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Helping the effort to keep our heads screwed on straight . . . .

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
defendandprotect Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-09-07 10:17 AM
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Helping the effort to keep our heads screwed on straight . . . .
This article from TVNEWSLies is important, IMO, because it is stressing that we are not on the losing side of "politics," we are on the losing side of crimes against our nation .....

And, AGAIN, I would like to stress that the 2000 steal was simply another in a long series of election/computer steals going on over decades -- Please see: VOTESCAM which is a website discussing the book by two journalists which came out in the 1970's . . .

Quote . . .
Why Has and Will Always be Wrong

When a crime or an atrocity is in progress the solution is not to “move on” leaving the crime or atrocity in progress. The response should be “stop everything!” The political action organization called have succeeded in herding many Americans into accepting the current state of the state as politics as usual. They have kept their “members” busy and focused on supporting political solutions to criminal problems. Well I have news for you, political solutions do not work when the politicians are the problems! And “moving on” is not the answer the criminal problems facing our nation today! And that's the fact Jack!

Forget everything that has happened at the hand of the Bush administration and focus on one thing, and one thing only, the legitimacy of their “elections!” It has been pretty well proven that this administration used every means possible to prevent what little farce of a democracy still exists in our political process, from keeping them from “taking” over the presidency. They stole the presidency and our nation along with it. The core members of this administration are well known for the Machiavelli principles yet people do not understand that those principles include the belief that all is fair when it comes to achieving or maintaining power. All is fair, from lying to killing. That is what Straussian Neo-Conservatism is all about.

I am sorry but I have problems looking at anyone who considers themselves to be an American patriot yet has no problem with the very real fact that the current so called president and his entire administration are enemies domestic. They conducted a coup, actually several electoral coups, and politicos and the ignorant (yet in many cases well meaning) citizens feel that the best way to handle it is to “Move On!” I say, bullshit! I say that the answer to what is going on is to “STOP EVERYTHING!” This is what we should have done the moment voting improprieties appeared in 2000. The minute Al Gore received a -16,000 vote count in a little town in Jeb Bush's Florida we as a nation should have stopped everything! We should never have moved on from that catastrophic moment in American and global history!

This nation is in huge trouble. America is dead. This not in any way shape or form a democracy and we do not have a representative government. This past year of so called Democratic control of our Congress, with no changes in direction, no arrests, no prison terms, and the continuation of completely ignoring the massive evidence of high crimes by the Bush administration should be enough to make people realize that the problems facing our nation have nothing to do with left and right rather they have everything to do with democracy vs. tyranny.

Most people don't have any idea that there are even any questions surrounding the legitimacy of the past few elections so I am not surprised that they don't know that many of the answers were discovered; and the answers indicate massive election fraud. If this nation had any kind of national journalism institution we would all know this. Perhaps a national strike would have taken place. Perhaps harsher responses would have been taken by the people of this nation who call themselves patriots. But I can tell you two things, if this nation had a real media that served up accurate information about the world a lot of things would be better and the American public would not simply “move on” every time a crime is committed against them! So you can thank the media for what is going on these days. As I always say they are America's greatest enemy for they protect and empower the most powerful enemies of the people.

Moveon'org members continue to march and yell to empty buildings. They continue to sign petitions and they continue to fall for the notion that the answers to their problems will be implemented if everyone would stop what their doing and “tells their Congressperson” one thing or another. Hey, stupid people, wake up, you are being ignored. Is that not yet apparent?

There is a famous Einstein theory that says that the definition of “insanity” is repeating the same action expecting different results. Well I actually believe that repeating the same action expecting different results is the definition of “stupidity!” Stop marching, stop calling your representatives, stop writing checks to the people who keep all your activism resources tied up doing things what will have no impact, and stop thinking that the issues of the day are political. The issues are criminal and should be treated as such. We have serous problems and “moving on” just leaves the criminals in place or sometimes just replaces the criminals. It's really time to “Stop Everything!” Take that for whatever you may think it means. Think about it! Jesse Richard – Editor,

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L. Coyote Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-09-07 01:58 PM
Response to Original message
1. The Overthrow Paradigm. A shift is forthcoming, conceptualizing Bushco as a Junta.
For lack of a better term, I would call it the Overthrow Paradigm. In 2000, the democratic election of the President of the United States was overthrown by the George W. Bush campaign. The illegal voter purging in Florida unquestionably altered the outcome of the election, and the Executive branch of the United States government was literally stolen by fraudulent and criminal activity. All that follows on that fact, every law, every judicial appointment, every time George W. Bush signed anything, is in fact spoiled fruit and subject to legal challenge and reversal. It will not be an easy process to correct this horrible crime, but it must be undertaken to restore democracy. We cannot move forward as a democratic Nation is cheating at elections is held to be permissible.

Gradually, people are recognizing that the Executive branch is an illegitimate junta. With that realization comes a re-examination of the Republican Party and its corruption. When millions of dollars in bribes are involved in passing legislation, then the legislation record must also be reconsidered. During the period of corruption, the actions of the Congress must also be reconsidered. How many bills were passed because a special interest paid for it? How much money was expended because someone paid a bribe for an earmark?

The concept of Spoiled Fruit must be extended to the impact that the party in power has over purse strings. How much money was channeled to friends and allies, such as no-bid government contracts for campaign contributors and ultra-right companies. Was a war started just to channel money to Republicans? How far does the Spoilage reach into our society? What impact has the channeling of government funds to friends of the Junta had?

Truth will out. The question is When will the Overthrow Paradigm become the dominant paradigm? The next American Revolution will be a paradigm shift accepting true history, including the history of this Junta and how it overthrew American Democracy. Heads will literally roll when that happens.
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defendandprotect Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-09-07 09:19 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. First, see VOTESCAM. . . computer election steals for two decades ---
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defendandprotect Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-09-07 09:19 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Second -- IMPEACH Bush/Cheney for crimes ---
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