Warmonger, print by John Carroll.In answer to a question during his press conference of Feb. 14, 2007, Gov. George W Bush said: “Money trumps peace.”
Q: A lot of our allies in Europe do a lot of business with Iran. So I wonder what your thoughts are about how you further tighten the financial pressure on Iran, in particular, if it also means economic pain for a lot of our allies.
BUSH: It's an interesting question. One of the problems, not specifically on this issue, just in general, that - let's put it this way: Money trumps peace, sometimes.
In other words, commercial interests are very powerful interests throughout the world. And part of the issue in convincing people to put sanctions on a specific country is to convince them that it's in the world's interest that they forego their own financial interest.
And that's why sometimes it's tough to get tough economic sanctions on countries, and I'm not making any comment about any particular country, but you touched on a very interesting point.
You know - so, therefore, we're constantly working with nations to convince them that what really matters in the long run is to have the environment so peace can flourish.
In the Iranian case, I firmly believe that, if they were to have a weapon, it would make it difficult for peace to flourish, and therefore I am working with people to make sure that that concern trumps whatever commercial interests may be preventing governments from acting.
I make no specific accusation with that statement. It's a broad statement. But it's an accurate assessment of what sometimes can halt multilateral diplomacy from working.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/worldlatest/story/0,,-6416108,00.html “Money trumps peace.”That explains a lot. In fact, that explains everything about everything in regards to Bush and his cronies in the War Party. To them, money is everything.
It was odd, the way it rolled out of the crazy monkey’s mouth. Its off-the-cuff naturalness was at odds with Bush’s customary strangulation of the English language. “Money trumps peace” was obviously a phrase he was familiar with, one he had used often. Judging from his record, it’s likely the saying was something he had learned at home.
“Money trumps peace.”
When I heard it I was infuriated.
Later, came the shocker. News Flash: “Bush tells the truth.”
Then Duhbya adds:
And all was normal, for that was a lie. Part of the Big Lie, actually. You see, to the Bush Family Evil Empire – the War Party, Money Trumps Peace. ALWAYS.
Money also trumps Truth.
Money also trumps Loyalty.
To Bush and the people he works for, Money is Everything.
Why? Because Money buys Power. And Power gives them more Money.
Dog and hood applied as weapons of torture, Abu Ghraib Prison, Baghdad.Remember how Poppy gave April Glaspie the green-light for Saddam’s move into Iraq, back in 1990? Well, that may’ve been good enough for Lee Hamilton, but it didn’t sell the American people on making war for oil in the Middle East. Poppy and Cheney had to think up a causus belli with legs, so they came up with “WMDs.”
Anyway, the main witness for the prosecution just got hanged, but here he is in better days:
Shifting Price of OilTARIQ AZIZ: Our policy in OPEC opposes sudden jumps in oil prices.
HUSSEIN: Twenty-five dollars a barrel is not a high price.
We have many Americans who would like to see the price go above $25 because they come from oil-producing states.HUSSEIN: The price at one stage had dropped to $12 a barrel and a reduction in the modest Iraqi budget of $6 billion to $7 billion is a disaster.
GLASPIE: I think I understand this. I have lived here for years. I admire your extraordinary efforts to rebuild your country. I know you need funds. We understand that and our opinion is that you should have the opportunity to rebuild your country.
But we have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait.
I was in the American Embassy in Kuwait during the late 60's. The instruction we had during this period was that we should express no opinion on this issue and that the issue is not associated with America. James Baker has directed our official spokesmen to emphasize this instruction. We hope you can solve this problem using any suitable methods via Klibi or via President Mubarak. All that we hope is that these issues are solved quickly. With regard to all of this, can I ask you to see how the issue appears to us?
My assessment after 25 years' service in this area is that your objective must have strong backing from your Arab brothers. I now speak of oil But you, Mr. President, have fought through a horrific and painful war. Frankly, we can see only that you have deployed massive troops in the south. Normally that would not be any of our business. But when this happens in the context of what you said on your national day, then when we read the details in the two letters of the Foreign Minister, then when we see the Iraqi point of view that the measures taken by the U.A.E. and Kuwait is, in the final analysis, parallel to military aggression against Iraq, then it would be reasonable for me to be concerned. And for this reason, I received an instruction to ask you, in the spirit of friendship -- not in the spirit of confrontation -- regarding your intentions.
I simply describe the position of my Government. And I do not mean that the situation is a simple situation. But our concern is a simple one.
Carlyle Group heavyweights include (clockwise from top, left)
James Baker III (represents all of Saudi Arabia named in a trillion-dollar lawsuit by 9-11 families),
George Herbert Walker (Poppy) Bush (poster boy for Plausible Deniability),
William E. Kennard (converted expertise as chair of the FCC into service for CG’s US Buyout and Telecom & Media desks), and
Frank Carlucci (college roommate of one Donald Rumsfeld).Yes. War is Big Business. Mighty Profitable, too. No wonder some might say, let alone think, “Money trumps peace.”
War Profiteers
Profits Over Patriotism in IraqBy Robert L. Borosage, Eric Lotke and Robert Gerson
The tales sound like tortures from the Arabian Nights. Drivers sent to their deaths in empty convoys dispatched because the contractor is paid by the trip; men stripped naked in prison and attacked by dogs; troops in the desert drinking contaminated water, waiting for meals that never come.
But the stories are not fiction. They come from the American occupation in Iraq, a military operation that has privatized war to an unprecedented degree, using private, commercial companies for everything from feeding the troops to patrolling the streets.
This report explores the unprecedented use of private contractors during the Iraq war and occupation. It shows how the catastrophic failures in Iraqi reconstruction derive directly from the conservative ideology and policies of those who drove this —“war of choice.”
—“There’s a lot of money to pay for this. We are dealing with a country that can really finance its own reconstruction and relatively soon.”
Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Defense Secretary1— “I am reasonably certain that they will greet us as liberators, and that will help us keep the requirements down…. (W)e can say with reasonable confidence that the notion of hundreds of thousands of American soldiers is way off the mark.”
Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Defense Secretary2I.SNIP…
5—“I can unequivocally state that the abuse related to contracts awarded to KBR (Halliburton) represents the most blatant and improper contract abuse I have witnessed during the course of my professional career.”
Testimony of Bunnatine Greenhouse, the highest ranking civilian in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.11CONTINUED with all the details as of September 2006… of complete article above:
That explains a hell of a lot.
That explains the Gulf of Tonkin and the lies to ramp up Vietnam.
That explains the Cold War and how the Soviets never really were a threat to America.
That explains the Star Wars bogus missile bogus defense rip-off.
That explains Gulf War I and how Poppy lied to America about Saddam’s WMDs and a threat to Saudi Arabian oil back in 1990.
That explains sucking up to the Taliban by Texas Oil and ENRON way back when.
That explains 911, and how Bush and his crew ignored all those warnings and dots.
That explains why they tied 911 to Iraq and why Junior Monkey lied to America about WMDs in order to illegally invade Iraq.
That explains their warmongering ways.
It is their heritage. "The War Party."
Well, one woman has had the courage to stand up to these warmongers. Her name is Cindy Sheehan. She lost her son, Casey, on April 4, 2004 in George W. Bush’s War.
The Taming of Evil, painting by Renata Palubinskas.Not much mention was made of Bush’s pronouncement in the “Main Stream Press,” but that is to be expected from Corporate McPravda – their job is to protect the crazy monkey with cufflinks.
Ms. Sheehan wrote an excellent article on the subject.
Cindy Sheehan: Money Trumps Peace...SometimesA BUZZFLASH GUEST CONTRIBUTION
by Cindy Sheehan
Submitted by BuzzFlash on Thu, 02/15/2007 - 10:23am. Guest Contribution
It is always painful to watch George stumble his way through press conferences. He can't get through a sentence without at least two-three "uhs," his eyelids flutter up and down in what my daughter Carly calls the "liar's blink." It is painful that a human like that is ostensibly the leader of the free world. There is always a plethora of things that he says, does, or screws up on to write about but this time what caught my attention happened during the Q&A. George was asked if he thought the economic sanctions on Iran would work because so many European nations trade with that country.
He stopped to collect his thoughts with what he thought must've looked like a studied and careful demeanor, but more like someone with a sour tummy, and said: "well, let's put it this way...money trumps peace, sometimes. In other words, commercial interests are very powerful interests throughout the world." (I added the italics.) It is always interesting with people who frequently play fast and loose with the truth, such as the liars in BushCo, once in a while if they talk long enough, they tell a truth.
"Money trumps peace" is the fundamental reason for the invasions and subsequent gory and violent occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan. In Richard Behan's excellent article "From Iraq to Afghanistan: Connecting the Dots with Oil," he brilliantly follows the history of the oil-money trail in these countries that are 1) rich in oil, and 2) well placed for the transportation and delivery of oil. Neither Iraq nor Afghanistan, or their leaders or governments had anything to do with 9-11, but they were in the way of oil and other industries that profit from oil, so they had to go. Money trumped peace in those countries and they are destroyed and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, Afghanis, and Americans have been slaughtered because they were blocking American imperialistic profiteering.
"Money trumps peace" is the underlying reason for all wars as two-time Congressional Medal of Honor winner and highly decorated Major General Smedley D. Butler wrote in his reflective, prophetic work, "War is a Racket":
WAR is a racket. It always has been.
It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.
A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small "inside" group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the very many. Out of war, a few people make huge fortunes.
http://www.buzzflash.com/articles/contributors/792 It isn’t fair to call them the BFEE. For they are more than a single family representing the interests of the world’s monied or gangster classes. They are more of a movement of the greedy.
Theirs is the real axis of evil – a line running through the hearts of men who use people as cannon fodder, enslave the survivors for profit, and envision a future where their chosen descendants thrive as royalty.
It is clear, theirs, truly, is a culture of death. They are a culture of warmongers. They are merchants of death. To such, money does trump everything. They worship Mammon. They are the War Party.