Total Pct 3.50% Alive Max
2000 Vote 2004 Died 2004 Weight
Bush 50.456 41.27% 1.766 48.690 39.8%
Gore 50.999 41.71% 1.785 49.214 40.3%
Based on the annual U.S. death rate(8.7 per thousand):
1.766 million Bush 2000 voters died.
1.785 million Gore 2000 voters died.
According to the Preliminary Exit Poll (13047):
Weight Voted
Bush 41% 50.127
Gore 39% 47.681
50.127 mil. Bush 2000 voters turned out (99.35%)
Impossible (too high), since 1.766 mil died.
47.681 mil Gore voters turned out (93.49%)
Possible, but unlikely (too low).
0.329 mil Bush voters died (0.65%)
Impossible (too high), since 1.766 mil died.
1.785 mil Gore voters died (3.50%)
Best estimate
1.533 mil Gore voters stayed home (3.01%)
Unlikely (too high)
According to the Final Exit Poll (13660):
Weight Voted
Bush 43% 52.57
Gore 37% 45.24
52.572 mil. Bush 2000 voters turned out (104.19%)
Impossible (too high), since only 50.456 mil. voted.
2.116 mil Bush voters were reincarnated (4.19%)
All came to vote. Sure. I see dead people.
45.236 mil Gore voters turned out (88.70%)
Possible, but unlikely (too low).
1.785 mil Gore voters died (3.50%)
Best estimate.
3.978 mil Gore voters stayed home (7.80%)
Unlikely (too high)