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Reply #14: Speaking as an active litigator [View All]

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David Van Os Donating Member (281 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-06-07 10:13 PM
Response to Original message
14. Speaking as an active litigator
of 31 years' standing, always on the little folks' side, there is NO GOOD EXCUSE for what Watts put in that letter. It's offensive as hell.

If I were the lawyer on the other side, first I would write Watts back and tell him that his insinuation that the honorable judges of the 13th Court of Appeals have been corrupted by campaign contributions is offensive and outrageous. I would also tell him that I will move for every judge on that court to recuse themselves from hearing the case in the event the case should ever reach that court. I would send a "cc" of my letter to every judge on the 13th court of appeals.

And I am not one bit surprised by the letter. Everything about Watts screams that he is a classical machiavellian influence peddler. It's right in front of our eyes. For me this goes beyond Democrat v. Republican. As a Texan, I do NOT want Mikal Watts to be a United States Senator from Texas.

I'm disappointed that my friend Linda Yanez did not emphatically denounce Watts for that letter. He slurred her and all her colleagues on the 13th court of appeals.
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