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*Co & Rove's Effect On The NH Primary Aftermath.......

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global1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-09-08 09:32 PM
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*Co & Rove's Effect On The NH Primary Aftermath.......
Seven or eight years (if one includes the year before * took office)is having an effect on how a lot of American people now view American politics. We've seen all kinds of dirty tricks, negative campaigning, ploys, ruses, maneuvers, dodges, deception and out and out bold face lies from *Co & Rove since * began his run for the presidency - and more since he took office.

So is it any wonder that her choking up the other day and the complete surprise when the polls didn't match the election results and took everyone by surprise - including the HRC campaign people - that some American people get suspicious?

After Iowa and just a few days before the NH Primary MSM criticized HRC - they said that she was a robot and she needed to be humanized. Press ahead one day and lo and behold HRC chokes up and becomes 'human' right before our very eyes and just in time for the voting the next day.

A genuine tender moment or an academy award performance?

The day before and the evening of the primary - all the pollsters and the MSM were saying that HRC was going to lose - possibly by double digit margins - and that if she only lost by a single digit margin she would try and promote that as a victory. Then the results started poring in and lo and behold HRC catches everyone by surprise and she wins the NH primary.

A genuine win or a stolen election?

My point here is that in the aftermath of a *Co and Rove reign (really he's still in office and we're still experiencing their shennanigans) why do you think people jump to the conclusions like - HRC was acting when she choked up - or that it was those unsecure Diebold machines that were hacked to give her the win - or maybe even *Co themselves ordered it because they are afraid of Edwards and Obama and they think they can beat HRC.

The American people are jaded by what they've experienced the last 8 years. No WMD; Outing of Plame; Destroying of the torture tapes; Stolen elections; Executive privilege; Secret energy meetings; etc, etc, etc. Or that we Dems will end the war and bring our troops home - vote for us.

What *Co & Rove and the Dems have done (if you think of the '06 election and the complete failure of the Dems to get anything of significance through Congress) is cast a aura of suspicion over everything political. We can't trust anyone or anybody. Your next door neighbor might be a terrorist. Don't leave your luggage unattended at the airport. No Child Left Behind. Tax cuts so you have more money in your pockets to spend. We'll end the war. I'm not gay - I just have a wide stance. I'm for impeachment and then when elected - impeachment is off the table - and on, and on, and on......

The effects of *Co & Rove (and maybe even Pelosi, Reid, Conyers) will be felt for a long time after they're gone from office. It will be a long time before the American people can trust again - and believe again.

Why do people believe the debates and this primary season is simply - bait and switch?

Is it any wonder that 'change' has become the buzz word for this '08 election? Is it any wonder that the American people want hope? Is it any wonder when someone talks that you shouldn't be snookered by false hope - and then says I have all these plans for us when I'm elected - that one can't believe anyone anymore?

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