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Florida's New Anti-Voter Fraud Law Eligibility Requirements

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kpete Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-21-11 05:55 PM
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Florida's New Anti-Voter Fraud Law Eligibility Requirements
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Scuba Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-21-11 06:10 PM
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1. Whats yer name? Brown. Sorry, there was Brown convicted of a crime once. You're not on the rolls.
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Sancho Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-21-11 11:00 PM
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2. We ran into the new rules this week!
My wife and I have voted here for 20 years. She went down to renew her driver's license (now needed as ID to vote). She had a postcard reminding her to bring documents:

Her hospital birth certificate (used to register to vote before): didn't count; wasn't the state's long form; cost $17, $47 expedited
Her Passport with a picture: didn't count; expired this month (even though it had her picture and address), $160 I think
Her "mail" to our house: didn't count 'cause it had both our names on it (I had to sign an a statement that she really lived in the same house)
Her old driver's license: didn't have a current picture
Her school district photo ID (required a background check and fingerprint in Fl): didn't count without verified birthdate
Her SS number on a W-2: didn't count; must have an original SS card

After a week of ordering stuff and spending about $200, they reissued a driver's license!

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zacherystaylor Donating Member (97 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-27-11 01:47 PM
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3. Not approved by the corporations then it is fraud
Not approved by the corporations then it is fraud; this is the way they seem to be going if they can get away with it.
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