Crunchy Frog
Crunchy Frog's JournalI feel that pardoning him would send a signal of weakness and submission
on the part of the Democratic Party, and would contribute to the narrative that Dump did nothing wrong. It is genuinely the worst possible signal they could send.
It would also serve to alienate a lot of people, myself included. It would likely set the Dems up to be a permanent minority party, there to give the illusion of democracy when there is none. There to go along to get along, maintaining their comfortable positions while the country goes to shit.
This would not be an acceptable move for the party.
He doesn't even need to be pardoned as he is at no risk whatsoever of ever facing any consequences. It would do nothing but give him and his actions a degree of unearned legitimacy
Perfect post seen on a YouTube thread.
Directed at people who voted Trump and are now horrified about the potential consequences to themselves or their pet issues.
I voted blue
Don't cry now
This shit's on you

Why you should never be pregnant in Texas.
(Especially if you're black).
This feels so much like 2016.
Everybody feeling so confident, and coming and checking the computer that night and seeing all the doom.
Only difference really is that I'm feeling more prepared. This is the outcome that I was always expecting, but in 2016 I truly didn't believe that Fuckface had a chance. I'm more jaded and cynical and ready to just grit my teeth for whatever is coming, so I'm not panicking the way I was 8 years ago. I've also managed to not eat wads of candy, and the various substances I've taken seem to be more effective. And of course we still have DU this time.
I'm just really, really sad. I think Kamala would have possibly been a brilliant president. It just seems that the American people as a whole have decided to flush the country and a 250 year experiment with democracy down the toilet. There isn't anyone who voted for the Thing who didn't know exactly what they voting for. I guess we really do live in a shithole with some islands of sanity in it.
I apologize for the rambling. I've managed to stay away from this and other political sites for most of the night, and was dreading coming on here, but finally pulled myself together enough to do it.
I need to figure out how to best keep myself anesthetized for the next few days.
I hope everyone is coping as well as possible.
Just shit.
Has anyone else received a "voting report card" in the mail?
I got one and it seems really creepy and stalkerish to me. I found an article about them.
One thing that they said in the article is that they focus on sending them to members of "underrepresented groups" like young people, POC, and single women. Makes me wonder if it's a stealth effort to depress the Democratic vote.
I know that sounds paranoid, but at this point I almost think paranoia should be the default.
There's an image of it in the article. I'm curious about what other people make of it.
Russian babushka tells it like it is!
OMG‼️ My dear #NAFOfellas, I just know youll get a kick out of this clip. I haven't laughed this much in a while and I know youll say the same after watching it.
This senior citizen from Ufa, Russia absolutely rocks! Shes the opposite of Russian brainless babushkas from Putins troops.
Thank you @Lorelei_0502
for bringing this video to my attention.
I apologize to people who aren't able to view the tweet and the video. Here's an image from it.

Gerasimov ignored warnings of Ukrainian troop buildup
Gerasimov ignored warnings of Ukrainian troop buildup near border, Bloomberg reports~snip~
Gerasimov and top officials "seemingly dismissed intelligence warnings that Ukrainian soldiers were gathering near the border with Russias western Kursk region as much as two weeks before they began the assault," Bloomberg said.
Gerasimov and top officials "seemingly dismissed intelligence warnings that Ukrainian soldiers were gathering near the border with Russias western Kursk region as much as two weeks before they began the assault," Bloomberg said. Russian President Vladimir Putin was also not briefed on the troop buildup, the unnamed source reportedly told Bloomberg.
The source indicated that "while Gerasimov is unlikely to be removed in the short term, patience in the Kremlin over his handling of the war is running out," Bloomberg added.
I wonder if Gerasimov is going to fall out of a window or have some other accident.
Young female hostage released...
From russia, after 2 years.
I still wonder why one hostage crisis gets constant coverage and discussion, while the other one is almost completely ignored.
The hostage crisis nobody talks about.
Kyiv, Ukraine CNN
Dear mom and dad, I am alive and well. I am doing well. Dima. Handwritten on a small piece of paper, this is the only message Halyna and Vasyl Khyliuk have received from their son Dmytro Khyliuk, known as Dima, since he was taken by Russian troops more than two years ago. The Ukrainian journalist was detained in March 2022 during the occupation of his village, Kozarovychi, north of Kyiv. As far as his parents know, the 49-year-old correspondent for the Ukrainian Independent Information Agency was transferred to Russia, where he is still being held despite according to his lawyer having never been convicted or charged.
The Ukrainian government says there are thousands of people like Dima, civilians arrested by Russia who have been held in arbitrary detention for years. Kyiv has officially confirmed around 1,700 cases, but human rights researchers estimate the real number is five to seven times higher. In all, some 37,000 Ukrainians civilian adults and children, and military members are unaccounted for, according to the Ukrainian ombudsmans office, which says that people are still being seized in areas under Russian occupation. CNN cannot independently verify the number of detainees. Many of those detained have been moved to prisons deep inside Russia, kept alongside criminals and prisoners of war, in breach of international humanitarian law. Human rights groups have identified some 100 detention facilities across Russia and occupied areas of Ukraine where civilians are being held, including several that have been opened or expanded specifically to accommodate them.
The Russians want to recognize a lot of them as military combatants and give them prisoner of war status the main reason being (to build) a bank of POWs for exchanges, Ukraines human rights commissioner, Dmytro Lubinets, told CNN in Kyiv. Lubinets said that recognizing Ukrainian civilians as prisoners of war would be both illegal and dangerous, because it would put Ukrainians in occupied areas at higher risk of being detained to be used as bargaining chips. These people are not prisoners of war; they are civilian hostages. I use that word to emphasize what the Russian Federation is doing they are holding civilians as hostages, he said. Under the Geneva Conventions, that regulate the conduct of armed conflict, hostage-taking is explicitly banned. Warring parties can intern people, including civilians. But the rules on who can be detained, why and for how long are strict.
Pantielieieva, the MIHR researcher, said she believes Russia would take advantage of any decision to recognize civilians as prisoners of war and detain even more. The number of people they are taking is already great, they are doing it every day, she said, adding that the latest case of a disappeared civilian had landed on her desk just a few days earlier. Volunteers, journalists and teachers are among those Russia has appeared interested in detaining, according to the human rights groups monitoring the arrests, but often there is no discernable reason why someone has been scooped up. Some people were taken because their house was not far from Russian positions. Or maybe they had a video of (Ukrainian President Volodymyr) Zelensky on their phones. Or the Russians were interested in their relatives and took them hostage, Pantielieieva said.
I'm not seeing a significant difference between russia's hostage taking, and Hamas's. Apart from the sheer numbers and scale, the length of the detentions and their continuous and ongoing nature, and the fact that the world is pretty much ignoring it.
(I'm not trying to downplay the plight or horror of the Israeli hostage situation. Just wanting to point out that it's not the only one.)
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Name: Debbie DownerGender: Female
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