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41 disqualified H-1B employers

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OhioChick Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jul-25-11 11:11 PM
Original message
41 disqualified H-1B employers
Below are companies that have been debarred from applying for H-1B visa.

Company: Allied Rehabilitation and Pain Management, Inc

Company: Allied Solutions Group, Inc

Company: Asian Journal Publications, Inc

Employer name: Ascent Technologies, Inc

Employer name: Business Intelligence Technologies

Company: Citizens Mortgage Corporation and John DeLosSantos

Company: Comdata Consulting, Inc

Employer name: Curosys Solutions, Inc

Employer name: Triune Technologies, Inc

Employer name: Custom Systems Company, Inc

Company: Cyberworld Enterprise Technologies, Inc

Employer name: Electronic Design & Research, Inc

Employer name: eVerticals Group, Inc

Company: Healthcrest Enterprises, Inc

Company: Integrated Global Systems, Inc

Employer name: International Construction Group, Inc

Employer name: International Quality Healthcare Corp

Employer name: Jags Software, Inc

Employer name: Japan United States Teaching, Inc

Company: Juno Healthcare Staffing System, Inc and Dante Teodoro

Employer name: Law Offices of Sergio

Employer name: Lungs Associate

Company: K-Soft Information Technologies, Inc

Company: Magnolia Pool Supply, Inc

Company: Mahadeep Virk DMD

Employer name: Mertz, Bitelman & Associates Law Office P.C.

Employer name: MQ Solutions LLC and its members and controlling agents

Employer name: Multicare Therapy Center

Employer name: NetXert, Inc

Employer name: Nevada Beauty Supplies, Inc

Employer name: PC Tech Learning Center and Mana R. Somalingham, An Individual

Employer name: Pegasus Consulting Group, Inc

Employer name: Peri Software Solutions, Inc

Employer name: Portland Sushi & Seafood Buffet, Inc

Employer name: Sirisoft, Inc

Employer name: S J B Enterprises

Employer name: SS IT Consulting Corporation

Employer name: Tekstrom, Inc

Employer name: United States Professional, LLC

Employer name: Visionsoft Solutions LLC
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ChromeFoundry Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jul-25-11 11:25 PM
Response to Original message
1. K&R... This List should be much longer. n/t
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