Edited on Mon Jun-05-06 07:31 PM by bigtree
he was likely told, and the bigot base that is the republican party would show up to defend his legislative majority. Probably was told that it was a longshot.
But, Bush went for it anyway, unconcerned (again) that he was using the awesome power of the presidency against Americans to save his political hide. Little chance of success, but to Bush, gays and lesbians were expendable targets, tailor-made for the republican's demagougic campaign yet to come.
On a political longshot, Bush threw the lives of gays and lesbians over his shoulder, knowing he would likely lose, and the dignity and lives of gays and lesbians to be revealed as irrelevant to the leader of the country they support and defend with their hard-earned contributions and sacrifices.
He brushed aside their citizenship and tagged them as a threat, just to keep the opposition party from achieving power and stifling his own. He has revealed himself to the world as a despicable opportunist bent on stepping on his own countryfolk to elevate his petty regime.
HE should be brushed aside. Gays and lesbians threaten . . . to do just that.