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Joe BidenCongratulations to our presumptive Democratic nominee, Joe Biden!


(8,000 posts)
13. Strongly strongly agree but ... the
Mon Mar 23, 2020, 10:49 PM
Mar 2020

mainstream of this discussion apparently doesn't think so. They have not learned a single lesson from the past and apparently want to try the "our way or the highway" failed strategy yet again.

If I say anymore this post might get hidden. It still might get hidden. The Bernie bashing is beyond the tier but they don't see it.

If I were to vote in a presidential
primary today, I would vote for:
Joe Biden
one suspects bernie is not reading anything posted on du nt msongs Mar 2020 #1
You are right. might as wel flame away. zonkers Mar 2020 #2
Ah, irony. TwilightZone Mar 2020 #5
I noticed that also Gothmog Mar 2020 #66
Is Bernie Sanders responsible for his supporters' behavior? Is Trump? TomCADem Mar 2020 #40
People who have positive things to say about Bernie are being bullied. My post is not about whether diva77 Mar 2020 #3
+1 Paka Mar 2020 #11
I am so sorry you had this experience. Thank you for speaking out. diva77 Mar 2020 #14
+1000 Meadowoak Mar 2020 #39
+1 ancianita Mar 2020 #46
Post removed Post removed Mar 2020 #52
You are so right. Paka Mar 2020 #54
I Am Also Tired of the Cyberbullying McKim Mar 2020 #57
DU is not affiliated with the Democratic Party. It is a privately owned website emulatorloo Mar 2020 #167
My suggestion True Blue American Mar 2020 #178
Methinks you have plenty of company notinkansas Mar 2020 #64
When is he going to drop out? brush Mar 2020 #181
+1 BComplex Mar 2020 #234
"Why isn't Biden doing what Bernie is doing" is not saying a positive thing about Bernie. Anon-C Mar 2020 #32
Sure it can. quakerboy Mar 2020 #60
Ok, I'll chill. Anon-C Mar 2020 #65
Are you serious? Aquaria Mar 2020 #82
+1 betsuni Mar 2020 #84
A thousand times this. nt Codeine Mar 2020 #92
Well said! mcar Mar 2020 #138
x 2 zackymilly Mar 2020 #142
Beautiful, Ma'am The Magistrate Mar 2020 #146
+100 MineralMan Mar 2020 #162
When was the last time trump was the opposition? quakerboy Mar 2020 #185
Oh please. Aquaria Mar 2020 #262
Also, all the other candidates who have dropped out-- no one's talking about "processing grief" dawg day Mar 2020 #218
No One Seems Able To Answer That Question, Sir The Magistrate Mar 2020 #222
Brilliant and yes, spot on. emmaverybo Mar 2020 #254
+1 ancianita Mar 2020 #45
We strongly disagree with the assertions/claims being made about sanders Gothmog Mar 2020 #68
Believe what you believe, do not bully others posting your opinion daily as fact. Rilgin Mar 2020 #71
There are records in Congress as to bill passed and these records are facts Gothmog Mar 2020 #97
I am not going to engage with you. I am asking you to stop being daily posting of your Bernie hatre Rilgin Mar 2020 #103
sanders is running for POTUS and so his record or lack of record is in issue Gothmog Mar 2020 #104
Just wanted to stop in and affirm your points here. BlueWI Mar 2020 #172
+1 JudyM Mar 2020 #183
I just wanted the far superior candidate, far superior to anyone running, Liz... Eliot Rosewater Mar 2020 #188
Yes. This primary my wife and I supported and contributed to Liz. Rilgin Mar 2020 #220
I was also a Warren supporter this year. BlueWI Mar 2020 #226
Post removed Post removed Mar 2020 #110
The similarities between the two groups are clear Gothmog Mar 2020 #159
So you have nothing, but attacks on Biden? Aquaria Mar 2020 #105
:) True Blue American Mar 2020 #112
I do not say anything negative about Joe Biden. I like him. Rilgin Mar 2020 #113
It's interesting to compare posts like this one with ones made four years ago LongtimeAZDem Mar 2020 #155
So you are saying I learned something about unity that you didnt? Rilgin Mar 2020 #182
In other words, "I'm not doing it anymore so it's ok for me to tell you not to" LongtimeAZDem Mar 2020 #184
No, I never did what haters do here. I didnt swarm and didnt hate or express hate Rilgin Mar 2020 #187
Whatever LongtimeAZDem Mar 2020 #189
I just don't think it needs a "voter revolution" to turn the Senate dawg day Mar 2020 #219
Exactly Rilgin Mar 2020 #268
Biden's campaign is about one thing to many of us Biden supporters. LakeArenal Mar 2020 #257
No problem at all with your support of Joe. We need to bury Trumpism. Rilgin Mar 2020 #264
+2 KPN Mar 2020 #70
Right. And we're modelling an environment which, in the long run, I wouldn't want to participate in LAS14 Mar 2020 #157
Sanders is waging a war against our presumptive nominee, just like Trump. tritsofme Mar 2020 #173
Sickening Faux pas Mar 2020 #205
Clearly not reading Twitter, either. George II Mar 2020 #127
BS Lost and he Spent 3x More $$$$$ than Joe Biden to Do it. Cha Mar 2020 #4
Textbook example. diva77 Mar 2020 #7
Roll your eyes. The BS campaign is still bashing Biden. Tell Cha Mar 2020 #15
+10000 emmaverybo Mar 2020 #48
But it's not the DU community that's bashing Biden, or any other candidate. Bluepinky Mar 2020 #63
When things get posted that are inaccurate Aquaria Mar 2020 #87
Your post above is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. Bluepinky Mar 2020 #124
So, what's your take on his lies and smears about the Democratic party? NurseJackie Mar 2020 #136
You apparently didn't read the post mcar Mar 2020 #141
You Call That Dismissive, Fella? The Magistrate Mar 2020 #148
That's not cyber bullying... SidDithers Mar 2020 #24
Of what? Using facts? Gothmog Mar 2020 #160
Bernie's own words are bashing! betsuni Mar 2020 #25
I'm an atheist woman of Jewish heritage Aquaria Mar 2020 #85
"Establishment" simply means any person/organization that doesn't vote for/endorse Bernie. betsuni Mar 2020 #86
It's simplistic, isn't it? NurseJackie Mar 2020 #199
Thank you. Paka Mar 2020 #6
I believe that according to DU Terms of Service Sloumeau Mar 2020 #8
That's the problem. Aquaria Mar 2020 #88
you say potato I say potahto. William769 Mar 2020 #9
And Dan Quayle said 'potatoe.' n/t Harker Mar 2020 #28
hmmm all this wil stop when Sanders' supporters stop the vile memes such as NCProgressive Mar 2020 #10
It's not necessarily the same person who slams me. Paka Mar 2020 #16
Then ignore them all and create your own peaceful and pleasant echo chamber. NCProgressive Mar 2020 #18
I'm under lockdown living in one room. Paka Mar 2020 #55
No one has been "uncivil" to you nor BS NCProgressive Mar 2020 #132
Sometimes Drama writers have it right. Who knew. ahoysrcsm Mar 2020 #89
With a response like that... Paka Mar 2020 #95
"Biden supporters" are people who want a Democrat to win the election. betsuni Mar 2020 #98
You Are Unlikely To Get An Answer To That Question, Sir The Magistrate Mar 2020 #150
This message was self-deleted by its author ahoysrcsm Mar 2020 #143
This message was self-deleted by its author ahoysrcsm Mar 2020 #145
I recommend some philosophy books... ahoysrcsm Mar 2020 #152
Thank you for your concern. Paka Mar 2020 #186
Bravo. emmaverybo Mar 2020 #49
Yes elleng Mar 2020 #12
Tell the BS campaign to Stop Bashing Joe Biden. Cha Mar 2020 #17
Please give us the address or email for everyone of them and we can. Its not on DU Rilgin Mar 2020 #72
You must be joking Aquaria Mar 2020 #91
Just scroll down the greatest threads. Find one bash of anyone but Bernie. None on Biden. Rilgin Mar 2020 #96
I just posted a list of bashing that BSers have done in only the past week on this site. Aquaria Mar 2020 #111
Now do the other side. Count the threads on Bernie daily. Look at this thread. Any Biden hits? Rilgin Mar 2020 #116
I don't have to do the "other side," cupcake. Aquaria Mar 2020 #259
"Biden won," is considered Bernie bashing. tirebiter Mar 2020 #230
Strongly strongly agree but ... the jimlup Mar 2020 #13
Let me remind you that there is an election which Bernie has lost badly NCProgressive Mar 2020 #19
keep dancing your silly and pointless victory dance jimlup Mar 2020 #44
Just the facts. No dancing here. NCProgressive Mar 2020 #47
Not facts jimlup Mar 2020 #53
+1 ancianita Mar 2020 #56
No, cupcake. it's not irrelevant fixation on our superiority Aquaria Mar 2020 #93
Also, many Bernie supporters are not Democrats Just_Vote_Dem Mar 2020 #117
Weirdly, for some, Democratic Underground means anti-Democratic. betsuni Mar 2020 #125
Many on here support Biden now but also feel dearly for Bernie's policies NCProgressive Mar 2020 #133
Can't alienate someone who plans to sit out the election. ahoysrcsm Mar 2020 #90
We all see what we want to see. TwilightZone Mar 2020 #20
hopefully this one will be different since we lost last time questionseverything Mar 2020 #29
Or people can see that Bashing Effects others and JUST STOP BASHING. UNIFY Rilgin Mar 2020 #73
That would require sanders admitting defeat and endorsing Joe Gothmog Mar 2020 #161
Exactly right LongtimeAZDem Mar 2020 #166
Hey, it's not like we said Mr.Bill Mar 2020 #21
No he was called a cult leader. Making someone here who supports him a cultist. Rilgin Mar 2020 #75
Get some sleep. Mr.Bill Mar 2020 #77
You're called cult followers because you act like them Aquaria Mar 2020 #118
Disgusting. Rather than understand that insults are bad. You add to it. Rilgin Mar 2020 #120
Why, as a life-long Democrat, do you like Bernie "for the reasons I like him"? betsuni Mar 2020 #128
I do not insist that you like him. I do mind that you dont give others the courtesy to like him. Rilgin Mar 2020 #134
What? betsuni Mar 2020 #135
Nailed it. NurseJackie Mar 2020 #129
OK, Melania. message received. stopdiggin Mar 2020 #22
You have the ability to block anyone bugging you... SidDithers Mar 2020 #23
Agreed on all counts. TwilightZone Mar 2020 #26
The bashing has gone on for years and there are groups of people who post in tandem to attack diva77 Mar 2020 #31
Let's see some examples of what you think cyber bullying is here on DU. William769 Mar 2020 #37
Of course progressoid Mar 2020 #59
Paraphrase or send me a PM William769 Mar 2020 #61
No it's not... SidDithers Mar 2020 #62
+1 betsuni Mar 2020 #69
Mahalo Sid.. it's really sad accusing Cha Mar 2020 #81
This mcar Mar 2020 #147
I saw far worse behavior by vetted sanders delegates Gothmog Mar 2020 #163
+++++++++++++++++++++++++ emmaverybo Mar 2020 #50
"Calling differences of opinion at DU "cyber bullying" is a disservice to real bullied people..." NurseJackie Mar 2020 #139
cool story bro ! stonecutter357 Mar 2020 #27
GOP, FOX, the Russians all do it SCantiGOP Mar 2020 #30
Pot, Kettle dotism Mar 2020 #33
Could you please give examples of Bernie Bashing? betsuni Mar 2020 #34
So why was Bernie not in Washington for two close votes? Where will Bernie be tomorrow? marble falls Mar 2020 #35
The Lounge is always open for those who can't handle fair criticism of oasis Mar 2020 #36
Sanders Supporters Are Not Bullied Here, Ma'am The Magistrate Mar 2020 #38
Thank you, Sir! This is the crux of it. Calling out dishonesty R B Garr Mar 2020 #80
If I weren't married Aquaria Mar 2020 #106
"or even a man" LostOne4Ever Mar 2020 #195
Your View Would Seem Limited, Sir The Magistrate Mar 2020 #198
No I take it as an evaluation of their Entire Character LostOne4Ever Mar 2020 #203
At The Risk Of Repetion, Sir The Magistrate Mar 2020 #206
That is the definition of bashing LostOne4Ever Mar 2020 #208
Ah, Well, Sir The Magistrate Mar 2020 #209
As am I. nt LostOne4Ever Mar 2020 #210
How do you define "Bernie bashing"? Serious question. nt pnwmom Mar 2020 #41
We will not get an answer to that question. betsuni Mar 2020 #107
How about claiming he was a spoiler last time LostOne4Ever Mar 2020 #196
This message was self-deleted by its author pnwmom Mar 2020 #201
"ally of the democratic party " TwilightZone Mar 2020 #212
One needs to be honest with one's loved ones LostOne4Ever Mar 2020 #215
Complacency? Aquaria Mar 2020 #261
How did he fight for any of them? Aquaria Mar 2020 #260
I do not see how disapproving of Senator Vogon_Glory Mar 2020 #42
Yep, the Bernie bashing has been going on hot & heavy, I pretty much ignore it as acts of yaesu Mar 2020 #43
NPR: How Russia Is Trying To Boost Bernie Sanders' Campaign TomCADem Mar 2020 #51
We should have much bigger fish to fry like that blubbery, orange Pussy-Grabber BigDemVoter Mar 2020 #58
Spirited debate is not bullying. radius777 Mar 2020 #67
I posted a positive Bernie post re books to read Kerrycrat Mar 2020 #74
I saw that post...clickbait pure and simple. Demsrule86 Mar 2020 #119
I didn't intend it as click bait Kerrycrat Mar 2020 #217
Well you know the road to hell is paved with good intentions...but no matter what there were some Demsrule86 Mar 2020 #238
This is why Sanders should but won't get out of the race. ucrdem Mar 2020 #76
Bull(y)shit. NanceGreggs Mar 2020 #78
Thank you for this! wackadoo wabbit Mar 2020 #79
The projection is astounding Aquaria Mar 2020 #83
yeah. Definitely. wyldwolf Mar 2020 #99
+1 betsuni Mar 2020 #101
It's called a backlash, Codeine Mar 2020 #94
I have seen real bullying by sanders vetted national convention delegates Gothmog Mar 2020 #100
Gothmog, you are the first person I thought of when I read this OP mcar Mar 2020 #149
I found the premise of the OP to be offensive and wrong Gothmog Mar 2020 #158
Exactly, Ma'am The Magistrate Mar 2020 #153
I shutter to think at the stunts that sanders supporters will pull at next convention Gothmog Mar 2020 #251
Thank you! janterry Mar 2020 #102
Bernie is putting you through this by falsely keeping your hope alive. PubliusEnigma Mar 2020 #108
I agree with you but it has been this way since 2015 ms liberty Mar 2020 #109
One disagreement True Blue American Mar 2020 #115
I think you meant to reply to the OP rather than my reply to the OP ms liberty Mar 2020 #175
I probably did True Blue American Mar 2020 #176
Maturity is a wonderful trait to have. NurseJackie Mar 2020 #214
How does one cyber bully fictitious people,? Very few, if any, use our real names here Kaleva Mar 2020 #114
Is your own sense of self-worth so wrapped up in Bernie dansolo Mar 2020 #121
Oh, FFS! Stop it. Nobody is doing that. NurseJackie Mar 2020 #122
There is some truth in what you say Hav Mar 2020 #123
"No other candidate campaigns against the Democratic party, just Bernie." NurseJackie Mar 2020 #126
This This This! sheshe2 Mar 2020 #211
I started out as a Bernie supporter in 2016. I made donations, got the T-shirt, and wore it around. NBachers Mar 2020 #130
+1 LongtimeAZDem Mar 2020 #168
I was warned about the planned booing of John Lewis by my whip Gothmog Mar 2020 #174
My mom dated John Lewis while they were both at Fisk... Anon-C Mar 2020 #179
John Lewis is a national treasure Gothmog Mar 2020 #253
Suspend your campaign, Bernie! Happy Hoosier Mar 2020 #131
Maybe if he would stop bashing our presumptive nominee(and Democrats) we would just ignore him helpisontheway Mar 2020 #137
I feel Bernie is the one doing the bashing and bullying. honest.abe Mar 2020 #140
Bernie is fair game until he gets out of the race. n/t zackymilly Mar 2020 #144
as long as llashram Mar 2020 #151
Yeah. People really need to knock that shit off. TDale313 Mar 2020 #154
Thanks for posting this. nt LAS14 Mar 2020 #156
All of what you call "Bernie Bashing" will stop just as soon MineralMan Mar 2020 #164
+1 in a nutshell. stopdiggin Mar 2020 #165
you seem very concerned ! stonecutter357 Mar 2020 #169
Is it bashing to say you're sick of him and his actions? Politicub Mar 2020 #170
LOL, I'm sorry the voters bullied Sanders so badly. Maybe he can get a participation trophy tritsofme Mar 2020 #171
Oh, please. nt jrthin Mar 2020 #177
The criticism would end quickly peggysue2 Mar 2020 #180
It's a small group that is unrepresentative of the majority of Biden supporters. Aaron Pereira Mar 2020 #190
A 'small group' didn't sweep three Super Tuesdays in a row. ucrdem Mar 2020 #191
I think you may have missed my point. Aaron Pereira Mar 2020 #193
What I'm trying to say is that he's pissing off a lot of people. ucrdem Mar 2020 #194
How do you tell if a person supports Bernie "Bullsh*t" Sanders? Galraedia Mar 2020 #192
This thread is, in and of itself, proof of the point you are trying to make (nt) LostOne4Ever Mar 2020 #197
Nonsense. It's the exact opposite. NurseJackie Mar 2020 #200
More proof. And see the next reply for even more! nt LostOne4Ever Mar 2020 #204
Ha! NurseJackie Mar 2020 #207
Kickin' Faux pas Mar 2020 #202
Once Bernie drops and lets Biden focus on Trump IluvPitties Mar 2020 #213
History of what happened after Bernie did that for Hillary in 2016 LostOne4Ever Mar 2020 #216
That's because he kept up his run till two weeks before the convention, in mid-June. pnwmom Mar 2020 #224
Which was his right LostOne4Ever Mar 2020 #245
Of course it was his right. And contested primaries always cause damage to the winner. pnwmom Mar 2020 #246
And still managed to bring more of his supporters back to support Clinton. LostOne4Ever Mar 2020 #247
Neither explanation. What mattered were the swing states, and your own link shows pnwmom Mar 2020 #248
Yes lets quote from that one LostOne4Ever Mar 2020 #249
Neither of these sets of numbers account for the disenchanted millions who gave up on the process pnwmom Mar 2020 #250
Voters like Sarandon? LostOne4Ever Mar 2020 #255
We'll never know how many people Bernie could have influenced to vote for Hillary pnwmom Mar 2020 #256
But Biden's supporters maintain that it's over and Bernie has no path to the nomination. totodeinhere Mar 2020 #221
Doubtless The Party Could Act, Sir The Magistrate Mar 2020 #223
I don't think that the leadership should take sides as long as there are two candidates totodeinhere Mar 2020 #225
I Think They Should Do It Now, Sir The Magistrate Mar 2020 #232
everything has changed now-- the remaining primaries mostly postponed? dawg day Mar 2020 #235
Bernie is done. showblue22 Mar 2020 #265
He should, but VP Biden is too much of a gentleman KitSileya Mar 2020 #228
A Gentleman Needs Hatchet Men At Times, Sir The Magistrate Mar 2020 #237
True dat. KitSileya Mar 2020 #239
I Have Seen that Patent Idiocy, Sir The Magistrate Mar 2020 #240
As an English teacher KitSileya Mar 2020 #241
I Shall Try And Remember, Ma'am The Magistrate Mar 2020 #242
True. All true. KitSileya Mar 2020 #243
Those I Cannot Comment On, Ma'am The Magistrate Mar 2020 #244
Ahhhhh DarthDem Mar 2020 #227
kick mikelgb Mar 2020 #229
If it's just bashing Bernie Loki Liesmith Mar 2020 #231
Alas, Bernie should be bashed to extremes-- he has no interest whatsoever in anything... TreasonousBastard Mar 2020 #233
Just stay in GD, then. Turin_C3PO Mar 2020 #236
poor Bernie Skittles Mar 2020 #252
Your side just decided to accuse Joe Biden of rape. Codeine Mar 2020 #258
It's not making me want to stay here, that's for sure. alarimer Mar 2020 #263
Bookmarking. n/t rzemanfl Mar 2020 #267
Have you seen the new Bernie video? It's called "3 Lawns, 1 Mower". n/t zackymilly Mar 2020 #266
Bernie surrogates pushing nasty false allegations about the Dem frontrunner is cyberbullying MH1 Mar 2020 #269
That's how I feel. showblue22 Mar 2020 #272
Tribalism run a muck Sewa Mar 2020 #270
We're not accusing Bernie of rape. showblue22 Mar 2020 #271
What does that have to do with Bernie supporters Sewa Mar 2020 #273
It's a smear campaign by Bernie supporters and surrogates showblue22 Mar 2020 #274
Latest Discussions»Retired Forums»Democratic Primaries»All of the Bernie Bashing...»Reply #13