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Reply #1: How Voted in 2000: Various scenarios and Best Estimate of the mix [View All]

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Home » Discuss » Topic Forums » Election Reform Donate to DU
TruthIsAll Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-02-05 08:08 AM
Response to Original message
1. How Voted in 2000: Various scenarios and Best Estimate of the mix
Edited on Sat Apr-02-05 09:06 AM by TruthIsAll
We know that the Final Exit Poll 43% Bush /37% Gore weights

The Preliminary Exit Poll 41%/39% is closer to the truth - but
still not there. To believe it was 41%/39%, one must assume
that Bush 2000 voters defied the U.S. annual 0.87% death rate.

Here is a plausible range of possibilities, assuming the death
rate and various percentages of 2000 voters who chose to sit
out the 2004 election.

BEST ESTIMATE: 1% did not return to vote								
	Total	Pct 	3.50%	Alive	Max	1.00%	Max	Final
2000	Vote	2004	Died	2004	Weight	NoVote	Voted	Weight
Bush	50.456	41.27%	1.766	48.690	39.82%	0.505	48.185	39.41%
Gore	50.999	41.71%	1.785	49.214	40.25%	0.510	48.704	39.84%
Other	3.315	2.71%	0.116	3.199	2.62%	0.033	3.166	2.59%

Total	104.77	85.69%	3.667	101.10	82.70%	1.048	100.05	81.84%

48.185mil Bush 2000 voters turned out:	95.50%				
1.766	mil Bush voters died:			3.50%				
0.505	mil Bush voters stayed home:		1.00%				

48.704mil Gore voters turned out:		95.50%				
1.785	mil Gore voters died:			3.50%				
0.510	mil Gore voters stayed home:		1.00%				

Final Weightings based on percentage of 2000 voters still
alive who did not vote in 2004:									

NoVote 0.00% 0.25%	0.50%	0.75%	1.00%	1.25%	1.50%	1.75%	2.00%
Bush	39.82%	39.72%	39.62%	39.52%	39.41%	39.31%	39.21%	39.10%	39.00%
Gore	40.25%	40.15%	40.05%	39.94%	39.84%	39.73%	39.63%	39.52%	39.42%
Other	2.62%	2.61%	2.60%	2.60%	2.59%	2.58%	2.58%	2.57%	2.56%

TOTAL	82.70%	82.48%	82.27%	82.05%	81.84%	81.62%	81.41%	81.20%	80.98%

These are the corresponding stats for 2004 voters who did not
vote in 2000:

New 	21.16	21.42	21.68	21.94	22.20	22.47	22.73	22.99	23.25
% New
	17.30%	17.52%	17.73%	17.95%	18.16%	18.38%	18.59%	18.80%	19.02%
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