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Here's where the "hypothesis" is refuted again...

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LightningFlash Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jul-02-05 04:06 PM
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Here's where the "hypothesis" is refuted again...
Edited on Sat Jul-02-05 04:07 PM by LightningFlash
....According to the reluctant "cluster grouping" analysis, Kerry voters came out in full turnout in the morning or earlier afternoon.

While "Bush" voters especially females, came out in record numbers at night, also refusing to be polled at the exits in order to "properly match" the final results.

....However according to a just released "whitewash" report by the Department of Justice, in one county alone it was Kerry voters mostly all black race, who went to the polls late at night and therefore missed their opportunity, while it was WHITE female voters who went to the polls in the morning to early afternoon.

So which is it, clearly? :shrug: You can't have ONE without the other, can you.....

I'm going to cut to the chase: It was bullshit, that's what it was. ;)
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