Thank you for all you have been doing. I am truly happy and proud to have you represent me in the House of Representatives.
I am writing today because I have heard that a version of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) is going forward that excludes transgendered persons by separating the issues of sexual orientation and gender identity. I am gay and I have been waiting for the day that I and others like me could no longer lose a job simply for being gay. But I will wait longer, if need be, in order that my transgendered brothers and sisters be included in the Act.
This is a time to do what is right, rather than what is expedient. Please do all you can to ensure passage of a version of ENDA that extends this basic respect and human right to the transgendered persons in the United States.
I have been left out for too long to see them left out. Thank you so much for your able and exemplary representation.
Yours truly,