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I appreciate everyone's input, and I apologize that my previous OP was not sufficiently empathetic. [View All]

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Home » Discuss » Topic Forums » GLBT Donate to DU
Skinner ADMIN Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-22-08 03:42 PM
Original message
I appreciate everyone's input, and I apologize that my previous OP was not sufficiently empathetic.
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Edited on Thu May-22-08 06:58 PM by Skinner
In hindsight, I should have spent more time addressing your concerns. As a straight male, I cannot claim to understand how you feel, but I do think I see some of the reasons why you feel angry and frustrated by Democratic Underground. It is obvious that sometimes ugly things are posted on Democratic Underground. I wish that it did not happen, and I know that it is hurtful when it does. I want to be completely clear that, like you, I am deeply offended by some of the things that get posted on this website. If you simply peruse any of the "Best of DU" threads, you will see that some very ugly things do get posted here. I can understand why you are upset. In addition, the hurt, anger, and frustration caused by such posts is compounded by the fact that Democratic Underground as a whole is not a particularly friendly and welcoming place right now because of the fighting related to the Democratic presidential primary. Even if Democratic Underground does not always seem to live up to its promise and potential, I appreciate that you have not given up on Democratic Underground -- or on the belief that this community can be better than it is right now. Thank you for that.

Broadly speaking, the issue that that precipitated the current situation is the belief that there is widespread homophobia and transphobia on Democratic Underground, along with the perception that the DU Administrators either do not care or are not doing enough to counter it. I will address that issue later in this post. But first I wish to briefly talk about the fact that there is a related issue which is contributing to many of the problems here on Democratic Underground, but which is not widely recognized or discussed. The DU Administrators now believe that this community has grown so large that our system of moderating is no longer as effective as it used to be. In short: We are using software intended for a community of hundreds of people in order to run a community that averages over than 70,000 unique visitors each day (and sometimes well over 100,000). Despite our best efforts, and the best efforts of a top-notch group of volunteer moderators, delays and inconsistencies in moderation are unavoidable. Sometimes they are relatively long delays and relatively large inconsistencies. We have been working on a complete, from-scratch overhaul of Democratic Underground for more than a year, and the upgrade is still far from complete. When we do finally unveil the new DU, I have no doubt that our new software and new system of moderating will also not be perfect. But our hope is that it will be faster, more transparent, and (perhaps) slightly more consistent. In addition, our new system will give more of the responsibilities of moderating to you, the members of the community. While the new system will not solve all of our problems, it should make you feel that you have a greater level of input in how the community is run.

Having briefly explained that, I would like to get back to the issue at hand, which is the existence of homophobia and transphobia on Democratic Underground, and how they are dealt with. I think it should be apparent to everyone that bigotry -- including homophobia and transphobia -- has always existed on Democratic Underground. To be clear, I am not excusing or justifying bigotry. But what I would like everyone to understand is that Democratic Underground is an extremely busy, open forum and we do not pre-screen posts, so unfortunately some inappropriate things are going to be posted. This has always been the case on DU, and it will continue to be the case for as long as this community exists. I wish that we lived in a world where everyone was enlightened, welcoming, and free from bigotry. But unfortunately we do not, which means that ugly posts will regularly be posted here on DU.

The only way to completely eliminate the possibility that something inappropriate gets posted here is to pre-screen all messages before they get posted. But that is not realistic. I think everyone here knows that we would suck the lifeblood out of this place if we tried it. What we do is post a set of rules, and then do our best to enforce them. Which mostly consists of deleting posts, locking threads, and banning people -- when we are aware that they are causing problems.

For the purposes of this discussion, the relevant rules are those relating to bigotry. As you know, Democratic Underground's rules do not permit bigotry, including bigotry based on sexual orientation. In practice, enforcing rules against bigotry is actually much more complicated than it might seem, for a number of reasons. We could make our job very easy if we simply deleted all posts and banned all members that expressed even the slightest whiff of bigotry. But I think that is not a practical or fair approach, and doing so would likely lead to mass bannings and members paralyzed by fear of accidentally saying something the wrong way. There is a continuum of bigotry that ranges from cluelessness to malice. If our goal is to change people's minds, I think our rule enforcement needs to recognize this continuum. I believe that if someone's heart seems to be in the right place, and if they seem to want to do the right thing, it is neither fair nor wise to throw out a reliable progressive because they inadvertently say something in the wrong way. By providing an opportunity for others to respond and educate, the clueless can be enlightened. We give them second chances, and we sometimes let their inelegantly-worded posts stay so learning can take place. But on the other end of the continuum, we do not give second chances to those whose bigotry is malicious.

So, how are we doing? As the administrator of this website, I cannot pre-emptively stop things from being posted. But I can determine how things are dealt with after they get posted here. With this in mind, I think most people would agree that simply listing homophobic messages posted on Democratic Underground does not provide a complete and accurate picture of whether homophobia is considered acceptable on this website. Simple fairness would suggest that one should also consider how such posts are dealt with by the moderators and administrators after they are posted. One can learn more about the community by considering how the vast majority of our members respond to such posts.

For this reason, I think everyone would agree that the "Best of DU" threads, while useful, probably do not provide a complete and accurate picture of the pervasiveness or acceptability of homophobia and transphobia on Democratic Underground.

In an effort to get a more accurate picture, EarlG spent a good part of the day yesterday going through *all* of the posts and threads referenced in the three original "Best of DU" threads in the GLBT forum. To be clear, we understand that this problem is not narrowly confined to messages referenced in the "Best of DU" threads, but lacking any other set of posts to systematically review we felt that the "Best of DU" threads would provide us with a broad enough set of data.

The first thing he learned is this: People post some ugly things on DU sometime. That is a simple fact that cannot be denied, and people are justified in being upset about it. There is no need for us to repeat any of the ugly, bigoted posts -- if anyone really wants to know you can find the "Best of DU" threads here in the GLBT forum and read them yourself.

But another thing he learned is that occasionally the "Best of DU" threads did not provide a fair representation of the posts they were referring to. I don't want to single anyone out, so I am not going to point to any specific posts. But there were a few cases where all context was lost, and posts were held up as being something that they were not. In one instance, a single sentence was taken from a much longer message (the message as a whole was expressing support for gay marriage), and then that single sentence was paraphrased in a way that changed its meaning. In another instance, a sarcastic post was incorrectly represented as being a straightforward expression of a person's views.

It is worth noting that in the majority of all cases, whether a post was alerted or not, large numbers of DUers replied to educate the clueless member, which is the way it should be. In some cases the moderators left posts open because they felt that it was preferable to let an inappropriate post stay and for a lot of people to express their disagreement with it. In case there is any question: You are permitted to call members on bigotry and publicly educate them, just as it is permitted to have "Best of..." threads where GLBT members can draw attention to homophobia you see. But once you start calling people names, you run the risk of getting your posts deleted or locked.

Another thing he learned is that, contrary to popular wisdom, clicking the alert link on a bigoted post makes a big difference. Of the posts referenced in the "Best of DU" threads, the most reliable predictor of whether a post will be deleted, a thread locked, or a person banned is whether anyone actually clicked the alert link. But sadly, in a huge proportion of cases -- 45 out of 101 posts -- nobody bothered to click alert, and so the post was never brought to the attention of the moderators. This leads to a vicious cycle in which the lack of alerts leads to no enforcement which leads to the perception that rule violations are being ignored by the moderators which ultimately makes people alert even less often. Which is a shame, because when they receive alerts, it turns out that the moderators have a pretty good record.

I know first-hand how overworked and tired the DU moderators are, and I feared that there could be a large number of alerts that did not receive attention. Of course, even one alert that is missed or does not receive adequate follow-up is too many, but I don't think it is reasonable to expect the moderators to have a perfect record. Of all the alerted posts, only eight did not receive adequate attention from the moderators. The vast, vast majority were given fair consideration by the moderators. Some were permitted to stay, but most most ended up deleted or locked -- and ultimately a fair proportion of the offenders ended up banned.

One area that we think could use some improvement is in our treatment of transphobic postings, specifically, we will change our enforcement of the "Ann Coulter is a man" posts. I had given moderators instructions to leave them on the board because this particular joke is so pervasive throughout the progressive blogosphere that many people don't realize it is inappropriate. We made this choice because we thought the individuals who post it would be more likely to "get it" if others explained the problem to them, rather than if their posts disappeared. That may be the case, but I now believe that the harm of letting such posts remain on the board outweighs the potential learning that could come from it remaining on the board.

Rather than try to explain everything that we learned, I think it is probably better to simply post the entire list of posts that EarlG created, along with what happened. I readily admit that our record is not perfect. But I do believe, strongly, that this is not a record of enforcement that Democratic Underground should feel ashamed of, nor do I believe it is indicative of a community that turns a blind eye to bigotry.

Thank you for taking the time to read this entire post. EarlG's data follows.


Threads referenced in "Best of GLBT" threads 1, 2 & 3

Total number of posts referenced in "Best of GLBT" threads 1, 2 & 3 between August 28 2007 and May 17 2008: 101

Posts that were not alerted on: 45 of 101
Posts that were alerted on: 56 of 101

Out of 56 alerted posts:

Posts that were alerted on but received insufficient attention from the moderators: 8
Posts that were alerted on but determined to be not actionable: 5
Posts that were alerted on and action was taken: 43

Or in other words: 86% of alerted posts were discussed in the moderator forum. 77% of alerted posts were deleted, locked, or the member was banned. 14% of posts received insufficient attention from the moderators.

Of 43 posts where action was taken:

Number of deleted posts, threads or sub-threads: 18
Number of thread locks: 21 (10 locking messages included public warnings for homophobia)
Note that in some cases the member was banned but the post was not deleted, which accounts for the addition discrepancy.

Members involved in all referenced posts who were subsequently banned: 18

Note that 3 additional posts (not included in the 101) that were referenced in the "Best of GLBT" threads do not seem to fit a category. They are listed at the bottom in the "Miscellaneous" section.

Posts that were alerted on but received insufficient attention from the moderators (8 of 56)

NOV 5 2007
RESULT: Post was alerted on, no action was taken (no discussion in mod forum).

JAN 2 2008
RESULT: Posts were alerted on. Alerts fell by the wayside in the moderator forum, no action was taken. Member was later banned.

JAN 28 2008
RESULT: Post was alerted on. Moderators missed the point (did not consider the usage of "beard"). No action was taken.

MAR 9 2008
RESULT: Post was alerted on, moderators came to consensus that it should be removed but action was not taken.

MAR 16 2008
RESULT: Post was alerted on, never brought to the moderator forum.

APR 14 2008
RESULT: Post was alerted on, fell by the wayside in the moderator forum, no action taken.

MAY 16 2008
RESULT: Posts were alerted on, alerts were brought to the mod forum and discussed briefly, fell by the wayside, no action taken.

Posts that were alerted on but the moderators decided they were not actionable or action was unnecessary (5 of 56)

NOV 7 2007
RESULT: Post was alerted on, moderators determined it to be "borderline" and decided to let discussion proceed.

DEC 18 2007
RESULT: Post was alerted on. Moderators discussed the subthread and decided to let discussion proceed as "consciousness-raising."

FEB 21 2008
RESULT: Post was alerted on. Moderator consensus was that the member was being sarcastic and this was not actionable.

MAR 4 2008
RESULT: Post was alerted on. No moderator consensus that it was actionable.

APR 10 2008
RESULT: Post was alerted, moderators discussed it, decided to leave it open because member was "getting his ass handed to him" and "they're pointing out (politely) that he's full of shit."

Posts that were alerted on and action was taken (43 of 56)

AUG 28 2007
RESULT: Post was alerted on. Thread was locked (sex thread).

AUG 28 2007
RESULT: Post was alerted on. Thread was locked with message, "This is far beyond the pale, and, quite frankly, is a generalized attack against homosexuals. Do not post anything like this again."

AUG 31 2007
RESULT: Post was alerted on. Thread was locked (flamebait).

OCT 21 2007
RESULT: Post was deleted. Member was later banned.

OCT 26 2007
RESULT: Post was alerted on. Thread was locked (flamebait).

NOV 29 2007
RESULT: OP supports repeal of "Don't Ask Don't Tell." Dozens of supportive responses. Member who suggested that "It is all about sex, attraction, foxhole desires and showers..." was subsequently banned.

DEC 14 2007
RESULT: Post was alerted on. Thread was locked with the message "Homophobic."

DEC 16 2007
RESULT: (Same member as above.) Post was alerted on. Thread was locked by an administrator with the message "This is the second time we've had to lock this rubbish. Don't post it again." Member was officially warned.

Jan 2 2008
RESULT: Post was alerted on. Post was deleted.

JAN 7 2008
RESULT: Post was alerted on. Post was deleted. Member was later banned.

JAN 12 2008
RESULT: Post was alerted on. Post was deleted. Member was banned.

JAN 15 2008
RESULT: Post was alerted on. Subthread was deleted.

JAN 17 2008
RESULT: Post was alerted on. Thread was locked (flamebait).

JAN 28 2008
RESULT: Post was alerted on. Member was banned.

FEB 1 2008
RESULT: Post was alerted on. Post was deleted.

FEB 4 2008
RESULT: Post was alerted on. Post was locked with quote from rules ("When discussing race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, or other highly-sensitive personal issues, please exercise the appropriate level of sensitivity toward others and take extra care to clearly express your point of view. Do not post messages that are bigoted against (or grossly insensitive toward) any person or group of people based on their race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, lack of religion, disability, physical characteristics, or region of residence.") Member was later banned.

FEB 7 2008
RESULT: Post was alerted on. Thread was locked.

FEB 29 2008
RESULT: Post was alerted on. Thread was locked (flamebait).

MAR 01 2008
RESULT: Post was alerted on. Post was deleted.

MAR 01 2008
RESULT: Post was alerted on. Post was deleted. Member was banned.

RESULT: Post was alerted on. Thread was deleted.

MAR 03 2008
RESULT: Post was alerted on. Thread was locked with message, "'Faggot' is a homophobic slur that is not acceptable in any circumstances, even if it's in quotes."

MAR 3 2008
RESULT: Post was alerted on. Thread was locked (inflammatory).

MAR 5 2008
RESULT: Post was alerted on. Thread was deleted.

MAR 6 2008
RESULT: Post was alerted on. Subthread was deleted.

MAR 6 2008
RESULT: Post was alerted on. Thread was locked with message, "This is counter-productive - an invitation to speculate on someone's sexuality based on their politics, rather than actual evidence. The implication than homophobia may indicate homosexuality is offensive."

MAR 9 2008
RESULT: Post was alerted on. Thread was locked (flamebait).

MAR 10 2008
RESULT: Post was alerted on, subthread was deleted.

MAR 12 2008
RESULT: Post was alerted on, member was banned.

MAR 13 2008
RESULT: Post was alerted on, member was banned.

MAR 18 2008
RESULT: Post was alerted on, post was deleted, member was banned.

MAR 21 2008
RESULT: Post was alerted on, thread was locked with message, "From the DU Rules: While specific words are not automatically forbidden, members should avoid using racist, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise bigoted terminology."

MAR 31 2008
RESULT: Post was alerted on, member was subsequently banned.

APR 6 2008
RESULT: Posts were alerted, thread was locked (flamefest).

MAY 14 2008
RESULT: Post was alerted on, member was banned.

MAY 16 2008
RESULT: Post was alerted on, thread was locked with message, "Please read Skinner's post on this from '04..."

APR 17 2008
RESULT: Post was alerted on, subthread was deleted.

APR 17 2008
RESULT: Post was alerted on, post was deleted.

APR 22 2008
RESULT: Post was alerted on, thread was locked with message "This thread starts out as homophobic...and goes downhill pretty quickly."

APR 24 2008
RESULT: Post was alerted on, thread was locked with message "When discussing race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, or other highly-sensitive personal issues, please exercise the appropriate level of sensitivity toward others and take extra care to clearly express your point of view."

APR 28 2008
RESULT: Post was alerted on, thread was deleted.

MAY 1 2008
RESULT: Post was alerted on, post was deleted.

MAY 15 2008
RESULT: Post was alerted on, post was deleted.

Posts that were not alerted on (45 of 101)

AUG 30 2007
RESULT: Post was not alerted on. Member was later banned.

OCT 21 2007
RESULT: Post was not alerted on. Member was later banned.

OCT 21 2007
RESULT: Post was not alerted on.

OCT 22 2007
RESULT: Post was not alerted on. Member was later banned.

OCT 22 2007
RESULT: Post was not alerted on.

NOV 27 2007
RESULT: Post was not alerted on.

NOV 29 2007
RESULT: Post was not alerted on.

DEC 16 2007
RESULT: Post was not alerted on.

JAN 3 2008
RESULT: Post was not alerted on.

JAN 6 2008
RESULT: Post was not alerted on.

JAN 10 2008
RESULT: Post was not alerted on.

FEB 13 2008
RESULT: Post was not alerted on.

FEB 13 2007
RESULT: Post was not alerted on.

FEB 14 2008
RESULT: Post was not alerted on.

FEB 14 2008
RESULT: Post was not alerted on.

FEB 14 2008
RESULT: Post was not alerted on. Member was later banned.

FEB 15 2008
RESULT: Post was not alerted on.

FEB 18 2008
RESULT: Post was not alerted on.

FEB 18 2008
RESULT: Post was not alerted on.

FEB 19 2008
RESULT: Post was not alerted on.

FEB 20 2008
RESULT: Post was not alerted on.

MAR 02 2008
RESULT: Post was not alerted on.

MAR 12 2008
RESULT: Post was not alerted on.

MAR 15 2008
RESULT: Post was not alerted on.

MAR 15 2008
RESULT: Post was not alerted on.

MAR 17 2008
RESULT: Post was not alerted on.

MAR 19 2008
RESULT: Post was not alerted on.

MAR 22 2008
RESULT: Post was not alerted on.

MAR 22 2008
RESULT: Post was not alerted on.

MAR 25 2008
RESULT: Post was not alerted on.

MAR 25 2008
RESULT: Post was not alerted on.

MAR 28 2008
RESULT: Post was not alerted on. Member was later banned.

MAR 28 2008
RESULT: Post was not alerted on.

MAR 29 2008
RESULT: Post was not alerted on.

APR 3 2008
RESULT: Post was not alerted on.

APR 12 2008
RESULT: Post was not alerted on.

APR 14 2008
RESULT: Post was not alerted on.

APR 18 2008
RESULT: Post was not alerted on.

APR 24 2008
RESULT: Post was not alerted on.

APR 25 2008
RESULT: Post was not alerted on.

APR 26 2008
RESULT: Post was not alerted on.

APR 29 2008
RESULT: Post was not alerted on.

APR 30 2008
RESULT: Post was not alerted on.

MAY 10 2008
RESULT: Post was not alerted on.

MAY 17 2008
RESULT: Post was not alerted on.


AUG 28 2007
RESULT: Thread was alerted for non GLBT-related reasons (calling out) and was locked for continuing a flamewar.

AUG 28 2007
RESULT: Thread was alerted for non GLBT-related reasons (calling out) and was locked for continuing a flamewar.

MAR 28 2008
RESULT: This appears to be a reference to the whole discussion rather than a single post. The entire thread is ugly with a couple of posts removed.
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