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Reply #59: You know your shit calipendence... [View All]

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (01/01/06 through 01/22/2007) Donate to DU
Independent_Liberal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-28-06 03:50 PM
Response to Reply #43
59. You know your shit calipendence...
Edited on Tue Nov-28-06 04:02 PM by Independent_Liberal
BTW, remember that little scenario I showed you a while back. You gave me some suggestions as to what to add (for investigations). I added them in. I wanted you to have a look.

Items #1-5 have already happened. I predicted a few of them beforehand. A few I added after they happened. #6-23 is what I think might still be to come.

All Roads Lead To

Endgame: The Perfect Storm
What sets it off?

1. Some interesting things start to come to light at the William Jefferson Capitol Hill FBI raid hearings. A few whistleblowers step forward at the open and closed door House and Senate subcommittee hearings on NSA domestic spying and the Pentagon’s 9/11 “Able Danger” program and more interesting info is revealed. More damaging info is revealed at the House and Senate Katrina hearings.
2. Special Counsel Patrick J. Fitzgerald manages to obtain info from White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove in the CIA Leak investigation. This is related to missing emails from Cheney’s office and White House documents requested by Federal Judge Reggie Walton. Former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage provides some information to Fitzgerald on Robert Novak and the leak.
3. The Democrats win back Congress and the majority of the Governorships in the November 2006 midterm elections. They get a solid majority in the House and a narrow majority in the Senate.
4. Rumsfeld resigns after the election.
5. Bush chooses Robert Gates from James Baker’s Iraq Study Group to replace Rumsfeld.
6. After Bob Ney’s guilty plea, the Department of Justice, the FBI, the Criminal Division, Federal Prosecutors and Senate Investigators get some cooperation in the Abramoff case and the “Duke” Cunningham bribery case. A GOP security aide comes forward with evidence relating to New Hampshire phone jamming at a court testimony. Jack gives up all the information he has on everything including defrauded Indian tribes, gaming casinos, lobbying firms, Greenberg Traurig, illegal campaign contributions sent to GOP Congress people, foreign influence peddling, illegal arms trafficking, the American Turkish Council, Denny Hastert’s ties to Turkish spies and his shady housing deals, the SunCruz investigation, Guam, the support of forced abortion and sex slavery in the Marianas, Adam Kidan, Michael Scanlon, Tony Rudy, Neil Volz, David Safavian, Grover Norquist, John Colyandro, Jim Ellis, Tom DeLay’s misuse of the FAA and the DHS, his trips to Russia and the people who turned up dead in his district, DeLay’s ARMPAC, Ney’s golf outings in Scotland, his ties to Iran and use of secret government wiretapping operations, Americans for Tax Reform fraud, Carl Gutierrez, Felix Camacho, Froilan Tenorio, Haley Barbour, Ernie Fletcher and the Merit system scandal, Bob Taft, Tom Noe and Coingate, Ken Blackwell’s stocks in Halliburton, Leandro Aragoncillo and Philippine spy espionage, mobsters and Kidan’s link to a Sicilian mafia figure, the Gus Boulis murder case, New Hampshire phone jamming, stolen computers from the Ohio Democratic Headquarters, terrorists at casinos, 9/11 and Mohammad Atta, the Royal Sons LLC plane from Florida with 5.5 tons of cocaine that was raided by the FBI, Saudi money, Ken Lay, Jeff Skilling and Enron, Eric Cantor and AIPAC lobbyists, John Sweeney and Wal-Mart PAC, Charles Taylor and the Russian bank, Tyco, Enron power plant deals, heroin trafficking, money laundering, GOP prostitution rings and pedophiles with ties to Jeff Gannon, child prostitution and sex predator operations in the Marianas, Gale Norton’s Interior Department, J. Steven Griles, Roger Stilwell, Wally O’Dell and Diebold, HAVA, Homeland Security rackets, Ralph Reed, etc. Randy gives up all info on Porter Goss, Kyle Foggo, Brent Wilkes, Mitchell Wade, MZM, Inc., ADCS, Inc., Archer Logistics, Group W advisors, defense contractors, creation of phony defense companies to get $700,000,000 through earmarks for GOP TV ads, the Wilkes-funded prostitution ring involving Homeland Security Contractor Shirlington Limousine and Transportation Services and hooker and poker parties at the Watergate Hotel. Terrence Gasper rats out a few players in Coingate and Randy, Noe and Ney reveal all their secret Shell Companies who bilked millions while aiding Abramoff/Marianas Islands/Indian Gaming/Rumsfeld’s Pentagon and it’s also revealed that some Republican Congresspersons and Senators had sex while housed in Abramoff's Safe Houses and it wasn't the kind of sex the Dobson's like to talk about. The 60 House Appropriations Committee Investigators who were fired from the investigative staff by Committee Chairman Jerry Lewis in the Hastert/Bid-Rigging/Contractors/Appropriations cover-up go to the DOJ. They blow the whistle on several Republican leaders in the House, Senate and Executive Branch. All this doo doo hits the fan and Hastert, Sweeney, Cantor, John Doolittle, Dana Rohrabacher, Richard Pombo, Roy Blunt, Louis Gohmert, Rick Renzi, J.D. Hayworth, Tom Feeney, Conrad Burns, Virgil Goode, Duncan Hunter, Katherine Harris, Brian Bilbray, etc. are all indicted as well as their staff members (Wilkes is later indicted himself). Also, Austin, Texas District Attorney Ronnie Earle indicts John Cornyn on charges relating to Abramoff-DeLay money, the SEC charges Bill Frist for his insider trading and Tom Reynolds, John Shimkus, Kirk Fordham, Scott Palmer, Rodney Alexander, John Boehner, Jim Kolbe, Ken Calvert, etc. get into some legal trouble in the FBI and House Ethics Committee investigations into the Mark Foley Congressional page sex scandal.
7. National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley is indicted by Fitzgerald for perjury and obstruction of justice and former Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Douglas Feith is brought up on espionage charges in the AIPAC case and the forged Niger documents background comes to light from Italian Intelligence. Richard Perle gets implicated in AIPAC as well.
8. Fitzgerald indicts Attorney General Alberto Gonzales for obstruction of justice and Rove is later indicted in the Abramoff investigation (this is related to visits to the White House by Jack and secret meetings set up by Norquist). The number of times Gannon visited the White House later becomes a major news story.
9. Bird flu and other scare viruses prove to be wrong, numbers of illegals in US turn out not to be huge amounts of Mexicans but folks from other countries who've come in under radar, a bunch of info comes to light about massive stock manipulation, hedges and other funds come under scrutiny for bilking average investors and Abu Ghraib pictures that weren’t released come out. The investigations by the DOJ and SEC into Halliburton begin to bear fruit. Several Halliburton whistleblowers give up info on bid rigging, Nigerian bribes, Iraq contractors, Cheney’s Energy Task Force and oil execs cooking the books, Joe Allbaugh, the selling of nuclear reactors to Iran, Middle East pipeline deals and several Republicans with ties to Halliburton lobbyists. Lockheed Martin gets thrown under the bus as well.
10. An Independent Commission to investigate the NSA wiretaps is set up. NSA staffer Russell Tice gives testimony before the Commission. Shortly after, the citizens’ appointed special grand jury to investigate torture allegations is set up.
11. Edmonds v. DOJ – FBI translator Sibel Edmonds takes her case with the DOJ on FBI cover-ups and "States Secret Privileges" to one of the Federal Courts. At the same time, New York State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer gets an independent grand jury investigation into the 9/11 events in New York City going. Some family members are alleging a government cover-up. An Independent Prosecutor is appointed to investigate the World Trade Center EPA case, insurance fraud and other unsolved crimes related to the events.
12. Happy New Year. January 2007, 110th Congress, 1st Session – The new Congress is sworn in (with Harry Reid as Senate Majority Leader, Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House of Representatives, John Conyers as House Judiciary Committee Chairman, Henry Waxman as House Government Reform Committee Chairman and Louise Slaughter as House Rules Committee Chairwoman).
13. Cheney’s former Chief of Staff I. Lewis Libby is convicted and he implicates Cheney. A bunch of info comes to light about Plame, Halliburton no-bid contracts and Iraq corruption, Iraq contractors scum with “Bag Operations” that netted millions to Neocons, AIPAC, the Energy Task Force and secret energy meetings, Aspen’s Turning and Mexico influence peddling. Cheney is indicted by Fitzgerald for treason, conspiracy, espionage, fraud, grand larceny and tax evasion. Calls are made for his resignation and his head on a silver platter. Cheney resigns. He claims he’s leaving because of health problems.
14. Congress forces Bush to appoint John McCain as Vice President. Both houses of Congress vote overwhelmingly to confirm Vice President McCain.
15. Conyers sets up a House Select Fact Finding Committee to investigate everything (Downing Street Memos, Plame, White House Iraq Group, Iran-Syria Operations Group, Nigerian bribes, AIPAC/Larry Franklin/Steven Rosen/Keith Weissman/Michael Ledeen/Manucher Ghorbanifar, Niger/Yellowcake forgeries, depleted uranium, Patriot Act and IRS abuses, Dubai Ports deals, mining disasters, Edmonds FBI whistleblower case, Aragoncillo, leaks of classified information and security breaches, NSA, Gannon, Abramoff, Greenberg Traurig, Marsh & Kroll Management, Cunningham/Wilkes/MZM/Hookergate, Alfonso Jackson and HUD contracts, financial improprieties involving former FDA Commissioner Lester Crawford, Enron, Halliburton-Kellogg Brown & Root, The Carlyle Group, Harken Energy, Bechtel, WorldCom, election fraud, Coingate, torture of prisoners, FEMA’s Katrina response, Pat Tillman’s death, missing billions from Iraq, Pentagon psyops units and secret government propaganda operations in the Office of Special Plans, the firing of Abramoff Prosecutor Frederick A. Black, etc.). Hearings begin and subpoenas are issued. Susan Ralston, Bernadette Noe, Robert Mueller, George Tenet, Andy Card, Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, Dan Bartlett, David Addington, Mary Matalin, John Hannah, Ken Mehlman, Gen. Jeffrey Miller, Gen. Richard Myers, Gen. Tommy Franks, etc. are amongst the people subpoenaed. Several whistleblowers from the FBI, CIA, NSA, DIA, FAA, NSC, State Department and Pentagon step forward to testify. The public hearings are broadcast on television 24/7. Analyses from the 9/11 Commission, the Robb-Silberman Commission and the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction come under review as well as different reports from the DOJ Inspector General’s office. A few Independent Counsels show Congress their findings from grand jury investigations and Justice Department Prosecutors Nathaniel Edmonds and Peter Zeidenberg come forward with info on Safavian and the General Services Administration. Several insiders from AT&T, Bell South and Verizon are forced to release info on phone records and data collected by the NSA. Waxman opens an investigation into Halliburton war profiteering and examines reports from the GAO and House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman John Dingell opens an investigation into the Energy Task Force. Other big House investigations: Cover-ups of pre-9/11 intelligence, 9/11 Commission cover-ups, 9/11 Commission members with ties to oil companies and lobbyists, Larry Silverstein, Paul Bremer, key witnesses left out of the official 9/11 Report, the identification of Atta by “Able Danger,” Christine Todd Whitman and the EPA, 9/11 related corruption in government offices, cover-ups involving Congress people, Federal Judges and DOJ personnel, drug trafficking and money laundering, illegal weapon sales, pre-9/11 insider trading, manipulation of pre-9/11 FBI intercepts, corruption surrounding Supreme Court Justices, Pentagon tapes, NORAD tapes, FBI wiretap translations, the DeLay-Abramoff-SunCruz-Boulis-Mob-Atta connections, destruction of 9/11 FAA tapes, Melek Can Dickerson and the American Turkish Council, Pakistan-ISI connections, Hastert-Abramoff-Livingston Group-Brewster Jennings-MIC Inc.-ATC-ATAA-AIPAC-Feith-Perle connections, penetration of the FBI, AIG, Bank of America, Citigroup, John O’Neill’s murder, Enron Afghani pipeline deals, the death of Enron executive Cliff Baxter and Arthur Anderson’s destruction of Enron documents. After it’s revealed that the 9/11 Commission was a fraud and that the 9/11 Commission Report was filled with distortions, this causes a public outrage and a demand for all Commissioners and Counsels to the Commission to testify under oath before all the House Committees and Subcommittees on Government Reform, Judiciary, Intelligence, National Security and Oversight and Investigations and forces a complete overhaul of the Commission and the installment of a new independent investigation as was wanted by the Jersey girls.
16. The investigation into Senator Paul Wellstone’s 2002 plane crash death is reopened.
17. The Senate sets up an Investigative Committee to investigate Iraq intelligence, Phase II, Plame, NSA, 9/11 oddities, Pat Roberts/Richard Shelby intelligence leak cover-ups, Laura Ingraham’s involvement in campaign phone jamming, Energy Commission cover-ups and other corruption, waste, fraud and abuse and an Independent Prosecutor is appointed. Senate hearings begin and Sibel Edmonds, Richard Grove, Indira Sangh, Russell Tice, Richard Clarke, Coleen Rowley, James Comey, Bunny Greenhouse and Lawrence Wilkerson all step forward as witnesses. Larry Johnson, Ray McGovern and Joseph Wilson make appearances before the hearings and Wilson provides information to the Office of the Independent Counsel. Patrick Leahy chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings and Ted Kennedy chairs the Special Select Committee. The Office of Abramoff Special Prosecution Force brings evidence before the Senate. A few other things that get looked into by the Senate include: 1. The cover-up of the cost of the Medicare Bill that the administration asked certain individuals to hide before Congress. 2. John Negroponte's involvement with the School of the Americas and the death squads in South America. This also ropes in Henry Kissinger as well. Michael Hayden, Gonzales, etc. get implicated in this investigation too, when it expands into Abu Ghraib abuses, along with more damning info on what went on in NSA. Porter Goss, Denny Hastert and others testify against these folks, since that power play that Gonzales, Negroponte, etc. engineered to claim the right to searching Congressional offices got folks like Hastert upset. As a result, the School of the Americas will be shut down. 3. Involvement of ChoicePoint in various efforts in orchestrating election fraud in Florida, Ohio, and other places here and their involvement in election fraud in Mexico that helps Obrador force a new election and dismiss the current corrupted results. 4. Securities fraud committed by Diebold and other electronic voting machine companies. Several whistleblowers testify against the CEOs of the companies. SEC investigators come forward with their findings. Diebold’s ties to Abramoff, Ney, Indian tribes, laundered casino money, the Scotland golf junket, Distafano, Roy Coffee and Greenberg Traurig come under scrutiny in this investigation.
18. As a part of Edmonds and other whistleblowers coming forward on the AIPAC, Plame, and other investigations, this forces a reopening of the investigation of David Kelly’s death (British documents show that it was murder), Judith Miller's complete knowledge of that event, and a complete investigation into whether Brewster Jennings was close to exposing a plot to plant WMD's in northern Iraq that might have happened had Brewster Jennings not been shut down by the Plamegate affair. The House and Senate do joint inquiries into: 1. What pressure BushCo had on trying to accelerate the public airing of the latest terrorist plot before British Intelligence wanted to expose it, thereby losing the opportunity to arrest and contain more folks that were involved in that conspiracy. Related to this, it is looked into who in the Bush administration, and for what reasons, might have leaked A.Q. Khan's name out prematurely, which might have lead to some escaping to further carry out the London subway bombing raids later. 2. What sort of data mining that Bushco wanted to do through Google, Yahoo, AT&T, etc. over and above the NSA wiretaps. It is looked into whether Google or other search engines were asked to have their search hits manipulated at certain times to censor information on sensitive events, etc. too. (I personally suspect that Google was asked to censor certain hits like those having to do with Sibel Edmonds at the time that Larry Franklin was arrested when the AIPAC spy scandal became exposed publicly.)
19. United States v. Bush – One of the whistleblower cases goes to the Supreme Court. One of the conservative justices breaks ranks and sides with the liberals on the matter. It is ruled that Bush must turn over documents on FBI cover-ups from the DOJ Inspector General’s office based on allegations by Edmonds and others. Bush refuses to comply. The Senate holds a censure vote.
20. Congress motions to impeach Bush. Impeachment proceedings and hearings begin. The House Judiciary Committee begins voting on articles of impeachment. 14 articles are voted out of the Committee including 1. Lying to Congress 2. Abuse of Power 3. Obstruction of Justice, Perjury and Contempt of Congress 4. Disclosing Classified Information 5. Criminal Negligence 6. Bribery, Fraud, Theft and Embezzlement 7. War Crimes 8. Endangering the Security of the Nation 9. Conspiracy 10. Defrauding the Government 11. Negligent Homicide and Reckless Endangerment 12. Biological Weapons 13. Military Action Without Approval from Congress 14. Conspiracy to Commit Fraud Against the People.
21. A small delegation of Congressional Republicans led by Dick Lugar and Trent Lott go up to the White House and urge Bush to resign. They make it clear to him that he’s lost all support from the public and his base and that impeachment, conviction and removal from office is inevitable.
22. Bush resigns to avoid impeachment and get a pardon. He fakes an illness.
23. McCain is sworn in as President. He appoints George Pataki as his Vice President. Both houses of Congress vote to confirm Pataki. McCain accepts the resignations of all the Bush cabinet members and senior White House staff. And of course, McCain is Jerry Ford until January 2009.
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