This analysis will show that State exit poll data (73607
respondents) posted at 12:22am, confirms the results of the
National Exit Poll (13047 respondents), also posted at
12:22am.These results were derived independently.
Kerry won the National Exit poll with 50.84% of the vote. He
won the state exit polls, re-weighted by the number of state
voters, with 50.90%.
Calculating the percentage based on the 13047 National Exit
Poll regional weightings was straightforward. The weighted
Kerry percentage based on the state exit polls was more
involved. The actual share of exit poll respondents for each
state needed to be determined, by re-weighting the exit poll
to the total regional vote.
For example, calculate Kerry's CT exit poll share:
1)There were N= 872 CT exit poll respondents out of 16261
total respondents in the Eastern region, or 5.363%.
2)There were 1.551 million CT votes out of the 26.854 million
who voted in the East, or 5.776%.
3) The weighting factor WF = 5.776/5.363 = 1.077
4) Kerry won KP = 58.47%, or 510 of the 872 Exit Poll
5) Now calculate KW = Kerry's re-weighted exit poll:
KW = KP * N * WF
KW = 58.474% * 872 * 1.077 = 549
Corresponding state exit poll results are calculated for all
the states and DC. The final sum (37466) is divided by the
total number of state exit poll respondents (73607)to derive
KWP, Kerry's state-weighted NATIONAL vote:
KWP = 50.90% = 37466/ 73607
Region Kerry Exit Vote/ Kerry
State Pct Size Exit Exit
EAST 59.60% 16261 165.1% 9691
MIDW 50.28% 19377 158.3% 9742
SOUTH 43.75% 20332 192.0% 8895
WEST 51.81% 17637 138.9% 9137
TOTAL 50.90% 73607 164.5% 37466
Region Pct Bush Kerry Nader
EAST 22% 41% 58% 1%
MIDW 26% 49% 50% 1%
SOUTH 31% 54% 45% 1%
WEST 21% 45% 53% 1%
TOTAL 100.0% 47.95% 50.84% 1.00%
VOTES(mm) 58046 61544 1211
(re-weighted to total state vote)
Region Kerry Exit Vote/ Kerry
State Pct Size Exit Exit
EAST 59.60% 16261 165.1% 9691
CT 58.47% 872 107.7% 549
DC 91.63% 795 28.3% 206
DE 58.44% 770 17.6% 79
MA 66.46% 889 195.8% 1157
MD 57.04% 1000 142.8% 815
ME 54.83% 1968 22.4% 241
NH 55.50% 1849 22.0% 226
NJ 56.13% 1520 142.7% 1217
NY 63.97% 1452 303.5% 2819
PA 54.41% 1930 179.8% 1888
RI 64.24% 809 32.1% 167
VT 65.69% 685 27.0% 121
WV 45.19% 1722 26.4% 205
MIDW 50.28% 19377 158.3% 9742
IA 50.67% 2502 37.7% 478
IL 57.13% 1392 237.7% 1891
IN 40.97% 926 167.0% 634
KS 34.60% 654 113.1% 256
MI 52.55% 2452 123.5% 1591
MN 54.61% 2178 81.0% 963
MO 47.48% 2158 79.5% 814
ND 33.58% 649 30.0% 65
NE 36.54% 785 61.7% 177
OH 52.06% 1963 180.2% 1841
SD 37.42% 1495 16.1% 90
WI 50.21% 2223 84.3% 941
SOUTH 43.75% 20332 192.0% 8895
AL 41.08% 730 133.4% 400
AR 46.93% 1402 74.2% 488
FL 49.93% 2846 138.1% 1963
GA 43.11% 1536 111.2% 737
KY 40.76% 1034 89.8% 378
LA 44.50% 1669 60.0% 445
MS 43.20% 798 73.8% 254
NC 47.31% 2167 83.8% 859
OK 34.73% 1539 49.5% 265
SC 45.79% 1735 48.0% 382
TN 41.15% 1774 71.1% 519
TX 36.84% 1671 229.4% 1412
VA 47.96% 1431 115.5% 792
WEST 51.81% 17637 138.9% 9137
AK 40.14% 910 23.9% 87
AZ 46.60% 1859 40.4% 350
CA 55.73% 1919 459.9% 4919
CO 49.07% 2515 60.2% 743
HI 53.32% 499 61.5% 164
ID 33.33% 559 76.0% 142
MT 39.28% 640 49.5% 124
NM 51.34% 1951 27.6% 277
NV 50.66% 2116 27.8% 298
OR 51.22% 1064 122.5% 668
UT 29.93% 798 81.7% 195
WA 55.07% 2123 95.5% 1116
WY 32.07% 684 25.1% 55