Originally speculation on the very complicated and hard to detect counterfeits of dollars called "superdollars" pointed to North Korea as the culprit for the operation, which has lead to us having newer designs for much of our currency now. Here's the NY Times article on this from a year ago:
http://www.nytimes.com/2006/07/23/magazine/23counterfeit.html?ex=1311307200&en=1532e77e2eabea37&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rssNot long ago, it was speculated by a German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, who researched this more that there wasn't enough evidence supporting that North Korea was capable of such an elaborate operation and speculation lead to it in fact being a CIA operation in Virginia making these notes that were used to fund black operations under the radar of congress.
http://watchingamerica.com/frankfurterallgemeine000009.shtmlNow, McClatchey just released an article of its research into the issue on January 11th:
I was even wondering myself if the kid gloves treatment that was afforded to money launderer Thomas Kontogiannis who was tied into Duke Cunningham, Brent Wilkes, and the intelligence agencies might have known more about this than he ought to and that was why he was "allowed" to travel to Europe after being sentenced for his crimes here under the "guidance" of some unnamed governmental agency unbeknownst to the sentencing judge.
There's an article that recently came up through the McClatchy Bureau that would appear to support Deutche Allemaigne's conclusions, talking about a new rash of fake $100 bills that are floating around:
http://www.kansascity.com/news/nation/story/441167.htmlMysterious $100 'supernote' counterfeit bills appear across world
McClatchy Newspapers
The Bush administration and members of Congress two years ago loudly accused North Korean leaders of being behind the counterfeiting of U.S. currency, but a 10-month McClatchy Newspapers investigation raises questions about those charges.
As the currency changer told a reporter, “The ones from Europe are much better.”
Whatever the origin of the bills, “it’s by far the most sophisticated counterfeiting operation in the world,” said James Kolbe, a former congressman from Arizona who oversaw funding for the Secret Service. “We are not certain as to how this is being done or how it’s happening.”
Klaus Bender, the author of Moneymakers: The Secret World of Banknote Printing, said the phony $100 bill is “not a fake anymore. It’s an illegal parallel print of a genuine note.” He claims that the supernotes are of such high quality and are updated so frequently that they could be produced only by a U.S. government agency such as the CIA.
This seemed to go under the radar of DU with the elections, etc. happening now. If these are black ops funding material, it would seem a very serious problem that needs investigating. Our economy is already teetering right now with so many other messes. If this is happening in the CIA and is allowed to continue unchecked and is discovered later, it might sink us to worse depths than the earlier Republican depression.