Milteer didn't know he was being taped. Here's a fellow agent Adams identified as Milteer in Dealey Plaza during the motorcade:
Transcript of Milteer-Somersett TapeNote: This is a transcript of a tape recorded on 9 Nov 1963 by Miami Police informant William Somersett, recording a conversion with right-wing extremist Joseph Milteer. The transcript is taken from Harold Weisberg's essay The Milteer Documents...EXCERPT...
SOMERSETT: I don't know, I think Kennedy is coming here on the 18th, or something like that to make some kind of speech, I don't know what it is, but I imagine it will be on the TV, and you can be on the look for that, I think it is the 18th that he is suppose to be here. I don't know what it is suppose to be about.
MILTEER: You can bet your bottom dollar he is going to have a lot to say about the Cubans, there are so many of them here.
SOMERSETT: Yeah, well he will have a thousand bodyguards, don't worry about that.
MILTEER: The more bodyguards he has, the easier it is to get him.
MILTEER: The more bodyguards he has the more easier it is to get him.
SOMERSETT: Well how in the hell do you figure would be the best way to get him?
MILTEER: From an office building with a high-powered rifle, how many people does he have going around who look just like him? Do you know about that?
SOMERSETT: No, I never heard that he had anybody.
MILTEER: He has got them.
MILTEER: He has about fifteen. Whenever he goes any place they he knows he is a marked man.
SOMERSETT: You think he knows he is a marked man?
MILTEER: Sure he does.
SOMERSETT: They are really going to try to kill him?
MILTEER: Oh, yeah, it is in the working, Brown himself, Brown is just as likely to get him as anybody. He hasn't said so, but he tried to get Martin Luther King.
MILTEER: Oh yes, he followed him for miles and miles, and couldn't get close enough to him.
SOMERSETT: You know exactly where he is in Atlanta don't you.
MILTEER: Martin Luther King, yeah.
SOMERSETT: Bustus Street .
MILTEER: Yeah 530.
SOMERSETT: Oh Brown tried to get him huh?
SOMERSETT: Well, he will damn sure do it, I will tell you that. Well, that is why, look, you see, well, that is why we have to be so careful, you know that Brown is operating strong.
MILTEER: He ain't going to play you know.
SOMERSETT: That is right.
MILTEER: He is going for broke.
SOMERSETT: I never asked Brown about his business or anything, you know just what he told me, told us, you know. But after the conversation, and the way he talked to us, there is no question in my mind about who knocked the church off in Birmingham, you can believe that, that is the way I figured it.
MILTEER: That is right, it is about the ony way you can figure it.
SOMERSETT: That is right.
MILTEER: Not being there, not knowing anything.
SOMERSETT: But just from his conversation, as you and me know him, but if they did, it is their business, like you say .
MILTEER: It is up to the individual.
SOMERSETT: That is right. They are individual operators, we don't want that within the party. Hitting this Kennedy is going to be a hard proposition, I tell you, I believe, you may have figured out a way to get him, you may have figured out the office building, and all that. I don't know how them Secret Service agents cover all them office buildings, or anywhere he is going, do you know whether they do that or not?
MILTEER: Well, if they have any suspicion they do that of course. But without suspicion chances are that they wouldn't. You take there in Washington, of course it is the wrong time of the year, but you take pleasant weather, he comes out on the veranda, and somebody could be in a hotel room across the way there, and pick him off just like .
SOMERSETT: Is that right?
MILTEER: Sure, disassemble a gun, you don't have to take a gun up there, you can take it up in pieces, all those guns come knock down, you can take them apart.
CONTINUED... Leaders in the Secret Service and FBI, knowing the above, were more than criminally negligent in protecting the President in Dallas.