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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
Janie Jones Donating Member (8 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-23-09 03:53 PM
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26. One Ring To Rule Them All
The Ring Of Power Documentary - Mindblowing!!!

Quotes from this video:

Put option bets on the decline in 9/11 related airline and insurance stocks skyrocketed by a whopping 600% just before 9/11, which means that somebody knew about the attacks before they happened… Who exactly were those somebodies? Merrill Lynch and HSBC, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, the Bank of America, weapons manufacturer Raytheon, Lehman Brothers, General Motors, Swiss Re, Munich Re, and AXA Re insurance companies which owns 25% of American Airlines. These insiders bought put options through Deutsche Bank. Buzzy Krongard, the former executive director of the C.I.A., just happened to be the manager of Deutsche Bank.

On August 18, one month before the 9/11 attacks, a New York Times article by reporter Sheila K. Dewan described a group of four foreign artists who smuggled their way into
the World Trade Center just months before 9/11. The artists occupied studio space free of charge on the 91st floor with 14 other artists and claimed to be writing a book called the B-Thing. They also claimed that they constructed a temporary balcony on the 91st floor as a prank. Somehow these so called artist pranksters escaped the attention of the World Trade Center’s heavy security companies. George W. Bush’s brother Marvin Bush just happened to be the director of Securacom which provided electronic security for the World Trade Center. By some mysterious coincidence, Marvin Bush’s company also provided electronic security for 9/11’s United Airline and 9/11’s Dulles Airport.

Did the world wars, revolutions, and big events of human history evolve naturally, or were they calculated and preplanned? If they were preplanned, who planned them? And, what are they planning for the future of humanity?
The answers to these puzzling questions can be found within the boundaries of three of the world’s most powerful cities. Those three cities belong to no nation and pay no taxes. They are Washington’s District of Columbia, which is not part of the city of Washington or the United States; the inner city of London which is not part of London or England; and Vatican City which is not part of Rome or Italy. These cities called “city states” have their own independent flag, their own separate laws, and their own separate identity.

The Vatican rules over approximately 2 billion of the world’s 6.1 billion people. The colossal wealth of the Vatican includes enormous investments with the Rothschilds in Britain, France, and the USA, and with giant oil and weapons corporations like Shell and General Electric. The Vatican solid gold bullion, worth billions, is stored with the Rothschild controlled Bank of England and the US Federal Reserve Bank.

The Catholic church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator, and property owner in existence. Possessing more material wealth than any bank, corporation, giant trust, or government anywhere on the globe. The Pope, who is the visible ruler of this colossal global wealth, is one of the richest men on Earth. While two-thirds of the world earns less than two dollars a day, and one-fifth of the world is under fed or starving to death, the Vatican hordes the world’s wealth, profits from it on the stock market, and at the same time, preaches about giving.

Like Vatican City, London’s Inner city is also a privately owned corporation, or city state, located right smack in the heart of Greater London. It became a sovereign state in 1694 when King William III of Orange privatized and turned the Bank of England over to the bankers. By 1812 Nathan Rothschild crashed the English stock market and scammed control of the Bank of England. Today the city state of London is the world’s financial power center and the wealthiest square mile on the face of the Earth. It houses the Rothschild controlled Bank of England, Lloyd’s of London, the London Stock Exchange, all British Banks, the branch offices of 385 foreign banks, and 70 US banks. It has its own courts, its own laws, its own flag, and its own police force. It’s not part of Greater London, England, or the British Commonwealth, and pays no taxes. The city state of London houses FleetStreet’s newspaper and publishing monopolies. It is also the headquarters for worldwide English Freemasonry and headquarters for the worldwide money cartel know as the Crown.

Contrary to popular belief, the Crown is not the Royal Family or the British Monarch. The Crown is the private corporate city state of London. It has a council of twelve members who rule the corporation under a mayor called the Lord Mayor. The Lord Mayor and his twelve member council serve as prophecies or represent who sit in for thirteen of the world’s wealthiest, most powerful banking families. This ring of thirteen ruling families includes the Rothschild family, the Warburg family, the Oppenheimer family, and the Schiff family. These families and their descendants run the Crown Corporation of London. The Crown Corporation holds the title to worldwide Crown land in Crown colonies like Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. The British Parliament and the British Prime Minister serve as a public front for these ruling crown families.

Like the city state of London and the Vatican, a third city state was officially created in 1982. That city state is called the District of Columbia and located on ten square miles of land in the heart of Washington. The District of Columbia flies its own flag, and has its own independent constitution. Although geographically separate, the city states of London, the Vatican, and the District of Columbia
are one interlocking empire called Empire of the City.

The flag of Washington’s District of Columbia has three red stars. One for each city state in the three city empire. This corporate empire of three city states controls the world economically through London’s inner city, militarily through the District of Columbia, and spiritually through the Vatican.

The constitution for the District of Columbia operates under a tyrannical Roman law known as Lex Fori which bares no resemblance to the US Constitution.

When Congress passed the Act of 1871 it created a separate corporate government for the District of Columbia. This treasonous act allowed the District of Columbia to operate as a corporation outside the original constitution of the United States and outside of the best interest of American citizens.

A sobering study of the signed treaties and charters between Britain and the United States exposes a shocking truth that the United States has always been and still is a British Colony. King James I was famous, not for just changing the Bible into the King James version, but for signing the First Charter of Virginia in 1606. That charter granted America’s British forefathers a license to settle and colonize America. The charter also guarantees that future kings and queens of England would have sovereign authority over all the citizens and colonized land in America stolen from the Indians.

Although King George III of England gave up most of his claims over the American colonies, he kept his right to continue receiving payment for his business venture of colonizing America. If America had really won the war of independence they would never have agreed to pay debts and reparations to the King of England.

Americas blood soaked war of independence against the British bankrupted America and turned its citizens into permanent debt slaves of the king. In the War of 1812 the British torched and burned to the ground the White House and all US government buildings and destroyed ratification records of the US Constitution.

One century later a corrupt US Congress committed the biggest theft in world history. They passed Paul Warburg’s Federal Reserve Act in 1913 handing over America’s gold and silver reserves, and total control of America’s economy, to the Rothschild banksters. Most Americans still believe that the Fed, or Federal Reserve, is the Government. It is not. The Fed is a privately owned banking system whose majority class A shareholders are the Rothschilds, Warburgs, Kuhn and Loeb, J.P. Morgan, Rockefellers, Israel Seiff and the Lehman Brothers. This private banking cartel is the Fed and is never audited and never pays taxes.

Who was the ruling pharaoh that the Bible neglects to identify when Abraham and Sarah reached Egypt? His name was Amenemhet I, and he ruled Egypt from 1991 - 1962 BC. The name Amenemhet means Amen is the head. Besides Pharaoh Amenemhet and biblical Abraham living in the same place at the same time, is there any other evidence connecting biblical Abraham to Pharaoh Amenemhet I? According to Egyptian history Pharaoh Amenemhet I was not of royal blood and his family origin is unknown. Egyptology experts believe he seized the throne of Egypt after murdering Pharaoh Mentuhotep.

In 1818 Antonio Lebolo made a revolutionary discovery that identified the biblical Abraham as an Egyptian Pharaoh. During Lebolo’s excavations in the Egyptian Valley of the Kings he exhumed eleven Egyptian mummies, along with rolls of papyri, inscribed with hieroglyphic writings and drawings. One of those drawings was interpreted by Mormon Joseph Smith and his Egyptologists as Abraham sitting on the Pharaoh’s throne. Abraham’s name was also deciphered on a roll of papyrus.

Who are these ruling Black Nobility families? They include the House of Hanover, Germany; the House of Hapsburg, Austria; the House of Orange, Netherlands; the House of Lichtenstein in Lichtenstein, and most importantly the house of Guelph in Britain. All of these family houses can be found on Queen Elizabeth II family tree. The Black Nobility are the founders of the Committee of 300, which is also known as the Illuminati, or the illuminated ones. Queen Elizabeth II is head of the Committee of these 300 ruling families. The Illuminati was formed to achieve one main objective. One world government called the New World Order.

All of today’s think tanks originate from the Committee of 300 and include the Round Table, the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), the United Nations, the Bilderbergs, the Club of Rome, RIIA (Royal Institute of International Affairs), and the Trilateral Commission founded by David Rockefeller.

Like the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt who built their empire with the help of a Grand Vizier, Queen Elizabeth II also has a Grand Vizier who serves as her most trusted adviser. His name is Lord Evelyn Rothschild and he is the second wealthiest and most powerful person on Earth. He is also lord of the world’s financial capitol, the city state of London. Lord Rothschild and his ring of power hide their identities behind thirteen city council members who stand in as their representatives. On November 30th 2000, Lord Rothschild, now in his 70s, got married in London to a wealthy Zionist business woman named Lynn Forrester. The couple then jetted to Washington and spent their wedding night in the White House. Just months before 911 they moved to New York and settled into their 18th floor luxury palace at Riverhouse where two private terraces offered them front row for the scheduled 911 show.

Just how rich and powerful is Lord Evelyn Rothschild? Historically the Rothschild family wealth was hidden in underground vaults. The Rothschild secret financial records were never audited, and never accounted for. Their family commissioned biographies give the illusion that their family fortune has dwindled. But researchers estimate their wealth at close to $500 TRILLION dollars. More than half the wealth of the entire world.

To avoid publicity the Rothschilds made themselves invisible by creating and hiding behind two front companies, JP Morgon and Kuhn, Loeb & Co. The Rothschilds bought controlling interest in England’s British East India shipping company and the illegal opium trade with China. They offered junior partnerships to New England’s leading American families. The Russel, Coolidge, Delano, Forbes, and Perkins became fabulously rich smuggling opium aboard their speedy clipper ships into China. In 1820 Samuel Russell bought out the Perkins syndicate and ran the opium smuggling operation with his partner Warren Delano Jr., who is the grandfather of President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

The Russell family, who controlled the US arm of the Rothschild drug smuggling operation, set up the Skull & Bones fraternity at Yale University. America’s big money families formed a fraternities inner power circle. Taft, Russell, Schiff, Harriman, Bush, Warburg, Guggenheim, Rockefeller, Stimson, Weyerhaeuser, Vanderbilt, Goodyear, and Pilsbury were all members.

Giuseppe Mazzini of Italy was a 33rd degree Mason who replaced Adam Weisshaupt the Illuminati in 1834. Mazzini was a member of the Italian Carbonari and created the mafia’s blood rituals and secret oath. He gave the dreaded Cosa Nostra the name MAFIA. MAFIA’s an acronym spelling the names of the original mafioso godfathers. M for Mazzini, A Autorizza, F for Furti, I for Incendi, and A for Avvelenamenti.

When Woodrow Wilson became president of the United States in 1912 he sold out America. Wilson was backed by Jacob Schiff and Paul Warburg, who worked in the United States as German immigrant agents for the Rothschilds. In 1913, Paul Warburg rewrote the US monopoly rules with the help of Senator Nelson Aldrich. They called the new rules the Federal Reserve Act. With President Woodrow Wilson’s blessing, the US Federal Reserve Bank became a privately owned central bank free of government control. The pirates divvied up the private stock in America’s money supply and made Rothschild agent Paul Warburg head of the US Federal Reserve.

To collect their bounty they also created the Income Tax Act and the hated IRS. With the stroke of President Wilson’s treasonous pen, the banker gangsters became the Fed in 1913 and have owned a virtual monopoly over the US economy and the taxpayers money ever since. They can print money out of thin air. Control treasury loans and profit from interest rates. Since their biggest windfalls come from loan profits and weapon sales, wars and death are not only profitable they are desirable and necessary. Today American citizens owe these merchants of death approximately $70,000 per citizen.

The Versailles Treaty negotiations after World War I were held behind closed doors at the luxurious private mansion of yet another Rothschild family member named Edmond Rothschild. Treaty negotiators included Rothschild agent Paul Warburg as the United States delegate and Paul’s brother Max Warburg as a German delegate.

The League of Nations was the money cartel’s first attempt at world control, but Czar Nicolas II of Russia caught on to their plot and sabotaged it. That proved to be a deadly mistake. Schiff, Warburg, Rockefeller, Harriman, and Morgan backed the uprisings that led to the 1917 Russian Revolution. Their strategy was to finance both sides of wars and revolutions, which gave them control over the winners, the losers, and the outcome.

Between 1918 and 1921, 14 million Russians died from war and starvation under Lenin Bolshevik. By 1919, Lenin ran up a national debt to the Rothschild banksters of $60 billion, which put Russia firmly under their control. As Mayer Rothschild once said ‘give me control of a nation’s money and I care now who makes her laws’. To this day, the Rothschilds have stopped the heirs to the Czar’s fortunes from claiming their deposits held in Rothschild banks. Those fortunes are now worth an estimated $50 billion.

Joseph Stalin, who was financed by the same money cartel, replaced Lenin as Russia’s brutal new dictator. Using terror and death threats, Stalin’s job was to industrialize Russia and turn communism into a powerful counter force to democracy. Manufactured conflicts between these two powerful political forces would be the ideal excuse for all future wars and for dividing, conquering, and ruling the world.

In 1947 the United States played host to an international conference at Bretton Woods to put an end to world poverty and starvation caused by World War II. The idea was to give humanitarian loans to needy nations by creating a world bank and international monetary fund. But who would be put in charge of these billion dollar mega loans? Who else but the US Federal Reserve bankster families.

Putting the US Federal Reserve banksters in charge of humanitarian loans is like putting pedophiles in charge of day care centers.

C.I.A.’s team of ex-Nazi and Skull & Bonesmen financed and trained Osama Bin Laden who pushed the Russians out of Afghanistan by 1989. The CIA then trained and installed the ruthless Taliban regime to run the booming opium trade. After a decade, the long friendship between America and the Taliban suddenly turned ugly. In a meeting held on December 4, 1997 at Unocal headquarters, American oilmen made a proposal to the Taliban about building a pipeline through Afghanistan. Rothschild’s Shell Oil and Rockefeller’s Exxon Oil had invested billions in the Kazakhstan oil and gas reserves just north of Afghanistan. Now, they needed a pipeline to transport it to the Persian Gulf. The Taliban demanded a bigger cut and turned down the proposal. Suddenly the banksters American controlled media were calling the Taliban monsters, evil-doers, and cruel villains who beat up on women.

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