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Is The GOP "Shock-The-Vote Gang" Planning to Heist California?

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AtLiberty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-21-06 10:33 AM
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Is The GOP "Shock-The-Vote Gang" Planning to Heist California?
Is The GOP "Shock-The-Vote Gang" Planning to Heist California?

R.J. Eskow
Huffington Post

The usual suspects are slipping into the Golden State. Political season is looming, there's a February chill in the Pacific breeze, and the GOP political 'family' is hard at work. California's appointed (as opposed to elected) Republican Secretary of State has recertified Diebold's voting machines, despite a damning report. Schwarzenegger is hiring a "steely" Karl Rove insider turned Dick Cheney capo, along with other national GOP campaign pols, to run his re-election campaign.

The "shock-the-vote" gang is ready to roll into the Golden State with their patented blend of dishonest spin, old-fashioned dirty tricks - and easy-to-rig voting machines that are being manufactured by Republicans and purchased by other Republicans.

You gotta problem with that?

As reported on BradBlog and elsewhere, California SoS Bruce McPherson has suddenly and unexpectly recertified Diebold's voting technology. McPherson had previously rejected the flawed machines with fine sounding words about how they were "not good enough for California voters and not good enough for me." For reasons that are not altogether clear, however, they're suddenly good enough for him now...
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joefree1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-21-06 10:41 AM
Response to Original message
1. Excuse my optimism
Edited on Tue Feb-21-06 10:42 AM by joefree1
But we're gonna kick their ass.

And no I don't believe Diebold is going to be able to subvert our election.

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acmejack Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-21-06 11:13 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Are you basing your optimism on something unknown to the rest of us?
That is a secret? Or are you just an individual with a naturally sunny disposition?
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Wilms Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-21-06 02:12 PM
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3. McPherson not recertified Diebold's TSx.

He temporarily and "CONDITIONALLY" certified it.

And those conditions are laid out in three different documents from his office that I'll bet few who comment on this episode have read in full.

Some activist's, including VoteTrustUSA, Holder, believe that those documents hardly suggest that buying/using Diebold's TSx and OS(x, i believe), would be both reimbursable and legal.

Read the doc's on the matter as provided by the SoS office and let me know if you agree.

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