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Optimizer sensitivity analysis:Incr. aggregate alpha vs. partisan alpha

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TruthIsAll Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-01-05 12:50 PM
Original message
Optimizer sensitivity analysis:Incr. aggregate alpha vs. partisan alpha
Edited on Fri Jul-01-05 01:26 PM by TruthIsAll
The exit poll response optimizer has found that the minimum
feasible alpha (K/B) required to satisfy WPE constraints is
1.155, not 1.12 as stated by E-M.

Since 1.155 is a minimum (we do not know the exact value),
this sensitivity analysis looks at .01 increments in aggregate
alpha above 1.155 to see the effects on the five partisan
precinct groupings, specifically on Kerry's vote percentages
and alphas.

The sensitivity analysis indicates that as aggregate alpha
increases, High and Moderate Bush precinct alphas also
increase. The fitted linear curves for these two group have
slopes of .1238 and .0224, respectively.

On the other hand, non-partisan, High and Moderate Kerry
precincts have near-zero slope.

I leave it to the quants to draw any conclusions.

The corresponding graph image is in post #1. 

7/1/05 1:34 PM						
Determine partisan precinct quintile K/B for .01 increments of
aggregate K/B (alpha)above minimum feasible alpha (1.155)
required to satisfy precinct WPE's.

Precinct Variable Input Range (Min, Max) Constraints:         
1- Response rates:48-58%			
2- Kerry 20% quintile 2-party vote			
3- Alpha (K/B): range from 1.155 to 1.23				
4- WPE:provided by E-M						
VOTE	Mil.	Pct (Input)				
Kerry 	59.027	48.76%				
Bush	62.029	51.24%				
Total	121.056					

POLL	Mil.	Pct				
Kerry 	63.127	52.15%				
Bush	57.929	47.85%				
Bush-recorded	51.24%					
		K/B (alpha) sensitivity analysis				
Aggregate	HighB	Bush	Even	Kerry	HighK
	1250	40	415	540	165	90
k/b	1.155	1.500	1.156	1.173	1.098	0.996
Kerry	52.15%	25.0%	42.3%	53.5%	63.0%	82.2%
ln a	0.144	0.405	0.145	0.159	0.094	-0.004
k/b	1.160	1.662	1.156	1.173	1.095	0.996
Kerry	52.15%	20.1%	42.2%	53.4%	65.2%	81.3%
ln a	0.148	0.508	0.145	0.160	0.091	-0.004
k/b	1.170	1.746	1.191	1.166	1.084	0.997
ln a	0.157	0.557	0.175	0.154	0.081	-0.003
Kerry	52.15%	18.4%	34.9%	55.5%	72.9%	88.6%
k/b	1.180	1.764	1.236	1.154	1.082	0.997
ln a	0.166	0.568	0.212	0.143	0.079	-0.003
Kerry	52.15%	18.1%	28.9%	59.4%	74.5%	90.0%
k/b	1.190	1.769	1.275	1.147	1.082	0.997
ln a	0.174	0.570	0.243	0.137	0.079	-0.003
Kerry	52.15%	18.0%	25.2%	62.1%	74.8%	90.4%

k/b	1.200	1.805	1.305	1.145	1.080	0.997
ln a	0.182	0.590	0.266	0.135	0.077	-0.003
Kerry	52.15%	17.4%	23.1%	62.8%	76.8%	92.4%
k/b	1.210	2.041	1.305	1.153	1.074	0.997
ln a	0.191	0.713	0.266	0.142	0.071	-0.003
Kerry	52.15%	14.6%	23.1%	60.0%	83.0%	99.6%

k/b	1.220	2.360	1.305	1.152	1.074	0.997
ln a	0.199	0.858	0.266	0.142	0.071	-0.003
Kerry	52.15%	12.4%	23.1%	60.1%	83.0%	99.6%

k/b	1.230	2.676	1.305	1.152	1.074	0.997
ln a	0.207	0.984	0.266	0.141	0.071	-0.003
Kerry	52.15%	11.0%	23.1%	60.2%	83.0%	99.6%


EXIT POLL RESPONSE (input)						
Aggregate	53.0%	R				
Kerry/Bush	1.155	(alpha)
This is minimum alpha required to satisfy WPE/partisanship

Bush vote gain	1.59E-11					
 1 in	62,953,509,332					
Kerry > 50% vote	100.0%					
 1 in	1					
Kerry	1.062					
Bush	1.186					
1250	Strong Bush		Strong Kerry			
Prcts	40	415	540	165	90	
KERRY WIN%						
Min	0%	20%	40%	60%	80%	
Max	20%	40%	60%	80%	100%	
Min	48%	48%	48%	48%	48%	
Max	58%	58%	58%	58%	58%	
ALPHA (K/B)						
Min	0.50	0.50	0.50	0.50	0.50	
Max	10.0	10.0	10.0	10.0	10.0	
E-M	-10.0%	-6.1%	-8.5%	-5.9%	0.3%	
Min	-10.0%	-6.1%	-8.5%	-5.9%	0.3%	
Max	-10.0%	-6.1%	-8.5%	-5.9%	0.3%	
		Vote Pct	Votes (millions)	
	Poll	Vote	Diff	Poll	Vote	Diff 
Kerry	52.15%	48.76%	-3.39%	63.127	59.027	-4.100
Bush	47.85%	51.24%	3.39%	57.929	62.029	4.100
Diff	4.29%	-2.48%	-6.77%	5.199	-3.002	-8.201
Pship	HighB	Bush	Even	Kerry	HighK	Total/Avg
Prcts	40	415	540	165	90	1250
Vote	3.874	40.191	52.296	15.979	8.716	121.056
Pct	3.2%	33.2%	43.2%	13.2%	7.2%	100.0%
RESP.	50.0%	56.0%	51.0%	50.0%	58.0%	53.0%
Dev	-3.0%	3.0%	-2.0%	-3.0%	5.0%	0.0%
K/B	1.500	1.156	1.173	1.098	0.996	1.155
Dev	29.9%	0.1%	1.5%	-4.9%	-13.7%	0.0%
ln a	0.405	0.145	0.159	0.094	-0.004	0.144

Kerry	0.77	15.76	25.73	9.59	7.18	59.027
Pct	20.0%	39.2%	49.2%	60.0%	82.3%	48.76%
Bush	3.10	24.43	26.56	6.39	1.54	62.029
Pct	80.0%	60.8%	50.8%	40.0%	17.7%	51.24%
Kerry	0.97	16.98	27.95	10.06	7.16	63.127
Pct	25.0%	42.3%	53.5%	63.0%	82.2%	52.15%
Bush	2.91	23.21	24.34	5.92	1.55	57.929
Pct	75.0%	57.7%	46.5%	37.1%	17.8%	47.85%
Kerry	15.0%	35.3%	44.8%	57.1%	82.5%	45.03%
Bush	85.0%	64.7%	55.2%	42.9%	17.5%	54.97%

Kerry	-0.19	-1.23	-2.22	-0.47	0.01	-4.10
Calc	-10.0%	-6.1%	-8.5%	-5.9%	0.3%	-6.774%
E-M	-10.0%	-6.1%	-8.5%	-5.9%	0.3%	-6.774%
Diff	0.00%	0.0%	0.0%	0.0%	0.0%	0.0%
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TruthIsAll Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-01-05 12:51 PM
Response to Original message
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TruthIsAll Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-03-05 04:03 AM
Response to Reply #1
6. GRAPH: Sensitivity of Kerry Pct and aggregate WPE to K/B (alpha)
Edited on Sun Jul-03-05 04:15 AM by TruthIsAll
Note: Only alpha > 1.154 is feasible (satisfies aggregate and partisanship WPE's)

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LightningFlash Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-01-05 05:45 PM
Response to Original message
2. Excellent work, reccomending and passing it on.
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kster Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-01-05 10:15 PM
Response to Original message
3. kick.nt
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autorank Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-01-05 11:12 PM
Response to Original message
4. Well, well, well--Kick
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kster Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-03-05 03:39 AM
Response to Original message
5. Oh my ..... kick......nt
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tommcintyre Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-25-05 08:05 PM
Response to Original message
7. kick - In tribute to his tremendous contributions - WHY??? :( n/t
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bleever Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-25-05 10:38 PM
Response to Original message
8. Kicking for truth, justice, and TIA's invaluable work.
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Melissa G Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-26-05 03:48 PM
Response to Reply #8
9. Kickin' for the Invaluable TIA !
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dchill Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-26-05 09:48 PM
Response to Reply #8
10. Kick for TIA.
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tommcintyre Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-27-05 08:30 AM
Response to Original message
11. kick nt
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autorank Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-28-05 12:53 AM
Response to Original message
12. Kick
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tommcintyre Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-29-05 06:28 AM
Response to Original message
13. kick
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