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a tale and treatise for Thanksgiving #11.6

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stellanoir Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-24-05 02:42 AM
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a tale and treatise for Thanksgiving #11.6
In three parts. . .

Part 1

As honest Abe once quilled so succinctly. . .

"The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the (sometimes) stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country."

And I rather presumptuously further and amend. . . and surely, our entire planet. We were no were near the photon belt at the time either. So go figure.

Just before the global peace meditation well over, almost a moon ago, I had initially intended to meditate in my humble yurt. When suddenly, the energy of a larger than life loving being, of whom precious few are aware, swooped into my consciousness, guiding me to go down to my friendly neighborhood local power spot. I joked at the time, that the entity was pulling my hair to get my attention to do so. Though larger than life, loving beings do not really behave that way, of course. Yet they sometimes pretend to do so, and seem to enjoy it enormously.

You see, I live luckily in a beauteous but sleepy little seaside berg in South Coastal New England.

At the end of the southernmost tip of the peninsula upon which I live, is a longish wall, which is bordered by a vast array of smallish stones, with a few more larger stones by the shore in permanence. Then further south, there is lots and lots of sand. There is an array of rosehips as well as field grass on the Eastern side of the wall, Then there is a gentle precipice that gently rises to the East. Though at the verry end, there is always and ineffably, a sandbar.

The access to this sandbar might appear to be intermittent as it is for a while, awash at high tide. Though one always has option to immerse one's feet in water or sometimes even walk on it if need be. There are several small islands to either side of the sandbar, not that far offshore but at varying distance. There is a lighthouse which often gleams in almost blinding brilliance, to the west. It is one of those wondrously panoramic places though the vibrations there are quite unique, or so they seem to be to me.

For many, many, many, years I've referred to this place as "the end of the world." Though I have done so always laughably, implying full transcendence, which is demonstratively different, than the more fearful visions of apocalypse to which some others most sadly, foolishly still cling.

I have always envisioned a far more pleasant and inclusive than the "rapture" that is really, enlightening. and is a whole lot more fun for ALL, and by the way, you will indeed, even get to maintain your bodies ("evolvehicles"), as well as heaps of newly and improved other stuff.

That is, you will survive and prosper, if you do so desire, if you have been living ethically and lovingly to most, more often than not. . It most definitely will not just include you and those, who believe as you might, which is what those probably repressed little women envisioned in the 1800's who started this whole "rapture" theme, most dubiously implied. Perhaps they were just insufferably bored or something. Guidance tells me they weren't getting laid at all. That can sometimes be a great problem.

Get it folks. . . the oldish Bible doesn't speak to ALL and never did, and never will. Nor is it inclusive of all wisdom and the classical King James translation is pretty damned depressing in parts. It is bereft of much of it's once divine humor. There is nothing even remotely heathen by saying so either. Such BS bothers me but never seems to at the "end of the world" .

Perhaps the most significant part of the Bible now is "don't kill." and should possibly perhaps, be amended to "or force others to kill for you."

God is funny, and is so equally is Gaia, (Gaia is the soul of the Earth, if ya hadn't noticed) .

Some astrophysicists have said that at the center of the universe, the primary chemical component is nitrous oxide (aka laughing gas). No way to tell really as yet. So when one laughs perhaps, they are truly at one with the Creatrix. Consider that God's love and the love of Gaia goes "coursing through our veins" when we laugh.

As far as religiosity goes, and as far as I can see, it's "whatever floats your boat" and all that does more to help and not hurt other souls is truly okay. True spirituality cannot be contained by any religion and never has and never will be..

Anyway, having sometimes stumbled upon more than a couple more notorious power spots or two in my time, the "end of the world" is a place of equal though far different, intensity. It is a place of peace.

To my sometimes limited and really as yet, unverifiable knowledge, "the end of the world", has seen no intentional bloodshed over the course of time. It certainly seems as such anyway

Sporadically over the past twelve years, when certain energies have abounded, I have gone to this power spot and done various kinds of geomancing.(one invaluable and simple technique is explained below*).

When I arrived at "yocal local" power spot, on that particular Saturday though, during the global peace meditation around midday, as I had innumerable times before, the energies were verrry different, It was as though I had most unwittingly ambled through a vortex into the future.

With God as my witness, I swear that in all my myriad of memories of lives on this sphere, never have I ever felt so much universal love, or peace, or blissfully expansive energy.

And I also will swear, upon a towering stack of ephemerides that this energy is heading towards a theater near you, then will become an even more palpable reality, accessible to one and ALL and will be increasingly available in the not too distant future. : )

The peace I felt on that Saturday though, however was from the future. It was intoxicatingly global and even further, felt virtually totally universal. There was however, a far scarcer veil separating potential and form. The energy was absolutely magically charged and was completely awe inspiring, thanks mostly to the many true souls meditating on peace globally, during those precious moments. I was "shocked and awed" into glorious wonderment, which I am now obliged and am somewhat dauntingly compelled, though thrilled to share.

Gaia then thanked me in advance for writing this, and other more humorous things as well. Never have I ever felt such a enormous embrace from her or ever, ever, ever, felt so deeply affirmed.

As many others have concurred, within just shy of seven years, ALL will have opportunity, to feel mostly as I felt during those amazing wondrously miraculous moments. Yet. with the participation of more true souls it could happen much sooner.

Healing and redemption and ascension of the planet and all those who dwell upon this sphere, has been preordained, for quite some time now. Yet, oh what a purge we've had to endure over most recent years.

However, guidance emphatically suggests that if more true souls ("you will know them by their humor" ), participate actively, in the mendings, the more easier the transition will be from where we are now to where we will be.

Participation in mendings requires, at present, and for a while, only eight tricks and preciously few onerous constraints for true souls:

Eight tricks or

Weapons of Massive Reconstruction & Global Amelioration:

1.Living creatively. "with mercy for all and malice towards none."

2.Visualizing the planet bathed in a regal violet-purple light at
least once daily. If you want to see things change massively for
the better, for ALL really fast, for global embetterment consider
targeting in greater specificity, centers of government, financial,
industrial, and media centers, and the buildings that house
energy firms and executives. Oh and don't forget all the
Churches, Temples, Mosques, Sweat Lodges, work out
zones, schools, hospitals, and of course, prisons, and houses
within which you know where troubled souls dwell. Maybe just
simply see violet-purple where ever you go. If that seems too
difficult and overwhelming to some, then just focus on the
whole planet. But consider focusing violet-purple
also on places to which your heart strings are especially
attached . But do try and stay alert. (Kroomies it is really easy
to project violet-purple light when earth icon appears on screen)
whilst awaiting to log on. It's that simple

Still, some others may enjoy concentrating on specific regions
where there is on-going conflict such as Israel, Iraq, and the
whole of the continent of Africa, or regions that have been
afflicted by recent weather devastations, or where earth
changes have recently occurred . Feel free
to choose your pet causes on which to concentrate At least,
begin with whole planet first as we are unquestionably still ALL
here. You see, some third eyes are simply more near sighted
and some are more farsighted, but ALL souls can at least, see
Gaia turning violet-purple for a while. She is somewhat
bruised and warrants some acknowledgement right now. We
ALL owe her at least that NOW, after all our extraneous abuses.
You can also and even zap people behaving stupidly, or
wonderfully, on the TV or websites of which you feel strongly.

Violet-purple ray simply transmutes ALL for good or for ill and
we can sort the rest out over time.

Violet-purple rays of light will simply and gently wake up several
sleeping souls and solve problems ages old in many places.
I know this to be true. Saint Germain told me last moon.

Violet-"Purple rain, . .purple""reign". . .: )

3. Inspiring as many smiles as is possible in each and every day
by cracking as many uplifting jokes especially with strangers
as often as is possible (as opposed to those jokes that are
mean spirited. See a certain so-called "fearful leader"'s
so-called sense of humor for reference). You see, best
humor is never intended to be at expense of others. It is
sometimes and more funnily, seems to be at expense of self.
It is always perfectly fine to goof on ironies of life and f
funniness of others as well. Good spirited laughter is of
course, truly the tonic for most of which ails.

4.Figuring eight (very simple technique explained below*)
when you sense imbalances, and/or once daily for just a
minute or two

5.Be kind to and honor your true self not just the mask of your
little self and don't be at all spooked by, or react to the
sometimes scary masks of others who are not quite aware as

6.Consider cultivating more patience in perpetuity whilst
adjusting and responding swiftly to all peripeteia.

7.Recognize and affirm one's own genuine auric field to be both
selectively permeable and fully operational and make it so.

8. Recognize also and honor inherent sacred nature of sexuality
in all (and really consider avoiding porn like the plague, as it
more often than not, dis-empowers self, calcifies and clogs
one's third eye, impedes much more wilder and far more
interesting imaginings, and it most unfortunately empowers
low life sleaze buckets as well (I could feel their essence of
utter slime most disturbingly on freeways in lala land years
ago. . .yuck ).

Maybe perhaps make more love instead, That is, if someone
both willing and suitable is within reasonable proximity or if a
teleportation device is at all handy. Consider signing a "fun
contract" first, to insure and sustain mutual enjoyment. It covers
far more than is included in the "love, honor, and cherish"
schtick, which has failed so often, and at great and exacting expense.

Here is an example of "Fun Contract" . . .

We have a far too litigious a culture yet have nary a rule for basic fun.

Here is an example of one.

"Fun Contract":. .it is a rough draft.

"We the undersigned hereby agree to the following terms and conditions for continued interaction.

-As long as it continues to be more often fun for both parties than it is not.

-Granted, it is a foregone conclusion that fun, can indeed be at times, somewhat subjective and is often, most fleeting, so what qualifies as fun will be defined and assessed frequently by both parties and in equal measure. If problems arise as they invariably do, both parties hereby pledge to maintain kindness, humor, compassion, and humility in most if not all instances, whenever possible, and not necessarily in that order.

-If either party should decide or determine based on empirical evidence, that they are having fun less often than they would prefer, both parties will agree to no longer hang out, at least for a while and until they are mutually drawn to do so again.

This document is signed and is ever subject to incessant and eternal re-evaluation and/or possible negation equally by both parties."

Or, as a disgruntled dear friend of mine once wisely said, "the state really has no business mucking around in one's personal affairs."

*A very long time ago, guidance taught me to raise my hands over my head and envision my spiritual source. In a similar manner, I have also drawn down more specific planetary and solar and lunar energies at various times, as well. I visualize energy descending through my left arm and crossing over to the right side of my body between the nape of my neck (where central nervous system wiring switches over from one side to the other) and my heart chakra. so it reactivates one's thymus gland. Then the energy goes down through my right side and through my leg down to the verrry center of the earth where it merges miraculously and invariably with Gaia (no fire or brimstone is there whatsover, honestly, and never was. Hell does not exist and never did. lots more on that later. . .but here is a clue. . .if I told you what was there you'd probably crack up. Check it out for yourself in the interim) . Then the energy loops back up returning to earth's surface then travels up my left leg, up the left side of my body crossing over to right side. Again it passes between my heart chakra, and the nape of my neck, and then goes out my right arm returning to my spiritual source. Over time and with a modicum of practice, it scarcely takes a nanosecond to enact but has greater effect if sustained for a moment or two. Doing this makes Gaia verry happy. I assure you, it'll make you happier too.

It's a figure 8 and sure does beat pharmaceutical placebos and is free, free, free for ALL. Energetically, it balances higher and lower energies, and anyone can do it. It can be useful for many who feel disconnected, stressed, or concerned about the apparent extreme imbalances between potential and form, of which Gaia appears to be processing and releasing now with unprecedented expediency. Whenever in doubt, maybe figure 8 wherever you find yourself to be.

In my heart and soul, I know that if enough true souls practice this, when spirit moves them to do so, many of the the severe earth changes and extreme weather conditions, and their awful, and most harrowing repercussions that have occurred, and are still expected, and have been projected, over the next few years, will be mollified, and conditions of suffering and hardship on the planet will be ameliorated more expediently, and more gently than they would be otherwise if a plethora of true souls would not do so. It's as simple as that run on sentence suggests. : )

As we move forward in this still new millennium, many sweet souls have been been totally overwhelmed, by the flood of ideas and distortions of regressively dualistic dimensions. Whilst the earth has purged, rage, and disingenuousness have largely prevailed all too much in recent years. Many truths have been further repressed and distorted by talking heads paid handsomely to mostly masquerade as investigative "truth seekers and tellers."

The more souls that visualize the earth bathed in violet-purple, the more quickly the lost souls behaving like misguided greedy lying hypocrites, who govern and pronounce through fear, and incessantly deny the most blatant of deceit and avarice I've ever before witnessed, will all lose their power, and be exposed, and ultimately brought to justice.

Justice,by the wayyy according to what my curiously acquired, sparkled covered, and feathery "cosmic sledgehammer" tells me,, is really only attained through rectification. When a 19 year old girl is sentenced to 25 years for having a bozo boyfriend who is dealing crack, of who's deviant actions, she is totally unaware, something, is clearly amiss. Methinks costing taxpayers 30 to 60 grand a year to incarcerate a lot of non violent and mostly innocent souls and offenders is unbelievably insensitive, cruel, is utterly purposeless. Ankle bracelets would be far more prudent. And girls, can you imagine if we had all done time for bozo boyfriends actions in the past? Yikes. As if. . .being with them in the first place wasn't enough of a penalty. Sheesh.

Our penal system is utterly despicable, unfair, is really quite broken, and some ones are perhaps making far too much dough off it, at others atrocious expense , and is most heinous. There are far more efficacious and humane ways of administering and procuring justice after all, and ultimately healing broken souls could be a priority most shiny instead. Draconian mandatory sentencing has not really helped at all and has only worsened problems. It has caused even fair minded judges, both conservative and liberal, to hop off their respective benches widely.

Justice can no sooner be dispensed by blatant criminals who believe they are above the laws long established, than democracy can be inspired by pseudo democracies that have most pathetically morphed into fascist states.

That last sentence reminds me of a recent quotation as stated by funny "Minnesnowtan". . .went something like. . ."sitting in a Church no more makes one a Christian, than sleeping in a garage makes someone a car."

Heard a fun fact to know and tell recently on the radio. "Average person laughs 13 times a day." Wouldn't have wanted to have participated in that study as self consciousness often impedes humor. Can't imagine thinking, " so how many times did I laugh today ? :Woudn't like that at all. Maybe consider at least doubling or tripling that number in numerological honor, of eight tricks, which will soon be nine.
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stellanoir Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-24-05 02:44 AM
Response to Original message
1. Part 2
Some other things my sparkled and feathered "cosmic sledgehammer" told me is that pResident Bush* ideally could really be returning to Asia (Thailand) for a verrry for a while for a good long rest, to study with Buddhist Monks, since he has forgotten so much, and sneakily avoided service in Southeast Asia long ago. Like . ."yoohoo George, didn't your mommy ever tell you what's happened to every Imperial power throughout recorded history? We already know that you never heard about the Crusades or anything. I guess she must have been golfing or something. I am being kind since being the one of the world's verry worst and verry last major petty tyrants. and nearly trashing the planet's last superpower in 5 short years was sort of an amazing thing for a soul to take on, though wohhhfully so, and must have been really exhausting for him. I don't even believe that he believes in his own hollow idiotic rhetoric anymore, the poor guy

Senators Boxer, Chaffee, Snow, and Jeffords, and Congressmen Conyers & Kucinich, could be ruling from White House for a transitional period at least. Obama & Byrd fit in there as well but not sure quite how as yet.

Consider keeping bathing White House and entire capital with Violet-Purple light and make it so. If enough souls believe it is possible it will become true. Those are the few that come to mind who have even bothered speak the truth to power, while others have been muzzled, or paid off.

Condi may just need a lengthy cruise on her oil tanker 'round about now. The salt air would do her well. She seems so stressed all the time ya know? Joe Wilson can fill in for her if he wants to, since he happens to actually understand the word DIPLOMACY.

I'll tell you all about crashcart later, and you're just going to love it. But here's a tip, consider offloading your Halliburton stock immediately, if you were dumb enough to think you were prospering from their no bid wonder contracts and their nefarious follies. You can't bust me for that as I'm not even holding. It is simply common sense. Think again . Oil and energy execs are hereby put on notice by sparkled and feathered "cosmic sledgehammer" as well.

Sparkled and feathered "cosmic sledgehammer" also has message for Mr. Fitzgerald, that if he will kindly draw up an indictment for K-k-k-karl, (that soul has consistently behaved unethically since he was a teen and smeared far too many true souls) then Fitz may be next Justice on Supreme Court as there should be twelve there as well anyway. The ones who appointed *. can seriously consider an early retirement. Ya know, 'scuse me for saying, but guys who think it's okay to strip search little girls might just not really be appropriately placed on the highest court in the land.

Oh and olah. . .senor Gonzales, if you continue to block indictments and enable the atrocious corpus delicti to remain unscrutinized, history will view you as nothing more than a sycophant to slime and that will not make typically happy Hispanics go "jihajihajihajiha." Nor will you ever lay hands upon or ever, ever, ever, get another message from sparkled and feathered "cosmic sledgehammer" either.

Sparkled and feathered "cosmic sledgehammer" has wohsome words for Rummie as well. Step down. You blew it totally. Stop trying to convince us otherwise. History didn't begin on 9/11 and just because you trashed Hammurabi's Code doesn't mean you get to pretend that habeas corpus and the Geneva Convention weren't colossally great ideas. You are really a war criminal by all standards. But sparkled and feathered "cosmic sledgehammer" believes all war is a crime. Rules of engagement are nothing more than a not so funny joke. But I am biased. I truly prefer "fun contracts" in actuality.

As to dumb overblown abortion debate . . only God and spirit knows when spirit incarnates in body. My son's spirit didn't enter body until about a week before his birth when I figured 8 during a thoroughly enchanting heat lightening storm, though I retrieved his soul around in the fifth month from bizarro world. I'm sure it varies wildly.. Wish those so called "lifers" would just put their energy into helping living children instead of harassing desperate women. Wish people would stop arguing about what God wants. God would after all. . . much prefer that we all laugh with him instead, and stop hurting each other. So, when desperate women are not yelled at outside clinics intended to help, and gruesome pictures are not displayed, God and Gaia truly smile.

I also have been told who can solve the many problems in Iraq, they are two Iraqi women who blog (one is Shia with a PHD and is married to a Sunni) who truly have enormous common sense and Sistani. That will neutralize the theocratic potential as these women are westernized to an exceptable degree. I know of no Kurd but am sure there is one or two or more.

New models of government for these times, have six souls taking charge but it'll ultimately change to fifteen with three at core and twelve on periphery.

Our troops don't belong over there and never did, It was absolute idiocy to think you can liberate country with "troops who can't even say "hello" in native tongue." BRING 'EM HOME ASAP. It is totally FUBAR.

If I may carefully set the wayyy back machine for a moment .this incessant "but they voted to authorize the Pres. to use force against Iraq" meme which does not include, the operative modifying prepositional phrase of "with UN approval" is completely stupid. UN DID NOT APPROVE. INSPECTORS WERE ALLOWED BACK IN. 14.41 my butt. Saddam's reign of terror was long ever. He did all those nasty things when Rummie was still shaking his hand and selling him weapons. Ten million protested world wide and the media failed to report. Am humbly putting you all guys on watch and so is sparkled and feathery "cosmic sledgehammer".

What is done is done, and is far more the responsibility of the executive, and judicial branch of governments fault, than the legislative branch who have mostly been coerced. Sparkled and feathery "cosmic sledgehammer" would truly like those in Congress to redeem themselves. It gives them no less than three months to do so. Pronto. Impeach the entire administration on charges of treason and overhaul the electoral system with help of the UN. "Cause the sparkled and feathery "cosmic sledge hammer" and ALL the world simply can wait no longer. Do the right thing now for ALL of our kids pullease.

Chalabi belongs in Jordanian prison or maybe Gitmo for his excessive thievery and lies. Somebody should tell Saddam that he can start writing romance novels again until fair minded Iraqi's determine his fate. But bare in mind please, he was set up. Ya know, I heard there are far more PHD's in Iraq per capita than in US, and feel it is in actuality. It is the cradle of civilization after all, they can rectify the mess we've wrought upon them far better than often invariably short sighted and often clueless yanks. We blew out the electrical and water plants 'cause nobody told the "contractors" about the basic difference between American and European current. .I've a whole diatribe entitled "How to Totally Botch An Invasion." Perhaps I'll share at some point but maybe won't be necessary. But the depleted uranium is of huge concern.

Sparkled & feathered "cosmic sledgehammer" decrees a global end to the death penalty and NO MORE TORTURE full stop. That goes for those profiteering of despicable sex slavery as well. Knock it off these are human beings with souls for Christ's sake. Imagine they are your grandkids. Just set them free and pray they find help. We could ALL do more to help them in their readjustments methinks.
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stellanoir Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-24-05 02:48 AM
Response to Original message
2. Part 3
Edited on Thu Nov-24-05 02:57 AM by stellanoir
All these things are possible and can happen quickly and so many other more miraculous changes will occur rapidly, with enough true souls projecting violet-purple spiritually powerful transmuting light brought to planet courtesy of the most illustrious Saint Germain. Figuring 8 is brought to you by Gaia and God and "the End of The World" and Mount Hollywood at first Earth Dance which was most funnily foibled long, long ago. : )

If you hadn't noticed, many governments are in need of a major overhaul, since they all too often are only serving the so called "who's who of the chosen few" and trample horrifically and uncaringly upon far too many true and gentle souls. They are meant to serve but rarely do. There is a far better plan I assure you. I was whispered it at age eight ironically enough, and despite all odds, actually remember it. It is mathematical and it resonates with sacred geometry. So go ahead and tell me that Ptolemy didn't know squat.

Oh and Duhhh. . . .another not so minor thing . . .does anyone really think the God and the Father of, the "Prince of Peace" would ever have inspired or would condone a war on mostly innocents or tortured them. Like. . .as if. . .? Bogus intelligence translates into sheer stupidity and total BS in my smallish book and always has.

Such shadowy projections are so-o-o terribly antiquated. Or as one verrry succinct protester's sign read during a recent capital city peace march , . . . ."I can't believe we still have to protest this crap." Me neither. Well maybe try 8 tricks and soon 9, for a while instead. There will be far fewer fearful security concerns if true souls do these or so says Gaia.

Consider releasing linear and logical constructs of how our collective reality can possibly shift, based on old models that are now entirely dysfunctional (see totally unreliable insecure voting technology for reference, and psssssst. . .by the way, guys with PHD's in computer science and statistics, generally don't tend to morph into conspiracy theorists all too often, really, nor do the mostly good folks over at the GAO.

It is proven at that link that Bush is not a legitimately elected leader in '04. Nor was he in '00 either, in case you forgot. He really belongs in Asia with the Buddhists to reflect upon his ways of wickedness and absolute ignorance. Why do I think those Buddhists are going "Arghhhhhh" for the first time ever? Or as that stalwart icon of democracy (sarcasm) Joe Stalin once reputedly said, "It's not who votes but who counts the votes that matters." And even more strangely, Mussolini once said something like, "fascism should more accurately called corporatism as it is when governments and corporations merge." Funny how dictators were mindful of such things. Get it people. . . our democracy has been co-opted and is no more. I do believe we've experienced far more than a touch of a coup. Get a clue.

Stupid media says incessantly, "Dems have no plan," They have no power because they don't own the voting technology or the media. It is nothing more than a humongously insane ruse. Eight tricks and soon nine will soon solve. I promise.

Although the former "countess of no account" can indeed still indeed count, it appears those in charge cannot, or rather, choose not to. Some "culture of life" that refuses to accurately count dead bodies, or oil profiteers, or utterly blatant war mongers, highly paid mercenaries pretending to be "contractors," or even votes I declare.

To act as though anybody believes that people can't love others of same gender is absolutely preposterous. I mean upon which planet are you people living? I think those that judge so hastily should go and re-immerse themselves in ridiculous Atlantean gender bending tank pronto. : ) Always thought that was kind of an absurd practice though. I always preferred Lemeurian times simply because, back then we could ALL fly, and everything was more fairly based on barter system.

Ponder the transcendence of the restrictive orientation of "us versus them". It's more like, those who see bigger picture, and those who do not, can not, or once saw, and chose to forget or ignore. Perhaps, those ones need some gentle reminding. We true souls are all one after ALL, and there are far more who get it than those who do not. Isn't there is still some safety in numbers? We'll have to do the counting from now on.

It's just too truly sad, that all too many leaders have been seemingly irretrievably corrupted, and have lost sight of many truths and honorable concerns like the basic well being of their constituents instead of the enrichment of their often incompetent cronies and corporate contributors. It's as though they've never even examined recorded history or classical ethics or understand the most basic "blue collar law of karma . .what goes around comes around." sometimes quicker than others. . .something tells me things are growing ever faster now. . .yikes and phew : ).

It's also excruciatingly sad that so many are such corporate slaves they have not even the time to read this treatise. What is wrong with a culture wherein CEO's earn in one morning than their employees earn in a year? Riddle me that. There is a way to straighten out all of these imbalances. For now just try eight tricks and soon nine.

Only choice to be made by ALL really is to live in universal love or live desperately in isolating fear. NOW, which would you prefer? This time, everyone gets to choose and make a real and lasting difference.

All humans want the same basic things. To love and be loved, and to nourish and be nourished. On that simple truth perhaps we can ALL agree start over again, and finally embrace more unity than utterly boring and tiresome divisiveness. There are more than two realities and approaches to life. There are at least twelve as far as I can see and are perhaps even thirteen and it only makes life more interesting. Or as the founder of my dinky state once said. It's is "a lively experiment." Screw the fear. There is far more that is shared by true souls together than there could ever be that which divides.

And "pullease" be mindful of at least two basic additional truths, in accordance with the fundamental laws of energetics . . . They are that "good guys and bad guys are like. . .totally low dimensional. . .". . ."and that conflict rarely, if ever occurs in the absence of mutually shared culpability over grander schemes of time". By imagining terrorists we've created more of them. We really shouldn't have terrorized the gentle souls of the mideast in the first place. More to the point: how desperate must a soul be to kill themselves and take innocents down with them and how pray tell did they arrive upon such maliciousness and inhumanity in the first place?

When in reality, anything that would compel a soul to go infernal and kill the lives of others could only be visceral rejection of fundamental terrestrial unfairness. It is because their lives are entirely bereft of any hope of embetterment whatsoever. Or as one wise soul said, "You cannot wage war on a tactic." Eight tricks and soon nine will fix and a few more.

Conflict, in reality, only exists to raise consciousness of all of those who are involved. Conscious beings know that nothing is ever resolved through violence. and never has been throughout all eternity. It has only perpetuated further conflict into later lifetimes, or has done so from time immemorial. Now energies are different as we collectively cruise the through the halo of the photon belt. I personally have deep seeded urge to queue up "Radar Love." So rev up your "evolvehicles." If you are so inclined and are truly ready to really roll through the photon belt like never before.

And I know you, who are musically oriented are probably sick of me saying this, but it's time again to strike up army of guitars, but this time, project violet-purple light, and do eight tricks and soon nine and may be more. For a while at least. And sorry about all the previous misfirings guys. Just was stuck beyond the constructs of most.

Perhaps if Earth takes a good long term violet-purple bath generated by true souls, more souls who resonate to more fearful vibrations will clean up their acts, heal up, and we ALL can transform and transmute crapola more quickly.

This orientation symbolizes a true spirituality that is inclusive of all the races, nations, faiths, and eradicates all stupid dualistic policies and punditries that are eternally and intractably divisive and thoroughly non progressive for our ALL of our kids sake.

Aaaaaand yesss, it even includes those lovable though sometimes cranky though also somewhat cuddly curmudgeons who believe adamantly that they are stubborn agnostics. Though they live in love, oddly and often, in spite of their verry own selves. They just don't like religion or anything less than laughing & loving God, and I really can't blame them for that, nor can my sparkled and feathery "cosmic sledge hammer.'

Consider involving oneself in Violet-Purple party for the short term anyway, (ahhhh. . . blue and red makes purple if ya hadn't noticed) and for a few years perchance, for transition only, by simply seeing planet bathed in a violet light of transformation and indeed, consider both joining and ending this absurdly inhumane race. Talk about the ultimate wild goose chase. Yikes. May be start violet-purple party instead by being in essence completely humane for once. Ponder the fact that many, and perhaps even you, have already arrived at finish line in really shabbily ill conceived race. Phew.

Ya know. . .most folks, aside from being either basically oriented to love, or fear, can also be seen as either collaborative or competitive. When the two types interact, it is often not a pretty sight. Get this. . .all we can really compete against is our highest divine potential, in which case, we've all screwed up many, many, many times. Jealousy is a "trash can emotion" or so heard M-M-M-Moses, with his s-s-s-s-stuttering tongue by the shrub af-f-f-f-f-f-fire. Maybe when someone you know receives something you desire, rejoice and know that energy is growing nearer to you though hovering still.

Indeed,, life can be a party where all participants have equal access to the blessings that be. The only thing stopping equitable distribution of oodles of resources, is the belief perpetrated and propagandized by those lost souls with agendas of outright control, selfishness, and hubris, (nasty combo) who have taken merciless advantage for far too long, by espousing the biggest lie of all: that there is not enough for ALL to go around.

They arrogantly pretend they have won and preside over a not-so-human race which they have rigged from long, long, long ago. I'm personally sick and tired of all the "skull and bones" style piracy. How about you. . .?. . ."meee hearties" They only absorb light for themselves and get it by wearing scary masks . . : ( They cannot and will not win anymore in this still new millennium.

I know it may appear hypocritical to say "they" in rant that condemns and eschews dualism but really can't we mostly ALL agree that folks in charge really don't give a flying flop about our kids or our future or our planet. At least they behave as such. So we can perhaps stir and revive their true souls with rays of radiant Violet-Purple light and eight tricks soon to become none and may be more.. Sure beats depleted uranium any day of the week. Let's "shock and awe' them into total transmutation.

We've been divisively conquered for far too long. It's stupid and pathetic. Dualism is no longer suited to the needs of great diversity and really never was so, and should be completely canned and deposited in toxic land fill in my humble opinion. Though we probably need to do more about those sites as well or so Gaia says.

She's always saying stuff like that to me by the way. Oh, and about that little Peak Oil thingy, She says, "would you guys pullease knock it off for once and for ALL. You're bleeding me dry and you've known far better than to do so for at least seven decades. It's as though you are all behaving like graduates of the "Lance and Leech School of Medicine" from the 1500's or something. Oil is lubricant for tectonic plates you knuckleheads. That's the real reason you should change your ways. It effects ALL. Check out what the "Scandi-hooligans" have been up to in terms of alternative innovation. Many are quite brilliant and not so repressed there. And blow these oil obsessed ones out of power for good with radiant violet-purple light." Gaia is verrry funny sometimes you see. : )

Declare old "Game Over.".In new game, the challenge is that everyone wins for a while by taking turns. In the grander scheme of things, as long as there are any losers, no one ever truly wins for verrry long. Consider also being squiggle in the middle of Yin Yang symbol because at the center of the white is black, at the center of black is white. That is trap of dualism, and why it is far more fun to be squiggle in the middle. It symbolizes the entry way to upper universes FYI. Or one if them at least.

Get this other basic truth. . .the most honorable thing we can ALL do is leave this planet in better shape for our kids than the circumstances we incarnated into. Collectively we have been failing in this department rather pathetically of late, so maybe consider, doing eight tricks and soon nine instead, and it is truly time for purple baths for ALL of us. This time, I'll be the first one in. I'm about to do an astral cannonball into a purple pool as I am more than a little fatigued of the "rotten egg scenario." : ) So SPLASHHHHHHHH !!!

Since " the thought that life could be better is woven indelibly, into our hearts and our brains"

Oh and by the way, the violet-purple party hereby officially declares a constitutional crisis in america, since we seem to have forgotten the that really subtle "we, the people" part, which was so eloquently and simply referenced as. . . "of the people, by the people, and for the people" and we were promised by wise one would " . . . not perish from this earth".

Violet-Purple party officially declares yet another tea party due to unprecedented and no longer tolerable corruption. Maybe find something non toxic to throw into the sea. Let us make it so. A constitutional convention is more than likely to follow. Proceed as you feel is truly appropriate. .

-9th trick. . ."Every time you hear stuff from media that makes your BS detector go ballistic consider saying aloud "I co-create with spirit that the truth be revealed ASAP" and blast violet-purple light onto nearby screen or speaker." Enough with the "hypnogogic oligarchary." Hey, if an unelected corporate puppet leader can make up words, then so can I, and so can we ALL. Let's get really creative

Here is a joke my son made up last the week during a car ride. He was on a roll making up mathamagicianical stupid bar jokes which I'll share later . . .but the best one was. . .

He said, "So. . .this amazingly miraculous energy previously unavailable to humanity, walks into a bar. Bartender goes. . ."woh. . . ?" Everybody gets enlightened."

The prankster kid reduced my entire soul's purpose into stupid bar joke in one full swoop. I was laughing so hard that I missed our turn. He had to remind me of it. Too funny really.

Also, I finally answered riddle posed in song, "What's So Funny 'Bout Peace, Love, & Understanding. . . Wo-o-o-oh. ?". .

Only possible answer in perpetuity is. . . EVERYTHING.

Or as a verry wise graffiti artist wrote near a school down under in "Oz," "the mind's purpose is to amuse itself with humour."

Live in peace and joy and wisdom and make it so.

More to follow soon. Have a nice day or evening. Followed by days and nights of ever increasing happiness and joy.

Love to you & all the verrry best,


nam myoho renge kyo

p.s.If this happens to have been appear under the gaze of any big muck a mucks in publishing world. I'll be ready to talk turkey soon (probably by February if not before but most likely will not sign anything till then) and promise to behave like a grown up for at least some of the time. And I'll still give some of my words away for free but not all of them. Won't say most powerful stuff until paid this time 'round. I'm sitting on files upon files of this kind of stuff Let the bidding war begin, and I can't recall just how much you guys paid slick willie, but it'll have to be no less than maybe double that, and probably lots more as there are many souls to heal and innumerable systems to fix. Never mind what many have made previously from my muse. Sheesh.

Working titles are

"The Greatest Neverending Story Never Told"
or "How I Found the Future at the End of the World" can't quite decide as yet.

"a verbose hiz & herstory 'bout life".

co-authors are God & Gaia. . .I'm just their rather quirky ghostwriter and know this always, I'm only really working for ALL the kids. okay? They are smarter than we.

Have three other tales stashed somewhere around here. Just a matter of sorting things out.

Happy Thanksgiving and know always and also, that most effective prayers are those of gratitude.

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autorank Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-24-05 03:42 AM
Response to Original message
3. " The peace I felt on that Saturday though, however was from the future."
I agree. Who can doubt that we create the future. Awareness of the past it critical but not enmeshment. 2012 it too long to wait;) Let's start

PEACE & Thank you!
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stellanoir Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-24-05 03:51 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. I honestly felt in those moments
that no souls were dieing any longer. And that was what amazed me so, in a way I'd never felt before.

I don't want to wait that long either.
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stellanoir Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-24-05 09:02 AM
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5. kicking for thanksgiving morn
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G_j Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-24-05 09:07 AM
Response to Original message
6. wow, I really enjoyed that
nice shift in energy, a nice way to start the day! Thanks :-)
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Clara T Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-24-05 09:52 AM
Response to Original message
7. Very super duper
Thank You for this.

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stellanoir Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-24-05 10:50 AM
Response to Reply #7
8. you are verrry welcome
and thanks for reading.

If anyone would like a slightly better edit that isn't chopped inoto 3 parts. PM me your e-addy and I will send. and never spam ya,
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bettyellen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-25-05 11:40 AM
Response to Reply #8
13. wow stella, very uplifting and wise, thanks doubly for that
and the promise not to spam me. LOL.
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stellanoir Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-25-05 03:21 PM
Response to Reply #13
14. Bettyellen
I just sent you most recent (#12.1) edit for printing. But my promise to not spam applied to everyone else on internet except you dear because I know you are truly longing for a plethora of Viagra ads to clog up your inbox for your imaginary male genitalia as I am . LOL I guess that's why we're friends. But seriously thanks for reading and responding so kindly. Hope to catch up with you soon.
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bettyellen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-25-05 08:20 PM
Response to Reply #14
16. well then send me the one " you could hang towel on it" because i do
regret hastily deleting that one.
and i want to know if that applied to a really sodden, heavy towel. like, until it dries or i get home from work.
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marions ghost Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-24-05 01:08 PM
Response to Original message
9. your vision
sounds like the visions and dreams I have had of heaven, but not of earth. Still I guess I'd rather contemplate uplifting possibilities rather than projecting a paralyzing negative picture.

My recurring dream is that one day I can walk outside without putting on my traditional armor to face the world. That armor is getting very heavy. In my dream there are no bad places, no ghettoes full of poor people with no health insurance, and likewise no ghettoes for the rich to revel in excess consumption and hide from those they have exploited. Just communities of people who trust their leaders and assume that they are working with and for the good of all. It's probably just the dream we were all taught as children in school. The idealistic dream we know now, was a lie. Equality, liberty, fraternity.

I'm ready to imagine something completely different.
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stellanoir Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-24-05 01:29 PM
Response to Reply #9
10. well your prior vision sounds lovely.,
I'm just hoping these words will inspire many to do eights tricks and now nine.

A when I was in the future it was far more amazing than I had ever imagined or felt before.

If enough trues souls particapate, I think you and I and many will be in for and astoundingly pleasant surprise.

I'm just seeing the Violet-Purple light bathing the Earth as often as I think to do so, going 'round and 'round. . . where it'll take us nobody knows it sure felt droves better to me. : )
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understandinglife Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-24-05 05:42 PM
Response to Original message
11. 1.Living creatively. "with mercy for all and malice towards none."
Yes. It must start this way.

I need to read your post several times more.

Thank you for sharing it with us.

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AuntiBush Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-24-05 08:54 PM
Response to Original message
12. Wow. Thank you...
Still reading Pt. 2. Can't wait for you to rummage through the rest of those files.

In awe, and inspired truly!
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Clara T Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-25-05 08:14 PM
Response to Original message
15. re-read
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stellanoir Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Nov-26-05 11:41 AM
Response to Original message
17. one final kick
for those just settling down after holiday : )
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