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Joe Klein calls Glen Greenwald a "crazy, civil libertarian absolutist"

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Becky72 Donating Member (457 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-22-09 10:26 AM
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Joe Klein calls Glen Greenwald a "crazy, civil libertarian absolutist"
Edited on Sat Aug-22-09 10:35 AM by Becky72
Aimai of progressive No More Mister Nice blog, remembers an exchange he had last week with Time pundit Joe Klein:


Or maybe they do. Yes, I guess they do. I was standing at the cookout minding my own business when Klein started pontificating for the rubes on how “surprising” and “shocking” it was that Grassley, of all people, should have come out and endorsed the “death panels” lie. I walked up and said “why are your surprised?” to which he, in best pundit debater fashion (never allow yourself to admit you were just posing!), shot back “who says I'm surprised?” I said “well, you did. You just started your lecture saying “Its surprising.”” Its not surprising, the republicans have nothing left to lose and nothing left to gain at this point outside of pleasing the crazy base and attacking Obama and the dems.”

We were off and running. He then said that its true the fringe republicans were “crazy” but perhaps no crazier than the “crazy left” under Bush. I thought he meant the “truthers” so I said “name me one person in congress or the Senate who was as crazy on any topic as these Republican senators and Congressmen who sign on to the birther and deather stuff are now?” Evading this question he said “well, Glenn Greenwald is crazy—he's a civil liberties absolutist.” Now, me, I come from a long line of civil liberties absolutists so I said “I admire Glenn Greenwald's work immensley but it must be very embarrassing for you, of course, because he's been eating your lunch for years.” (!) I think this must be something of a sore point for him. He began shrieking “Glenn Greenwald is EVIL! EVILl! you know what he did? He “sicced” his blog readers on my EDITOR and she was going through a DIVORCE at the time.” Really? I said, politely, that was very wrong, if it happened.
“We kept it very quiet” he said, backing off the claim of any real harm and, as a twofer, managing to imply that only those "in the know" had been kept informed.

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Vinnie From Indy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-22-09 10:33 AM
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1. Greenwald is a hundred times the writer that Klein is
I think that, and being called out on his lies, irritates Klein in regard to Greenwald.

Greenwald is always a great read. Klein, not so much.
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KittyWampus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-22-09 11:56 AM
Response to Reply #1
5. Greenwald wants readers and he knows what you want to hear.
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librechik Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-22-09 10:39 AM
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2. Joke Line is one of the least brainy and most untalented scribblers at TimeInc
Edited on Sat Aug-22-09 10:40 AM by librechik
and that's saying a lot. Time is staffed with nobody but sniveling cowards with a loose grasp on the truth. Glen is just on another level entirely than those tabloid whores. Especially the traitor Klein. A "media liberal" happily backstabbing Dems since 1996 (at least)
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Jim Sagle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-22-09 11:22 AM
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3. Joke Line is a liberal every day except today, on every issue but THIS one.
Wash, rinse, and repeat often enough, and the rubes (that's us) eventually catch on.
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frazzled Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-22-09 11:44 AM
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4. When your 1st amendment client is uber-Nazi Matthew Hale ...
It's hard not to think of someone as a "civil liberties absolutist." (P.S. Mr. Hale is currently serving 40 years for trying to take out a contract on Judge Joan Lefkow's life; Greenwald didn't serve as his defense attorney in that case, although he verbally defended him when the charges were first filed).

Glenn Greenwald is indeed a libertarian. I remember his blog before he was well known or at Salon. It was pretty much a libertarian stronghold, among his readers.

I also bought Greenwald's first book, in which he claimed never to have had an interest in politics at all, and hadn't voted for president, before 9/11. Hokay.

Look, Joe Klein is certainly not "all that." But neither is Glenn Greenwald, really. I think he's a good writer, but he's got the zealotry of a convert, and I never trust that.

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Vinnie From Indy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-22-09 01:26 PM
Response to Reply #4
6. The thing about Greenwald
The thing about Greenwald is that his work is actually strong enough to stand up to even the mildest scrutiny. It seems to me that his facts are usually correct. Klein's work is dishonest on it's face 90% of the time. I would welcome a debate here on DU about the honesty of the work produced by Greenwald v. Klein over the last eight years. In short, I am all about looking at the specific writings of both men to determine the fairness, accuracy and honesty of their work. Please feel free to offer any specific Greenwald columns that you feel reflect a zealotry of thought. I will be happy to gather columns by Klein that we can compare and contrast with Greenwald's work in regard to zealotry, fairness, accuracy and honesty.
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