Poverty has exploded and Healthcare is non-existent right along with job opportunities so of course there will be bone-crushing poverty, complicated by disease, and illnesses of all kinds. And as for “drugs” the DEA is known far and wide, and their reputation is nothing to brag about.
Now our spoiled brats have taken to robbing their parent’s medicine cabinets of prescription drugs, no need to deal with the sleazy dealers in the streets. Did you know that America has a “Drug Czar” – guess we thought the Russian twist might lend the title something more than usual? But he’s utterly useless, almost as useless as the Director of Homeland Security; because in reality that is the job of the president of the USA and it cannot legally be outsourced—yet it was!
But the greatest failures must be reserved for the people. Because in each and every instance ‘everything not specifically mentioned in the US Constitution was by law reserved to the people.’ And since the people became completely enthralled within the hundreds of mirrors that they chose to represent their every fantasy, in their all-too-busy existences, they have failed miserably to hold any official to account, for any action taken or denied by this so-called government. In doing this the people have spoken, and what they have continued to say for the last seven years is very ugly.
“Go ahead, take my money, kill my job, crush my family life, steal my constitutional rights and then lie about everything you’ve done to me.” But whatever you do—continue to keep the truth from me and from those I say I love.”
This link is to more from an artist who is IMHO aware and awake to the possible futures we may face.. Kirwan,He is no"conspirasy theorist",he is a free thinker,and loves his freedom.
http://groups.google.com/group/alt.conspiracy/browse_thread/thread/e7997a1807674cdaI say this because Thought-Crimes legislation is still pending in the Senate (S-1959).
This law would effectively takes away our rights, which is really our duty,to keep free,which requires us to "alter or abolish" a corrupt governemnt as provided in the Declaration of Independence. This sickening legislation gives the"ruling class" the right to do anything they want with us, and we effectively cannot do a damn thing about it. We have got to wake up.Stop obeying start resisting and thinking for ourselves because we are all in this together.
http://www.nypost.com/seven/01242008/business/you_should_be_wary_of_this_market_reboun_412433.htm?page=0This pending bill is tyrannical and must not be passed to law. All Americans are finished if this becomes law.
http://justanothercoverup.com/?p=343http://www.roguegovernment.com/news.php?id=4682To obey or not obey is the question, Think fast for time is running out for all of us.