Hey America! Can it get any more obvious?
The Siegelman case shows Bush is more than a crook.
Bush is a TRAITOR!
The little turd from Crawford and his brain grossly abused their authority.
As Adlai Stevenson noted, “Corruption in public office is treason.”
Perhaps most of you reading will agree with that great statesman. I do:
What Bush and Rove and their flunkies in the Department of Just-Us have done is TREASON.
The Siegelman Case — A Political Prosecution ExposedBy: Scott Horton Monday March 3, 2008 12:00 pm
Republicans Lead the AttackBut the show was dominated by one of 52 former attorneys general from 40 of the 50 states who have called for a Congressional probe of the conduct of the Siegelman case, former Arizona Attorney General Grant Woods. He leveled a series of blistering accusations at the Bush Administration’s Justice Department. With the Alabama G.O.P. this evening issuing a near-hysterical statement in which it characterizes the CBS broadcast—before its transmission—as an anti-Republican attack piece, it was notable that Woods, like the piece’s other star witness, is a Republican. Not just any Republican, either. Grant Woods is co-chair of the McCain for President leadership committee, and a lifelong friend and advisor to the presumptive 2008 G.O.P. presidential candidate. Woods is also godfather to one of the McCain children.
First, we know that the first two career prosecutors assigned to the case, including the most experienced prosecutors who worked on it, came to the same conclusion that Grant Woods did: no reasonable prosecutor would ever have charged this case. The Justice Department has consistently made false statements about the roles of the two earlier prosecutors, and their role only emerged in the last few months. It’s extremely noteworthy that throughout the history of this case, whenever a career prosecutor concluded that charges should not be brought, that career prosecutor ran into a bump in his career and was off the case. The message to the remaining career prosecutors was plenty clear. In fact it is clear that the career prosecutors’ views were overridden by political appointees driven by a strong partisan political agenda.
Second, they claim that the case was brought on a fair reading of the law. It was not, and indeed reasonable career prosecutors never would have acted on the basis of the reading they advanced, and a fair detached judge never would have allowed the case to go forward. This case offered neither.
Third, they claim that evidence was produced to sustain the charges. But the key evidence that the prosecutors brought forward was false, and they knew it was false. In this case proceeding on the basis of that false evidence was a corrupt wielding of prosecutorial power, pursued for a corrupt partisan political end—the elimination of a political adversary. They withheld the Bailey notes which would have demonstrated that his memory on this was conflicted or wrong and would therefore have devastated his testimony. There is mounting evidence that one or more witnesses were unethically pressured to give false evidence or face retaliation. This suspicion surrounds not only Nick Bailey, but also Jefferson County Republican Commissioner Gary White. Note the affidavit of his wife, which a federal judge in Birmingham stated only two weeks ago he found “established a prima facie case of impermissible conduct” by the prosecutors. The claim put forward there goes precisely to these facts. White was pressured to give false evidence supporting Bailey on his false claims about the meeting. It is suggested that he would be prosecuted if he failed to do so. He refused, saying the testimony would be false. And he was prosecuted. This seems to summarize the crooked criminal justice system that Karl Rove and his friends have promoted in Alabama.
This is Only an IntroductionCBS conducted dozens of interviews and has much more that it hasn’t shown. The additional footage concerns the Canary team—husband Billy who advised the campaign of Republican gubernatorial candidates against Siegelman, and wife Leura Canary, whose prosecution of Siegelman was essential to the G.O.P.’s efforts to secure the Montgomery statehouse. And they have much more on the inexplicable conduct of federal Judge Mark Fuller, appointed by George W. Bush, a former member of the Alabama G.O.P.’s Executive Committee, and a man who publicly stated that Siegelman had a grudge against him—but who refused to recuse himself from the case.
Rove and Bush have abused their authority to and the Department of Justice to prosecute an INNOCENT MAN.That makes the case against Bush and his regime clear and simple:
Bush and Rove abused their authority, using their offices to commit the crime of imprisoning an innocent man who also is a political rival.
That’s something Mao Tse Tung would do.
That’s something Josef Stalin would do.
That’s something Adolf Hitler would do.
That’s something Augusto Pinochet would do.
That’s not something a GOOD American president would do.
Only an evil one would.
One whose family does business with Mao's heirs.
One whose family did business with Stalin.
One whose family did business with Hitler.
One whose family did business with Pinochet.
Going by the kind of people who evil presidents have appointed to the federal bench, it certainly may be that this isn’t America any more.

It does happen in America
The political trial of Don SiegelmanBy Paul Craig Roberts
Online Journal Guest Writer
Special Reports
Feb 29, 2008, 01:03
However, Federal District Judge Mark Fuller, a Bush appointee, ignored the tainted jury. Fuller himself was part of the prosecution. He bore a strong grudge against Siegelman. Fuller had been an Alabama district attorney before Bush made him a federal judge. Fuller’s successor as district attorney was appointed by Siegelman and produced evidence that Fuller had defrauded or attempted to defraud the state retirement system.
Despite his known animosity toward Siegelman, Fuller refused to recuse himself from Siegelman’s trial. According to the WOTM Special Report, Fuller owns a company that was receiving federal money during Siegelman’s trial. Fuller did not disclose this conflict of interest. Everyone knew the trial was Karl Rove’s effort to rid the Republicans of the candidate they could not beat, and the Republican judge presiding over the trial had a company whose coffers were being filled with federal money.
The Justice
Department’s answer to the exposure of its frame-up of Siegelman is that Siegelman was indicted by career prosecutors and convicted in a fair trial by a jury of his peers. These claims are no more truthful than anything else the DOJ says. Horton reports that career prosecutors advised against the case, concluded it was a political vendetta and walked away from it. Canary’s "girls" were "flailing about trying to find loyal troopers who would shut up and do what is expected of them," a category into which Scott Horton says Louis Franklin and his deputy Stephen Feaga fell. The jurors were presented with Bailey’s perjury suborned by the US attorney‘s office and misled about what the testimony actually meant.
Unable to defeat Siegelman even with leaks from a phony investigation designed to smear him, the Republicans decided to steal the election. After all districts had reported the vote count, Siegelman thanked the voters for reelecting him and went to bed. During the night the Republicans, with no Democratic voting officials present, "recounted" the ballots in Baldwin County. Six thousand Siegelman votes that had been reported disappeared in the recount. The next morning Republican Bob Riley declared himself the winner.
The theft was so hastily arranged that the thieves forgot to change any of the other vote outcomes on the ballots. All other races had the same totals as originally reported, a statistical impossibility had there actually been a computer glitch as the election thieves claimed.
The Republican attorney general, Pryor, refused a recount. The Republican Justice Department and Republican federal judges looked the other way, as did the Republican propaganda sheets that masquerade as news media in Alabama.

Here's what could get people -- the supposed 19-percent of Americans who support the crooked warmonger -- to change their minds about him (never thought I’d write these words):
Must-see TVthe CBS 60-Minutes broadcast on the case.
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4511971799162153726&q=Siegelman+60-minutes&total=20&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=1But wait, thanks to DU and the miracle of the Intertubes, there’s more to send.
The brilliant and heroic lala_rawraw and other great DUers helped shine the light of Truth on a most hideous chapter of American history. And you know what? It has started to make a difference.
Hissyspit*** Official 60 Minutes Siegelman/Rove Story Thread *** Blocked in Alabama! (TRANSCRIPT & VIDEO)L. CoyotePolitical Prisoner Don Siegelman: Will the 60 Minutes Spotlight Make a Difference?L. CoyoteHORTON on McCain, Abramoff and the Riley Band of Choctaw RepublicansblmKerry to FCC: Will be monitoring Siegelman story blackout investigation closely.sfexpat2000 FCC looks into "60 Minutes" blackoutL. Coyote HORTON on McCain, Abramoff and the Riley Band of Choctaw RepublicanshappydreamsHERO ALERT: FCC Commisioner Michael CoppsPamela Troy"Grotesque Imaginings"fascisthunterHave any Democratic Officials Said anything about Siegelman? MelissaBFinally in local paper (Siegleman): Alabama in spotlight not always good trofMobile Register: "CBS (60 Minutes) guilty of bad journalism." sfexpat2000 Someone needs to ask McCain about Don Siegelman. JeffersonsHistory on Siegelman's Opponent Bob Riley from ALABAMA... mod momHarpers: The Pork Barrel World of Judge Fuller (GOV SIEGELMAN'S JUDGE)TrofHere's how you can help Don Siegelman: bleeverDana Siegelman coming up on Dan AbramsmarmarThe Nation: The 60 Minutes Blackout CatWomanWill Newsweek fire Rove over Siegelman scandal?HissyspitBREAKING: Larisa Alexandrovna - Alabama Dems Call For Special ProsecutorHissyspitScott Horton: Birmingham News (Unofficial Voice Of Alabama GOP) Dispense More Koolaid JunkdrawerScott Horton: CBS Says WHNT-TV Lying About "Technical Problem"...kpete
NYTimes editorial covers 60 minutes Siegelman 'blackout' whereismypartyDon Siegelman can't appeal his conviction! McCamy TaylorKarl Rove's Glass House Problem: Or How Governor W. Used the Texas Lottery To Pay Off Ben BarnesOriginalpckellyWHNT-TV (station Siegelman blackout) is owned by close Bush ally. Robert Bass... samplegirl"Free Don Siegelman Thread" Let's keep this horrific story alive lonestarnot"(S)iegelman whistleblower on MSNBC! Siegelman political prisoner. Joanne98Alabama Democratic Party Calls for Special Prosecutor JunkdrawerOld Time DUers: Remember Lee Bass and Harken Energy? pnormanSiegelman of Alabama -- help needed PhoebeDon't forget that Siegelman story is just a metaphor for the perversion of the Justice Department sfexpat2000Don Siegelman's birthday is on Sunday. Please send him a note. burythehatchetThe media lock down on the Don Siegelman story must be broken.L. CoyoteSiegelman judge's firm got $18 million contract L. CoyoteA Political Prosecution Goes Under the Microscope ** USAs = the “Gonzales Eight” santamargaritaLet's not Forget Political Prisoner, Don Siegelmanlala_rawrawA Letter from Dana Siegelman...If it weren’t for Democratic Underground, I probably wouldn’t have known about Gov. Siegelman's case.Detroit's newspapers, I remember, did mention the conviction of an Alabama govenor on "bribery charges" getting sentenced, but they provided zero detail. And that was a while ago. Today, even with the “60 Minutes” broadcast, odds are I wouldn’t have heard about the circumstances. No one at work talked about it, without me bringing it up.
Now, if the media blackout can be broken for this story, why not break the Cone of Silence that has enveloped the rest of the BFEE’s criminality? Who knows? It might change things.
Not that Bush is a traitor is news to good DUers. Who can forget Valerie Plame? Please share this information with your family and friends in Alabama—across America and around the world. It won’t be too long before those who want justice will see the likes of Karl the Nazi Rove and his body, the monkey, doing their own perp walks. On that day, America will again be a nation of laws.
That will be due in large part to DUers. Thank you all.