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Sarah Palin Factsheet (with sources) - BUMP & SHARE

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Essene Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-30-08 11:34 AM
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Sarah Palin Factsheet (with sources) - BUMP & SHARE
Feel free to triple fact-check these.

Feel free to add points. Sources referenced at the bottom. Discuss. Grab a cup of hot cocoa and enjoy this read...

Mayor Sarah Palin... God's Will Be Done

  • Sarah Palin became Governor of Alaska less than 2 years ago. Sarah Palin claims her arctic state is a "microcosm of America" (ABC interview with Charlie Gibson). No disrespect meant to Alaska, but that's a real stretch.

  • As Mayor of a town of about 6000 people, Sarah Palin pulled in $27 million in federal "pork." She increased taxes. She increased the budget from $7.6 million to $13.6 million and put the town into $22 million in debt (Alaska Journal-1, AP-8, Washington Post-12). As an ironic aside, Palin's rationale for digging her tiny town into debt to build a major sports complex (among other things) was that government should be in the business of "preventing social ills" - i.e. the proposed sports facilities would stop teens from getting into drugs, sex and crime (CBS-10, Palin's email to the Wasilla City Council-12). Oh yea, and she began building this huge complex on somebody's private property which turned into a costly legal mess and the City eventually just took it under "eminent domain" powers (Wall Street Journal-7).

  • Palin's beloved Wasilla federal pork was publicly attacked at least 3 different times by Senator McCain, in years gone by (LA Times-14). We'll get to her state-level pork requests later.

  • When running for Mayor, she allegedly suggested that she'd be the "first christian Mayor." The current Mayor was not an active church guy and his name was John Stein (i.e. sounded Jewish). Even though he was Christian, the implication is that the town needed a "real" christian leader (NY Times-31). A wonderful way to rise to political power.

    :) Enjoy this 1995 mayoral campaign ad

  • As Mayor, one of the first things she did was to spend $50,000 on redecorating her office (without city council approval). When her political mentor, the guy who selected her and groomed her, confronted her on this she allegedly responded that "I'm the mayor, I can do whatever I want until the courts tell me I can't." Yes folks, her own political mentor tells us this, and added: "That's Sarah. She just has no respect for rules and regulations." (Salon-23)

  • As Mayor, she didn't actually have the managerial duties that most Mayors do. In Alaska, due to the spread in population, there are "Borough" governments akin to County systems. They take care of planning, fire departments, ambulances, property taxes and stuff like that. Even so, Palin had to hire a city manager to keep her own mess in order. She apparently wasn't all that good at managing what little she had to manage (Salon-23), other than to spend spend spend and raise taxes.

  • As Mayor and activist, she sought to install creationists in the government and worked hard to take over a local school board (Salon-28). She also advocated for creationism as a gubernatorial candidate (LA Times-32).

  • As Mayor, she told a local minister that she believes "dinosaurs and humans walked the Earth at the same time," some 6000 years ago (Salon-28). Hmmm.

  • As Mayor and activist, she pressured a public librarian on censoring books and may have fired her for challenging the notion (Anchorage Daily News-24, ABC TV report-25).

  • Under Palin's tenure, Wasilla rape victims were forced to pay for their own forensic evidence kits. This was such an outrage, that the state felt the need to pass a law banning the practice (Anchorage Daily News-30).

  • Palin strongly opposes abortion even in cases of rape and incest... even as children (Anchorage Daily News-26). It should be added that the next President is likely to have the opportunity to replace the 2 oldest US Supreme Court justices. Justice Stevens is age 88ish & Justice Ginsberg is age 75ish. Both are progressive. The court already leans right.

  • Palin is lying about her fringe Pentecostal background and somewhat alarming affiliations. On August 29th, when asked what church she attended she claimed: "A non-denominational Bible church. I was baptized Catholic as a newborn and then my family started going to non-denominational churches throughout our life." (Time magazine-27). Non-denominational throughout her life? This is a lie. She spent most of her life in a fringe Pentecostal church with views so radical that they are considered heresy by mainstream evangelicals & fundamentalists: faith healing; being possessed by the supernatural holy ghost and speaking in tongues; teaching prophesy & gnosticism; christian theocracy & dominionism, etc. While she did switch to a more non-denominational church in 2002, she maintains strong relations with the fringe Pentecostals: she attends their services when in the capital; she funnels public funds their way; her pentecostal pastor resided over her inauguration as Governor; and, she continues to make appearances at the church. She even recently participated in an anti-witchcraft ceremony they had to bless her new political career - I kid you not, see the video (youtube-29).

  • Palin's fringe pentecostal community is a major player in the "Third Wave" dominionist movement (look it up). This is the theological home of "Joel's Army" and you can see for yourself what preachers like Rodney Howard-Browne are about by a simple search for videos which include him calling to take over government and speaking in tongues. They believe the Apocalypse is very soon and that they have special insight into & role within God's plan. Palin's own home church recruits youth to learn how to prophesize (about the coming apocalypse) and how to go out into the world to do God's work. The famous video of her speaking about Iraq being "god's will" was for a graduating class of such recruits. See for yourself (youtube-29)

  • She believes in the ability to prophesize about God's Will. She said the Iraq war was "god's will." She also said her proposed Alaskan pipeline was "god's will." (Youtube-21). She also said that there are signs unfolding today and implied that her rise to power in Alaska is something special, having to do with growing up in that Pentecostal church. (Youtube-29).

    :) Enjoy this video exploring her pentecostal roots & her sense of prophesy

  • Sarah Palin has had long-time affiliations with the Alaskan Independence Party (secessionists that don't see Alaska as true part of the USA). Her husband was a formal member of the Party for 7 years. They both attended conventions. Even as Governor, she openly supported the Party. There's even a nice video of her, as Governor, addressing one of their conventions (LA Times-33, Youtube-34).

  • Palin does not believe climate change is caused by human behavior (ABC News-35).
    :) Enjoy this 1995 video of her gum chewing. god loving Sarah

  • A judge had to tell Mayor Palin to stop slandering and harassing her sister's ex-husband, in 2005, and that it had risen to the point of being "child abuse" during custody proceedings (Newsweek-43). That's how bad it had become. This happens to be the same guy at the center of the current investigation about her abusing her power as Governor to seek personal vengeance. She continues to slander him in her defense, saying he's "a threat to the first family" (Charlie Gibson interview on ABC, Newsweek-43)). This is problematic, considering that the custody proceedings have yet to end.

  • Palin couldn't let go of her small town grudge. Palin's own ethics adviser told her, months ago, to come clean in this investigation of abuse of power (Wall Street Journal-46). The committee running this "Trooper gate" investigation has a majority of Republicans. The Republican state representative from her home town of Wasilla cast the deciding vote to subpoena 13 affiliates of Palin on this matter (AP-44, Anchorage Daily News-42). Palin's response has been to hide behind lawyers, making contradictory claims, telling everybody not to cooperate and to generally stall the investigation (Youtube-47). The investigation has reportedly expanded into other abuses, including illegal compromise of confidential information and perhaps obstruction (AP-45).

Governor Palin... loves Moose but prefers Pork

(you may want to refresh your cup of hot cocoa)

  • Sarah Palin was Governor of Alaska (population 680k) for about 1.5 years before becoming the VP Candidate. Palin has called Alaska a "microcosm" of America. Alaska's entire population (#47) is on par with the cities of Austin, Memphis and Columbus (ohio). By comparison, the New York City school system has 1.1 million children in it and feeds/transports about the entire population of Alaska every day. Yes, that's right, there are school systems with bigger budgets than the State of Alaska. The 2nd largest city in Alaska has a population of 30,000 people. There are 125 football stadiums in America bigger than that (wikipedia ftw).

  • One of the first things Palin did as Governor was to install an expensive tanning bed (LA Times-37). And for the record, this cannot be used for treating depression from low northern light exposure, as her defenders have claimed. That's a different band of EV radiation (look it up).

  • Her big "success" so far in Alaska was to increase taxes & regulation on oil, driving up prices for the rest of America. A true maverick. 14% of America's domestic oil comes from Alaska (EIA-16). On top of other hefty fees and taxes, Palin increased the windfall tax rate to 25% on all Oil coming out of Alaska (Anchorage Daily News-4) and has brought in $11 billion in revenue this year alone (Bloomberg-17, LA Times-15). Industry experts have stated that for every barrel of American oil coming out of Alaska, she's taking about $.75 cents of ever $1 as taxes and fees (Seattle Times-39). I wonder if the Republicans consider this a "model" in fiscal conservative government?

  • Palin has repeatedly claimed that Alaska makes up 20% of America's domestic energy supply. She was off by 600%. It's only about 3.5% of America's domestic energy supply ( That's how little she understands her own state's economy and the general energy politics in America. Off by 600% while talking on national television about her expertise.

  • Alaska has a $5 billion budget surplus because of her aggressive energy taxation (Bloomberg-17, LA Times-15) and is giving residents checks for $3200 this fall. That's approximately $13000 for a family of four (LA Times-15). Alaska has no state income, property or sales tax so these residents are literally being paid royalties to live there - because of high gas prices. Chew on that a bit.

  • Under Palin, 1/3rd of Alaska's jobs depend on Federal funds (The Economist-18). Makes you rethink the "rugged individualism" image, huh?

  • Palin has requested over $750 million in federal pork in her mere 1.5 years in office (AP-8, Washington Post-13). Remember that $5 billion surplus from taxing energy? Well, she's still requesting hundreds of millions from the rest of us... even after we pay more at the pump.

  • Under Palin, Alaska has the highest pork-per-person ratio in the nation (Washington Post-13, AP-9). Alaska is 71% above the national average in pork requests (The Economist-18). This doesn't count the $329 million she had hoped for to build the Bridge to Nowhere (CNN-19). She did cut down her pork requests to a mere $200 million so far in 2008, but mainly at the request of the President and because Congress cut her off. Even after her cuts in pork, Alaska remains at the top of the list of pork states.

    See her wearing a pro-"Bridge to Nowhere" shirt here:

  • Palin lied when she claimed that she said "thanks but no thanks, and i told Congress to keep the money" pertaining the infamous Bridge to Nowhere. In truth, Palin supported the project while running for governor and mocked those who didn't understand Alaska's infrastructure needs (Anchorage Daily News-3). In fact, she supported using STATE funds for it in addition to the federal pork (Anchorage Daily News-2). Only 11 months into her first term, as Congress refused to fully fund it, did she declare the program dead. She simply refused to make good on her promise to use state funds. Her official press release blamed Congress (Press Release-5).

    The "Road to Nowhere" lives on...

  • Palin never returned the funds. She went ahead and spent the left-over $36 million in federal funds for the "bridge to nowhere" on the "road to nowhere" (NY Post-6, Press Release-5). By the way, her administration is actually still pursuing the Bridge to Nowhere project according to folks in her administration (Propublica-22).

  • Palin claims to have cut spending, but Alaska's operating budget actually increased (Bloomberg-17). Her cuts were primarily on local Capital expenses - cutting $231 million in local infrastructure projects including "hydropower projects to ball fields, roads and bridges to police cars" (Anchorage Daily News-4). She also line-item vetoed funds for family counseling and adoption programs, a shelter for homeless, repairing sidewalks for elementary schools, replacing fire stations, etc. (Bloomberg-17). Having a $5 billion budget surplus and $750 million federal pork sure drives one to make hard decisions! She did manage to add public funding for her Pentecostal church's evangelical outreach & training program where folks may learn to speak in tongues, experience the Holy Spirit, learn to divine prophecy from God, and learn to go out into public life in God's name - the same church where she told practitioners that her proposal for a new pipeline was "God's will" (Blogspot-20, Youtube-21).

  • She spent $400,000 taxpayer dollars on a campaign to push aerial wolf killing even though the state had already voted the other way, twice (Anchorage Daily News-36).

  • Palin requested & funneled state funds to support her old Pentecostal church's recruitment and training center (DailyKos review of sources-40). The video they had on their website stated that they teach how to engage in prophesy. They have since removed the video, but it can be found with a little digging about "third wave" and such.

  • Palin opposed a shelter that serves troubled teen mothers (Washington Post-41). Sports centers to keep kids out of pregnancy trouble. Yes. Shelters for kids in trouble? No. How very christian of her.

  • They lied when they claimed that she "put the governor's jet on ebay and sold it for a profit," and she "fired the governor's chef." Real maverick stuff. The truth is that she failed to sell the jet on ebay and had to sell it through a contractor for a loss (CBS-11). And in fairness, the state is nearly the length of the entire USA so the state having a small $2.5m plane isn't exactly extravagant. Similarly, she didn't actually fire the chef. She merely gave her another job in the state government (AP-9).

    See a map of Alaska compared to the rest of the USA to realize how a small plane isn't a big expense

Governor Palin... Commander Pants on Fire

  • To review: she's lied about her religious background. She's lied about her state's role in domestic energy production. She's lied about her record on taxes, spending and pork. Everything from the bridge to nowhere, to the jet on ebay, to the fired chef... all lies. Liar liar pants on fire!!

  • While two of her best skills seem to be being cute and lying about herself, she's clearly even better at lying about her political opposition. I won't go into depth on this, but just remember the silly claims about how Obama never authored “a single major law or even a reform in the U.S. Senate or the Illinois Senate." Apparently, she's so cynical that she's more concerned about the aesthetics of her statements than their voracity. It's a sad moment in American politics.

  • Keep in mind that the first things a President Palin might do is redecorate, add a tanning bed to the White House and wonder if she'll have to use nuclear weapons as part of the imminent Armageddon .


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Political Tiger Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-30-08 11:40 AM
Response to Original message
1. WOW!
Thank you for this eye opening post!
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JeffR Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-30-08 11:41 AM
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2. Nice work!

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npincus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-30-08 11:41 AM
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3. wow, quite an effort...
I commend you! :applause:

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chatnoir Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-30-08 11:52 AM
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4. Wow! Excellent - thank you for your hard work!
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Essene Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-30-08 01:14 PM
Response to Reply #4
15. does this mean i get to call him Barry without getting flamed on DU now? =D
i suspect not.
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riqster Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-30-08 11:54 AM
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5. Incredibly useful
Already forwarded along.
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mscuedawg Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-30-08 11:55 AM
Response to Original message
6. Great post...THANKS!!!! K/R All day!!!!!
This would make a great email to all those "smears" that I've been receiving on half-facts or NO facts on Obama!!!!!


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RoadRage Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-30-08 11:55 AM
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7. nicely done! Copied & pasted into email already!!
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joop Donating Member (344 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-30-08 11:57 AM
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8. amazing post
thanks for all the hard work!
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intheflow Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-30-08 12:05 PM
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9. Yea, annotation!
You must be one of them-thar high-falutin' librul academic elitists. Must be why I like you so much! :hi: Thanks, this is something I can send my high-falutin' conservative academic mother. Very helpful.
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Botany Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-30-08 12:07 PM
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10. How the hell could have McCain missed all that stuff?
Nice Job.
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Essene Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-30-08 12:58 PM
Response to Reply #10
12. I buy the theory that he just reacted rashly to being told "no" to lieberman.
I think his campaign likely had Tom Ridge way way up there, but both he and Lieberman were about as viable as this bailout plan.

So, i think he probably liked the broad story of Palin and went with her as a gut reaction.

He desperately wanted the "maverick" narrative to stick.

I'd wager everything that his staff HATED the pick, because they probably didnt put her through a full vetting process for a lot of good reasons. Once he made the decision, they started playing catch up.

And here we are. :D
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Botany Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-30-08 05:33 PM
Response to Reply #12
24. I think there must have been no vetting @ all
She already was under investigation for "Troopergate" after
the Alaskan Senate (which is majority R) found out about
her abuse of power and in 2005 (?) in public records a judge
had ordered Palin & her family to stop being pains in the ass
about the trooper.

15 minutes w/ a google search could have brought up more
than enough to stop her from being picked as v.p..

BTW awesome job on the list .... i sent it to Steph Miller.
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Essene Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-01-08 08:09 AM
Response to Reply #24
30. I suspect they did many rounds for many candidates (and she only had round 1 vetting)
In other words, i bet she was at the bottom of the pile of candidates.

He probably just really liked her and liked the narrative about her. When his top 2 picks were rejected, i think that he just got pissed off and made a rash decision... going against ALL the work his VP group had done.

He wanted so desperately to be a maverick and to pick the biggest "screw you" to his washington buddies that he didn't think about the fact that she was only vetted by the first round.

And i bet the first round of vetting was basically an interview, a compilation of bio stuff and thus mostly self-reported resume crap.
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Kerrytravelers Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-30-08 12:11 PM
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11. This is beyond excellent! I've been working on something similar, but not as detailed, to email out.
I'll open with funny, because when you realize how sickening McCain/Palin (Ailin/Failin) are, you need to laugh because otherwise, you'll fall into a deep depression.

Here are SNL's take on Palin. They hit the nail directly on the head.
Gov. Palin and Senator Clinton address the nation

Gov. Palin and Katie Couric get real and adorable

Here is the highlight of the Couric interview, with some translations... 'cause somebody has to make sense of the gibberish.

Ok, now funny is over.

Jack Cafferty tells us how he really feels about Sarah Palin
Jack Cafferty Loves Sarah Palin, Part II

As has MSNBC's Keith Olberman.
Countdown: Troopergate, Laura Bush's thoughts (apparently she has one,) and Muthee, Palin's witch chasing pastor (I'm not kidding. He chases witches.)
Some important background information: Muthee was a witch chaser in Africa, as well. He is particularly proud of his most (in)famous stunt pre-Palin. A poor woman in a small African village did not attend his church. Unfortunately for her, two car accidents happened in front of her house in a relatively short period of time. Muthee decided that the way to get even with her was to declare her a witch. He had so many of the villagers whipped up into such a frenzy, the police had to literally go to this poor innocent woman's home and help evacuate her before the villagers killed her. What a pastor. That is spreading the love of the Lord! In the video, you actually hear him say he is praying to stop the witchcraft around Palin, along with some other stuff about her becoming governor. Now, the argument can be made that in Africa, the term "witch craft" has a different meaning than it does here in America... and Alaska. However, this idea of "evil" is very much in tune with Palin's political ideology of "evil" and "good" and all the other Bush Vocabulary words we've learned over the past eight years. Vocabulary words like "evil doer" come to mind because they are so childish. The ideology of "good" and "bad" and "evil" and "saintly" is how we ended up in this illegal occupation. This idea that we are on a mission from God to invade countries is the exact ideology that the Bush Doctrine subscribes to, and is being followed by Palin, even if she is unable to discuss the Bush Doctrine with Charlie Gibson. It is Manifest Destiny on steroids, and clearly, it is both illegal and a massive failure on an epic scale. But yes, let's elect someone who wants to continue a doctrine that she can't even articulate. That sounds like a plan.

Andrew Sullivan, gay conservative (there is such a thing???,) a regular on Real Time and who has been particularly awesome as of late, has a great column over at his home magazine, The Atlantic Monthly, that is short and to the point. I particularly like the title.
The Lies and Lies and Lies of Sarah Palin

Kathleen Parker is a conservative writer who, unlike Sullivan, is not in Obama's camp. She's a McCain supporter who is publicly stating that Palin is simply a disaster. A train wreck. And totally, completely and utterly out of her league.
Kathleen Parker: Palin Problem

Fareed Zakaria is simply a very, very smart man. He is fair. I can honestly say that I do not know if he is a liberal or a conservative. I know he thinks Bush is an idiot, but that only proves that he has multiple brain cells that function. I wish that more in our media would take a step back and be more thoughtful. Perhaps if they were, we never would have been stuck with Bush and not rushed into this occupation.
On CNN, Fareed Zakaria: Sarah Palin "Utterly Unqualified" for VP

Here is Fareed Zakaria's article about Palin. The title is great. (I would suggest skipping the reader comments at the bottom. Any moron with access to a keyboard and type something. After reading some of those comments, I seriously wish stupid was painful. If it was physically painful to be stupid, there would be a lot less nonsense in the world.)
Palin is ready? Please.

Is Fareed Zakaria being too hard on Palin? This is the infamous video of Sarah Palin's public outing to a local cheesesteak eatery. Since there is a lot of background noise, I’ll give you a quick rundown of what to expect. At approximately 50 seconds, she is asked about Pakistan, specifically about Waziristan. The citizen made the remark that things are "blowin' up there!" It is so clear that Palin has no idea where in the world Waziristan is located. I don't think she even realized he was talking about Pakistan. She probably thought it was a suburb of Philadelphia. (Quite frankly, I am of the opinion that if it isn’t in Alaska, she doesn’t know where it is… seriously. She is a secessionist, you know.) And, not shockingly, she has absolutely no idea what she is talking about. Now, bless her stone cold heart, she gives it the old 6 colleges try. You might need to sit down for this one… she says, if you can believe this… “Yeah it is and the economy there is blowin' up...too..."

Say what, Sarah???

This is just so mind boggling. My head is still spinning in a circle. I am actually offended by her completely stupid response.

Where in the world is Waziristan? Here is a BBC news piece from 2004. I picked this because the BBC is a reputable source. In case you don’t have time to read the whole article, I’ll sum it up: This is the area that Osama bin Laden is suspected to be hiding out at one time. It is a rocky, mountainous region that is the idea hiding spot if you’re an international terrorist. I really don’t think they’re transfixed on the falling Dow Jones like we are. However, poor Sarah didn’t know this. She actually takes time to blather on with her nonsensical answer hoping that she’ll sound smart and no one there will know she is clueless. She is trying to bluff her way out of this act of “Gotcha” journalism by a possible voter.

Now, you might be thinking to yourself, “I didn’t know where Waziristan is.” Well, now you do. And I bet you Palin still doesn’t. And we want her a 72 year old heartbeat away from sending our troops all over the world?

Pay attention to the second question the “gotcha” journalist/ possible voter. This is the question that Katie Couric refers to in the joint McCain/Palin interview.

Here is a map locating Waziristan.

The Palin Cheesestake Run

Here is another perfect example of Fareed Zakaria's point. Katie Couric is interviewing Palin and McCain together. They are referring to the clip in the Fareed Zaharia piece (above) where a young male constituent is asking her thoughts on Pakistan. Apparently, according the Palin and McCain, a constituent asking a question is now "Gotcha" journalism. Wow. And, in addition to that utter stupidity, Palin sits right there in the interview and says it again. Watch McCain. He is squirming. He then contradicts her. It is unbelievable. My personal opinion, and this may be a controversial opinion, is that the Republican Party should be in talks about how to replace both McCain and Palin as their nominee. I in no way want to live under four more years of Republican rule, I think we've all suffered enough. However, how can a party run a person who is so utterly dangerous to this nation, and how can they possibly still support a man who has so little regard for this country that he would run this woman as his VP.
Katie Couric sitting down with McCain and Palin together

Now, I know, according to McCain's world, the NY Times is a Communist organization that has a liberal bias and plays "Gotcha" journalism against all the good Republicans... blah blah blah.
NYTimes: Concerns About Palin’s Readiness as a Big Test Nears

This video is 10 minutes long. It is narrated and, I think, articulates the terror that is Sarah Palin. Not only does this woman use the "evil" and "good" vernacular of the Bush Administration, but she clearly has not been following the stances of the Bush White House. As a Governor of a state, you'd think she'd be intellectually curious. The fact that she had no clue as the Bush Doctrine, which has been articulated and acted upon for five years shows an amazing lack of intellectual curiosity and leadership. This woman has no place as Governor, let alone Vice President.
The Dangers of Sarah Palin

This woman is a danger to this country. If you know anyone who is even considering voting for McCain/Palin, edit this email as necessary and send it along. Use this email and the various links to be ready to have that conversation. Every vote counts... well, we all know not every vote will be counted. So, to counter-act that, we have to get enough of a margin that more voting shenanigans is impossible and the actual winner of the Presidential Election actually gets to take office.

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Essene Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-30-08 01:13 PM
Response to Reply #11
14. Thanks for sharing. Good stuff.
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Raschel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-30-08 01:06 PM
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13. Average education in Wasilla is tenth grade
the poor people were duped by Sarah the Shyster. They thought she was smart. They didn't know that it was all BS.
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JPZenger Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-30-08 01:21 PM
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16. Here's a great cartoon from

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stuntcat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-30-08 01:31 PM
Response to Reply #16
19. good one
Those idiots are trying to make an apocalypse, Jesus or no Jesus :scared:
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Essene Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-30-08 04:20 PM
Response to Reply #16
23. hah. That Pretty much sums up most of the GOP Convention 2008
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stuntcat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-30-08 01:29 PM
Response to Original message
17. nice!
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Essene Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-30-08 01:30 PM
Response to Original message
18. Some caution about a few of these points...
Edited on Tue Sep-30-08 01:30 PM by Essene
1) Quite a lot of the buzz about things, like the banning of books & her claiming to be the first christian mayor, is based on insinuation and heresay.

2) While i am 100% convinced that she is a crazy evangelical, her record since becoming governor does not show strong theocratic activities. She's funneled funds to her church and such, but she hasn't tried to change the curriculum or abortion laws.

She HAS made the following statement:

I’ve honestly answered the questions on what my personal views are on things like abortion and a lot of controversial issues,” she said. “I won’t hesitate to answer those questions about what my personal views are, but I am not one to be out there preaching and forcing my views on anyone else.

Her record is obviously mixed and i personally don't trust somebody who lies about their religious roots.

3) While alaska fiscally is an insult to the rest of america, her defenders can legitimately say that she's cutting pork and that much of the situation was inherited by her. Nonetheless, the truth remains that she's only fought when forced to fight.

4) Her sister's ex-husband may actually be crazy and may actually be a threat to the family. This doesn't justify her abuse of power or her attempts to deflect an honest investigation, but he does sound crazy. He tasered his own child and allegedly threatened to kill Palin's father.

Anyways, i feel compelled to both be fair and to note places where those you may discuss this stuff with... could make valid counter-points.
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Arkansas Granny Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-30-08 01:31 PM
Response to Original message
20. WOW! I'm bookmarking this and will be sending a link to friends.
This is a lot of information.
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Kerrytravelers Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-30-08 02:47 PM
Response to Original message
21. There is a video up in the video forum that shows the Creationist Museaum.These are Palin beliefs.
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Essene Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-01-08 08:04 AM
Response to Reply #21
29. I'd like to see her answer questions about creationism
I get the sense that she's the type to switch her views when pragmatic.
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noiretextatique Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-30-08 03:45 PM
Response to Original message
22. no reason to feel sorry for this sad excuse for a human being
thanks for making that even more clear.
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OneGrassRoot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-30-08 05:43 PM
Response to Original message
25. Bravo! Thanks. K&R and bookmarked n/t
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Psst_Im_Not_Here Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-30-08 07:54 PM
Response to Original message
26. Absolutely Mahhh-velous!
:applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:
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Kind of Blue Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-01-08 12:01 AM
Response to Original message
27. You are fantastic! Nice to have a reference because
it's so hard keeping up with her lies, ineptness, and godawful policies; info just keep coming so fast. This is a good idea and thank your for the hard work and completeness.
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Festivito Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-01-08 06:11 AM
Response to Original message
28. Wow. Nice. The one about the dairy is missing.
I think it's a good one.
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Essene Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-01-08 03:14 PM
Response to Reply #28
36. huh?
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Festivito Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-02-08 06:23 AM
Response to Reply #36
38. Board wanted close a state run dairy, ...
board refused to keep it open,
Palin replaced the board,
kept it open,
infused more money,
it lost more and more money,
finally closed,
sold (at auction?) to a pay-as-you-store place.

That's my recall.
My search privilege is off at the moment.
Matanuska Maid dairy
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RoadRage Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-01-08 08:14 AM
Response to Original message
31. I've already copied & pasted this into an email to start sending around...
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Essene Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-01-08 10:09 AM
Response to Reply #31
35. any suggestions for making this more email friendly?
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DCofVA Donating Member (554 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-01-08 08:48 AM
Response to Original message
32. Great Research!
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Roland99 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-01-08 08:48 AM
Response to Original message
33. Add this to the Research forum.
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Essene Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-01-08 09:15 AM
Response to Reply #33
34. Good idea. I may try to make an even more email-oriented version there.
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Essene Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-01-08 03:43 PM
Response to Original message
37. Trooper-gate SCANDAL update
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Essene Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-02-08 07:34 AM
Response to Original message
39. Palin's popularity has just dropped 18% in Alaska (among independents), 14% overall
Edited on Thu Oct-02-08 07:35 AM by Essene
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No Elephants Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-02-08 07:56 AM
Response to Original message
40. Outstanding!
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Jackeens Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-02-08 08:08 AM
Response to Original message
41. BRILLIANT work!!!
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EstimatedProphet Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-02-08 08:11 AM
Response to Original message
42. I think she's another Kathleen Harris
Same attitude of elected office being a beauty contest, same entitlement...
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