According to a a report by the Institute of Medicine done in 2002, more than 18,000 people died each year due to lack of health insurance ( ). The study examined those who aren't covered by insurance, not those who can't afford it or who are covered but still can't afford the deductibles or excluded health issues. That was seven years ago. The problem has only gotten worse.
This is why this legislation is
urgent. This is why it
cannot wait!.
If Congress is allowed to go to recess without passing the legislation, that will be at least a 3 month delay, resulting in at least 4,500 more Americans dying than if the bill was passed now. That's more than the number of people who died in 9/11. We passed the Patriot Act overnight. By the same measure of urgency of lives, the current Healthcare Reform Bill has been
scrutinized to death. The deaths of those 4,500 Americans to be precise.
When will Republicans stop playing politics with this issue and accept that reality that healthcare is not just for the Americans who can afford it. This is a crisis and we are in it.