Come on out and have a little chat with us here citizens. Or at least come to a prayer. We'll be waiting right outside your church. BTW, Thanks for getting your cronies to complain enough to get us evicted off the main road to your ranch. A VETERAN, A REAL MAN, has offered us 180 ACRES of his property. Now we can really turn this thing up a notch, have a little ho-down if ya know what Ah mean.
Lemme tell you sumtin Georgie-boy... A REAL MAN would have put his foot down and told that farmer not to fire at these good folks. A REAL MAN would have been the first one to chase down that sonbitch who ran down those crosses and given him a proper lashin. A REAL MAN woulda taken a moment to listen to so many folks who are waiting to talk with him. But you? You just a yella-bellied skunk running from the good PEACE LUVIN people of this hear U.S. OF A. WELL LEMME TELL YOU SOMETHIN'.... YOU CAN RUN, BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE.
Come on down now real soon, ya hear?!??!