According to the CIA Factbook:, it seems like just yesterday that we were number 24!:eyes:
Some more information here: latter site is the first I've seen to actually address the issue that 'Unemployment Reduces Life Expectancy,' which may provide a quick explanation as to how we've slipped so far so fast.
According to the latest US Bureau of Labor Statistics more than 31 million Americans are unemployed, including those who are "underemployed" and those who have lost hope and stopped looking. Although it is still too early in the cycle to get your arms around enough data to produce an accurate forecast the historical evidence is clear what's at stake here is far more than the impact on the economy. The reduction in Life Expectancy these people and their families have and will face in the years to come from this national tragedy is hard to estimate, at this point in the process, but that doesn't make it any less real. The fact that it takes up to six years for all of this to play out (2 years just to compile the data) is the reason it often goes un-noticed, but one estimate is that during prolonged economic downturns each 1% increase in unemployment results in 37,000 deaths.
Read that again: The upshot is, that we're likely to see
life expectancy in the US slip even further as unemployment remains high!:scared: