We are in Iraq for strategic national interests, the global theater is akin to a chess game, you must set emotions aside to look at the big picture. China and Russia are not an ocean away from the last remaining sweet crude reserves of oil in the world...we are. China thinks long term, Russia does too, AND UNBEKNOWNST TO US SO DO NATIONAL SECURITY PLANNERS IN OUR GOVT. Govt. will never tell you the truth...it would cause panic...sound logical ?
Spin as you may, the facts lie before you..they are available on the internet and you may deduce the obvious...it is simple math and it is exponential on a global scale. Do you always accept media spin as gospel? Read further ...think....think...our forefathers didnt have have the luxury of media spin to sway their opinions.
It behooves each and every one of us to take action and take responsibility...individually, county-wide, state-wide, nationally and globally, for we are not immune to the fate of the dinosaurs. We humans are a blip, a nano-second in the vast, immense, incomprehensible scale of time and space.
From "The Tao"
The ordinary man seeks honour, not dishonour, cherishing success and abominating failure, loving life, whilst fearing death. The sage does not recognise these things, so lives his life quite simply.
The ordinary man seeks to make himself the centre of his universe; the universe of the sage is at his centre. He loves the world, and thus remains unmoved by things with which others are concerned.
I love the Oriental philosophy of Taoism...it speaks volumes without saying much. Humility begets greatness. Today I met an Oriental man on an appointment...I waited for him 2+ hours, but my faith was certain ( this is my typical experience )he apologized profusely and and at least 3 or 4 times for his lateness, yes I was peeved but I looked at the long term BECAUSE THAT WAS ME TOO BEING LATE IN MY EYES.
of course I forgave him but his attitude went beyond "I'm sorry",
His attitude was sincere and of the sense that he made sure I knew he was sorry. Unfortunately Americans are forgiving but the standard is short-lived...to the point of $$$ is what you cost me. He acts with humility, is neither moved nor moving, and can therefore be trusted in caring for all things.
In the long run , Nature reduces itself to simplicity.
" Love is a kelson of the Creation. "
- Walt Whitman