation
Here is what I dont understand. And I really want to.
#BlackLivesMatter Activist #MarteseJohnson ENDORSES Bernie Sanders for President
HIGHEST RECOMMENDED KOS DIARY: "Dear Hillary Clinton supporters"
Show of hands...who even has a traditional landline anymore?
Coping strategies when your candidate is losing in polls.
Not Good Enough, Bernie!!! Part 83 [View all]
Bernie Plays the Press Like a Fiddle: Old School FTW!
Americans Get Testy With Media After It Disrupts a Presser on Poverty to Ask About ISIS.

I await rebuttals he said.
Sunshine State Poll-HRC 60% SBS 27%/HRC leads all GO(PU) opponents by > 7 points
My criticism of and opposition to Hillary has nothing to do with my support of Bernie
It's going to be a close election!!! It's December 8 and we don't know if it will be Giuliani or

Panic in Hilaryland. Rap legends 60-Cent, Poop Dogg and Lil Peni$ endorse Bernie Sanders
It IS the 2007 primary all over again! The Clintonista PUMAs are back right on schedule!!!
Bernie Sanders has shown us today his will to take control
Hip Hop Legend Bun B Endorses Bernie Sanders for President

'The National Rifle Association put me on the cover of one of their magazines.
Hillary in Iowa today Dec 9--3 stops: Photos of Waterloo Iowa Town Hall here...
Bernie Sanders: Donald Trump wants to distract us from wealth inequality.
This message was self-deleted by its author
Why hillary Clinton isn't considered trustworthy.
"Don't ask about ISIS today" Takes Campaign Incompetence To A Higher Level
Zephyr Teachout endorses Bernie Sanders
Hillary Clinton just disqualified herself as Commander in Chief
Brooha over Bernie's "Brashness", but Clinton's Caustic character? Media could care less.
Donald Trump Utilizes Racism, but Hillary Clinton Used Similar Tactics Against Obama in 2008

Clinton aims to stop 'earnings stripping' to curb inversion deals
3 Points: Rubio is likeliest Repub nominee. Sanders beats Rubio by 4%. Rubio beats Clinton by 3%.
Bernie Sanders just disqualified himself as Commander in Chief
Bernie stands up for AA communities, gets criticized for it (video)
Clinton holds big lead on Sanders in Iowa
Trump and Clinton Eat the Same Food
If Bernie had talked about ISIS today, he wouldn't have been able to talk about racism and poverty.
The events today prove that Bernie is the best candidate for President

Bernie Sanders’s one-dimensional campaign is hurting him badly
Hillary eyes early Sanders KO
And Bernie Sanders compared a neighborhood to a 3rd World Country.
Recent events expose Bernie as not ready for primetime
Will Bernie's outburst in Baltimore hurt him in the polls?
#lovetrumpshate - Hillary's new hashtag- something everyone can agree on- even Trump supporters
Gov. Howard Dean in Iowa for Hillary Clinton
The other side of HRC's lead in MSNBC/Telemundo/Marist poll
$50 more for Senator Sanders...
Bill Clinton will hold TV remote priveledges in a #hillyes WH.
Don't let the names of sources fool you. Just look at Progressives Today. [View all] 68
Hillary's NO-dimensional campaign is hurting her badly
Too many young people are denied the opportunity to participate in national service programs. 4 elleng
Hillary Clinton's Very Good Year 5
Hillary billionaire donor urges more scrutiny of Muslims and some suspension of civil liberties
if Baltimore wasn't the right time, when is Sanders' big national security speech?
Bernie Sanders On Climate Change: 'We Are On A Suicidal Course'
The Monmouth poll that has Clinton ahead in Iowa is horrendously flawed.

Hillary maintains 39% lead in North Carolina
Potentially what a peak might look like...
"Fall in love during the primaries, fall in line for the GE"
"I'm impressed, there haven't been many people running for president coming to our neighborhood."
Poll: Clinton holds double-digit lead over Sanders in Iowa 55% - 33% BS 31
Here It Is... Bernie Sanders On Rachel Maddow's Show Last Night
Rachel Goes On Lawrence's Show (Bernie)... NOW !!! (Coming Soon)

Hillary Clinton on Twitter: "Tell Donald Trump: Hate is not an American value.
Sanders Campaign To Reporters: 'Don't Ask About ISIS'
30 years of insane Republicans and triangulating Democrats,
Hillary Clinton’s Toughness
Just wanted to check in and to let you all know that Mrs. Clinton
Bernie Sanders Just Received One of His Biggest Endorsements Yet
This message was hidden by jury decision.
Times person of the year Bernie Sanders!
Hillary Clinton Is Pro Gun Control, But She's Also BIG on Arms Deals
I still won’t vote for Hillary

Dec 8: @HillaryClinton is in New Hampshire this afternoon!
Any of the Democratic candidates is BETTER than ALL

Meh, they're just venting. JaneyVee Dec 2015 #1
Funny how you ignore the dozens of ops trashing Bernie. cali Dec 2015 #2
That's right! They did it first! Buzz Clik Dec 2015 #12
He acknowledged that some come from "the other side". George II Dec 2015 #72
Message auto-removed Name removed Dec 2015 #3
A fair minded post, I will attempt a reply GusBob Dec 2015 #4
It's funny how I never see these dozens of threads Kalidurga Dec 2015 #5
You're making the mistake of thinking our votes count. jeff47 Dec 2015 #6
Not even states. Electing a President falls to a relatively small number of purple counties. merrily Dec 2015 #32
Hillary supporters are 15% of this site but post 65% of the threads Cheese Sandwich Dec 2015 #7
That is just not accurate. A quick look at latest threads proves it, too. nt MADem Dec 2015 #9
What's the correct numbers? I'll correct my figures. Cheese Sandwich Dec 2015 #11
You made the claim--you do the homework. MADem Dec 2015 #14
I did a quick count one time. Cheese Sandwich Dec 2015 #17
You need to check again. DU is all anti-HRC, all the time. MADem Dec 2015 #20
Why would leave? There's no rule against criticizing Democratic candidates. n/t Dawgs Dec 2015 #21
You might want to read the TOS. nt MADem Dec 2015 #24
I did and says nothing about criticizing Democratic candidates. n/t Dawgs Dec 2015 #25
Look again. nt MADem Dec 2015 #29
Well, I've been here since 2004 and I've never been banned, repremanded, etc. for criticizing Dems. Dawgs Dec 2015 #38
Obviously you do it in a respectful fashion (unless you've been lucky). MADem Dec 2015 #46
So your intention if it is Cruz or Trump vs Hillary, is to continue to criticize Hillary? randys1 Dec 2015 #57
Yep. Doesn't matter what you want to call it. n/t Dawgs Dec 2015 #58
Then what draws you to a board for liberals and democrats? randys1 Dec 2015 #70
No. Really. Any one of us can criticize Democratic candidates. Any and all of them. DisgustipatedinCA Dec 2015 #88
And some of us do NOTHING but.... nt MADem Dec 2015 #105
Ok, let's look at the first page of GDP jeff47 Dec 2015 #49
Let me be the first to applaud the time you put into this. Spitfire of ATJ Dec 2015 #53
Hahahaha! You're gonna hear crickets, of course. beerandjesus Dec 2015 #54
Anti Sanders Andy823 Dec 2015 #61
How DARE the peons want a party to represent them! jeff47 Dec 2015 #62
I wasn't talking about peons Andy823 Dec 2015 #110
Yes, you were talking about peons. jeff47 Dec 2015 #134
+ a lot. MeNMyVolt Dec 2015 #71
Thank you, jeff47. Dont call me Shirley Dec 2015 #63
I am going to trust YOUR characterizations? Naaah. Let''s bold all the pro-Bern/Anti-Clinton posts MADem Dec 2015 #83
So pro-Sanders is the same as anti-Clinton now? But pro-O'Malley is not anti-Clinton? jeff47 Dec 2015 #89
Absolutely--I've found that many pro-Sanders posts can't resist putting a dig in against his MADem Dec 2015 #93
So apparently, we'll have to go through your list line by line, because this one: beerandjesus Dec 2015 #91
Go on--do it!!! It'll keep you busy. MADem Dec 2015 #96
That is exactly what happened madokie Dec 2015 #139
A quick count, one time.... msrizzo Dec 2015 #82
He made the claim, you called him on it. it's up to you to show us why his claim is wrong. Ed Suspicious Dec 2015 #43
You, too, can pull up the Latest Threads list and do a count, yourself. MADem Dec 2015 #48
I trust his count until you can show me otherwise. Ed Suspicious Dec 2015 #52
Hey, I'm looking forward to your response to this: beerandjesus Dec 2015 #55
Oh, I'll just bet you ARE, you helpful sort, you! MADem Dec 2015 #85
I did a quick tally. From midnight to about 2pm (local time). Bubzer Dec 2015 #78
The original claim wasn't supported mythology Dec 2015 #98
A statistic based on nothing... Buzz Clik Dec 2015 #13
I counted one time Cheese Sandwich Dec 2015 #18
Where do I fall -- Sanders or Clinton? Buzz Clik Dec 2015 #23
Sixty five percent of statistics are made up on the spot. nt. NCTraveler Dec 2015 #22
Dupe. nt Cheese Sandwich Dec 2015 #26
We agree. NCTraveler Dec 2015 #30
I did my best. I'm not a scientist Cheese Sandwich Dec 2015 #31
Show your work. Basic concept. Lets see. nt. NCTraveler Dec 2015 #33
Well I assume Andy823 Dec 2015 #60
How many are paid to post? tecelote Dec 2015 #79
Baloney Hekate Dec 2015 #108
I can't really speak for anybody else but I can think of a few reasons el_bryanto Dec 2015 #8
Pretty much sums it up Armstead Dec 2015 #16
Nice. Thanks. erronis Dec 2015 #47
Bingo. NRaleighLiberal Dec 2015 #68
I don't get it either . . . fleur-de-lisa Dec 2015 #10
"Bashing" and "hating" seem to be the terms some use to describe bringing up Hillary's record or merrily Dec 2015 #34
Agreed Rebkeh Dec 2015 #132
She is the choice of the party bigwigs for President (this time, not in 2008). merrily Dec 2015 #133
Then you're not listening. ibegurpard Dec 2015 #15
It makes no sense assuming we're all dems gwheezie Dec 2015 #19
I think what is really difficult to understand.... NCTraveler Dec 2015 #27
Great, another post complaining about Bernie supporters. Just one of many. Broward Dec 2015 #28
The OP has always maintained that he is not only a Bernie supporter but is involved in Bernie's merrily Dec 2015 #37
Strange, I've noticed carping about Bernie supporters from this poster in other threads as well. Broward Dec 2015 #40
A LOT. Not about Hillary's supporters, though. Lots of defense of Hillary, too. merrily Dec 2015 #42
The OP has always seemed to me to be a Hillary supporter. Blus4u Dec 2015 #59
It reminds me of artislife Dec 2015 #64
No words... randys1 Dec 2015 #66
You can't possibly be surprised. merrily Dec 2015 #73
Oh I am not. I do wonder where some of you were 4 years ago, 8 yrs ago, 20 yrs ago. randys1 Dec 2015 #86
None of which has a thing to do it. merrily Dec 2015 #92
Has everything to do with it. You see I am not just a Bernie supporter, but LIKE Bernie, randys1 Dec 2015 #95
It doesn't have a thing to do with my Reply 42. I didn't say you should criticize Hillary. merrily Dec 2015 #99
The one where you alleged I wasnt a Bernie supporter? Yeah, it has everything to do with it randys1 Dec 2015 #100
Nope, nothing to do with it. I never have never suggested anyone is not a Bernie merrily Dec 2015 #103
OMG OMG then what in the HELL does this mean? randys1 Dec 2015 #106
Now, if you had quoted me saying he can't be a Bernie supporter because he doesn't criticize Hillary merrily Dec 2015 #107
No doubt, the best response to that sort of mess and those who propagate it... Number23 Dec 2015 #76
And when I do type words, I risk banishment. For that I truly have no fucking words randys1 Dec 2015 #87
Then you'll join a long, LONG line of intelligent, honest, nice people who don't sit Number23 Dec 2015 #90
(I said something shitty here) beerandjesus Dec 2015 #56
No words... randys1 Dec 2015 #67
Are you really surprised? beerandjesus Dec 2015 #94
That's just BS. MeNMyVolt Dec 2015 #69
I don't know randys1... beerandjesus Dec 2015 #97
Look on the bright side... Spirochete Dec 2015 #84
It is far far worse this time around cosmicone Dec 2015 #35
It happens every time we have a primary Gore1FL Dec 2015 #36
Maybe the constant dripping drone of expecting Bernie's supporters to (oddly) believe that djean111 Dec 2015 #39
She's already depressing enthusiasm ibegurpard Dec 2015 #51
They may be looking beyond 2016 Motown_Johnny Dec 2015 #41
You mention gerrymandering, but as someone who was working night and day about truedelphi Dec 2015 #126
The same may be true about those now supporting Hillary. Motown_Johnny Dec 2015 #128
Your point about the gerrymandering is good. wildeyed Dec 2015 #136
Holding the White House for 4 consecutive terms isn't easy. Motown_Johnny Dec 2015 #138
sorry, only one of the candidates is running a campaign based on Rovian tactics MisterP Dec 2015 #44
That's why I am not piling on. Don't want her for POTUS but she's most certainly our nominee. KittyWampus Dec 2015 #45
Because it's fashionable. betsuni Dec 2015 #50
This message was self-deleted by its author Rebkeh Dec 2015 #65
Many are sick of the status quo. TIME TO PANIC Dec 2015 #74
Why would they do anything different now? They get hundreds of recs for doing it Number23 Dec 2015 #75
Defeating Hillary is vital for the health of the Democratic Party. Maedhros Dec 2015 #77
For many, that vow apparently applies even after she's nominated. Strange. NurseJackie Dec 2015 #81
Those people were banned out right d_legendary1 Dec 2015 #101
+1 ret5hd Dec 2015 #102
I sure don't either n/t doc03 Dec 2015 #80
Hillary gets criticized on her actual positions and statements Scootaloo Dec 2015 #104
So rightwing sources are never used, rightwing memes. sigh randys1 Dec 2015 #109
Like Stormfront? Progressives Today? Gateway Pundit? Scootaloo Dec 2015 #116
... randys1 Dec 2015 #117
Astute rebuttal. Scootaloo Dec 2015 #124
Funny, if you hadn't stated you support Bernie, I would not have known. AtomicKitten Dec 2015 #111
Great point, yes you wouldn't have known because i spend ZERO time BASHING either candidate randys1 Dec 2015 #112
No, it's because your behavior is compatible with the decidedly anti-Bernie/pro-Hillary people here. AtomicKitten Dec 2015 #113
My behaviour is to ONLY prevent the terrorist teaparty from taking the WH randys1 Dec 2015 #114
I suggest you start working on Bernie's behalf then because Hillary can't win the GE. AtomicKitten Dec 2015 #118
A. I have never said he cant win...B. Of course Hillary can win, the ONLY other place I see that randys1 Dec 2015 #120
Polling says she can't win the GE. The same polling Hillary fans flog here daily. AtomicKitten Dec 2015 #121
more specifically ibegurpard Dec 2015 #123
Yes indeed. That is an important factor as well. AtomicKitten Dec 2015 #127
I'm in. wildeyed Dec 2015 #125
Yeah, I hear what you are saying. wildeyed Dec 2015 #115
My son has been on me for years to watch "The Wire", not yet. randys1 Dec 2015 #119
I get what their point is too. wildeyed Dec 2015 #130
I think posts on a message board, good and bad, have little effect bigwillq Dec 2015 #122
Yep. wildeyed Dec 2015 #135
If she wins the nomination the nation is harmed whether or not she wins the election. bowens43 Dec 2015 #129
wow... randys1 Dec 2015 #131
Who wins when she is harmed? Hepburn Dec 2015 #137
Latest Discussions»Retired Forums»2016 Postmortem»Here is what I dont under...»Reply #83