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Radnofsky Climbs, Hutchison Stumbles to 45/47.8 in Polls: Press Release [View All]

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acmejack Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-11-06 01:48 PM
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Radnofsky Climbs, Hutchison Stumbles to 45/47.8 in Polls: Press Release
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Democratic nominee for the U.S. Senate Barbara Ann Radnofsky closed the gap against her Republican opponent to less than nine points, confirming the close and competitive nature of the U.S. Senate race in Texas. The Wall Street Journal/Zogby Battleground States poll reported today shows Radnofsky gaining 3 points and her opponent hitting all-time lows of 45% and 47.8 %. Radnofsky has closed an 18-point gap from mid-August, according to Zogby. These results show just how far Radnofsky’s opponent has fallen. Hutchison’s campaign said in November 17, 2005 that she had “the highest approval rating of any elected official in history.” Today, the senior senator is mired well below 50%, and even weaker (45%) in a three-way match-up that includes the third-party candidate.

Radnofsky responded to the polling news: “When my opponent campaigns, her numbers go down. We hope she’ll get out on the campaign trail again. My opponent is fluffy. She’s afraid to debate.”

“Democrats, Republicans, and Independents increasingly understand that issues once deemed merely domestic are now recognized as vital to our security. Texans understand health care reform will deter bio-terrorism, and economic reforms I propose will strengthen our ability to deal firmly with countries like North Korea. Loss of manufacturing capability endangers our security, too and my opponent’s mistreatment of our armed forces and our veterans diminishes recruitment and our ability to have a strong military.”

Could it be? Dare we think it...
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