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Joe BidenCongratulations to our presumptive Democratic nominee, Joe Biden!


(32,640 posts)
59. Biden has fought for UHC - what do you think the ACA was?
Fri Mar 6, 2020, 10:37 AM
Mar 2020

He's just done so successfully.....

Will Biden fight for a 15 dollar minimum wage? Now or later?

In a roundabout way,In a roundabout way, Sanders praised the billionaire businessman and expected they could cooperate on campaign pledges to raise the minimum wage to at least $10 an hour, to force big pharmaceutical companies into lower prices for seniors and to preserve Social Security.


Field staff earn $36,000 a year, which would be above minimum wage on a standard workweek, but Sanders field personnel say they’re actually working about 60 hours a week — for an hourly wage of $13.


Or will biden say one thing and do another?

Bernie Sanders, now a millionaire, once called millionaire senators "immoral"

Sen. Bernard Sanders, a Democratic presidential candidate who has defended his new millionaire status despite building his political career on railing against the 1%, said it was “immoral” for millionaires to be senators during his failed Senate bid in 1971.

Bernie Sanders pushes back at critics of his new wealth: 'I didn't know it was a crime to write a good book'

Sanders: “Well, the process includes 500 super-delegates on the second ballot. So I think that the will of the people should prevail, yes. The person who has the most votes should become the nominee.” He was the sole “yes” vote with five “no” votes from the rest of the primary field.

His response was the direct opposite of his 2016 presidential campaign, when he ran for the Democratic Party nomination against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. In 2016, Sanders called the nomination process “rigged” and withheld his support for Clinton, who had received the majority of party delegates. Although Sanders later threw his support behind Clinton at the party’s convention in July 2016, he made it clear that he disagreed with the nomination process and how Clinton received the majority of delegates.

Bernie Sanders says he won't release full medical records

Speaking during CNN's town hall in Las Vegas, Sanders was asked to clarify whether his presidential campaign would be releasing full medical records, which he previously stated he would do. Sanders will take part in the Democractic candidate debate Wednesday night.

Last October he said, "The people do have a right to know about the health of a senator, somebody who's running for president of the United States -- full disclosure."

Sanders camp admits anti-Warren script was deployed in multiple early states

Sanders initially attributed the talking points to rogue staffers, and supporters launched an online campaign to convince people the document was fake.

Bernie Sanders backs away from 2005 gun vote

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders backed away from a 2005 vote that gave gun manufacturers immunity from prosecution on Saturday night, announcing in a press release that he supports a proposed bill to amend that vote.

The new position is a reversal from statements Sanders and his aides have made throughout the campaign.

April 15, 2015

“I am one of the exceptions," he said. "I am not going to start a super PAC. I’m not going to go around the country talking to millionaires. Now I'm saving my time because they wouldn't give me any money anyhow and that's fine."


October 14, 2015

Mr. Sanders was cheered at a fancy campaign fund-raiser at the Hollywood home of Syd Leibovitch, a high-end real estate agent, and his wife, Linda, on Wednesday night.

Tickets for the event sold for a minimum of $250. Those who spent the maximum, $2,700, or who raised $10,000, were invited to a “pre-event reception,” according to the invitation.

The 14 co-hosts included Cindy Asner, the former wife of the actor Ed Asner, the actress Mimi Kennedy, and Benjamin W. Decker, whose website notes that he was once called the “legendary Hollywood P.R. maven” by Forbes magazine, and used to produce “celebrity-driven red-carpet movie premieres.”
It was the ninth such event of his campaign, his aides said, according to the pool report.

As Mr. Sanders began speaking to the guests, he joked that the Leibovitch house was a “proletariat” home, and told them, “The truth is there are many people in this country who have money but also believe in social justice.”


If I were to vote in a presidential
primary today, I would vote for:
Joe Biden
Kicked and recommended. Uncle Joe Feb 2020 #1
sanders' agenda is dependent on a magical voter revolution that I would love to understand Gothmog Feb 2020 #18
Yes, I appreciate this OP. n/t Mister Ed Mar 2020 #77
And he's betting Uranus on it. (n/t) FreepFryer Feb 2020 #2
... sheshe2 Feb 2020 #3
BoOoOoOoOoM! Best line of the week. I needed that laugh. George II Feb 2020 #11
... FreepFryer Feb 2020 #12
. empedocles Mar 2020 #78
... betsuni Feb 2020 #16
BURN! wyldwolf Mar 2020 #25
hahahaha NCProgressive Mar 2020 #48
Yeah, his detractors are flat-out clueless. TheCowsCameHome Feb 2020 #4
LOL Skittles Feb 2020 #5
Could he do that from the moon, though? Hav Feb 2020 #6
In decades of speeches he railed against banks and financial industry. blm Feb 2020 #7
Good analogy with Neil Armstrong. dawg day Mar 2020 #27
Heh. blm Mar 2020 #35
Don't tell me you're fighting for anything The Velveteen Ocelot Feb 2020 #8
In other words its like how after a rumor that a Walmart store might be closing and they release a cstanleytech Mar 2020 #21
Yes, and the question is, what are the "moderates" promising to fight for? Magoo48 Feb 2020 #9
This message was self-deleted by its author democratisphere Feb 2020 #10
Fighting doesn't mean anything frazzled Feb 2020 #13
But what will he fight for? Colo indy Mar 2020 #30
Biden has fought for UHC - what do you think the ACA was? ehrnst Mar 2020 #59
Okay, say you're dying of thirst frazzled Mar 2020 #70
+10000 ehrnst Mar 2020 #82
+1 uponit7771 Mar 2020 #68
How come his state Of Vermont didn't buy what he's selling? Historic NY Feb 2020 #14
Can he also *fight for* eradicating mosquitoes, forgiveness of all credit card debt and mortages, ehrnst Feb 2020 #15
Sanders has been pushing something he knew day one could not be passed Gothmog Feb 2020 #17
Aren't you just saying what the op conceded? LaurenOlimina Mar 2020 #54
How does magical voter revolutions work? Gothmog Mar 2020 #57
Yup, that's what the OP conceded. LaurenOlimina Mar 2020 #58
Again, I never took sanders to be a serious candidate and do not understand his appeal Gothmog Mar 2020 #73
You live in the real world huh? LaurenOlimina Mar 2020 #83
Hillary explains why I and other never took sanders seriously Gothmog Mar 2020 #79
I've read her oppo research. LaurenOlimina Mar 2020 #84
Warren calling Bernie Sanders a massive failure. Fails to get things passed, Gothmog Feb 2020 #19
There are two Post Offices that would say you're wrong ! OnDoutside Mar 2020 #24
Sanders has yet to explain how he'll pay for half of his agenda Gothmog Mar 2020 #20
There's no such thing as "fighting", though. It's just something online people made up. Recursion Mar 2020 #22
It's a metaphor. DanTex Mar 2020 #28
And it's a very bad one Recursion Mar 2020 #34
At worst, it's an unproven one. DanTex Mar 2020 #36
When did Joe say "nothing would fundamentally change" if he became president? ehrnst Mar 2020 #63
Here... DanTex Mar 2020 #64
My Goodness, we do get testy when asked to back up one's statements... ehrnst Mar 2020 #67
+ 1 billion treestar Mar 2020 #43
It's a bumper sticker. Again. LanternWaste Mar 2020 #39
+1, I wish they would ... shit, I think Warren could whoop Trumps azz uponit7771 Mar 2020 #69
He is promising a bunch of free stuff that no one has to pay for dsc Mar 2020 #23
Love Bernie janterry Mar 2020 #26
LOL! Yes, we're just pretending. NurseJackie Mar 2020 #29
Exactly! treestar Mar 2020 #44
How he proposes to stop the GOP from obstructing: betsuni Mar 2020 #31
"Ridiculous. Come on. " -- Yes. Exactly. Thank you. NurseJackie Mar 2020 #32
I'm so relieved the American people are sick of this shit. betsuni Mar 2020 #37
I don't want a President who's constantly holding rallies. LisaM Mar 2020 #56
K&R!! InAbLuEsTaTe Mar 2020 #33
He s promising to tax like Jupiter grantcart Mar 2020 #38
Bernie may not win the entire war but please remember in 2ish years when we have Sunlei Mar 2020 #40
If they have the senate majority, I can assure you, it will be very easy for them to obstruct. HarlanPepper Mar 2020 #81
Yours being the insulting behavior you consistently point to as "how is this winning over voters"? LanternWaste Mar 2020 #41
You still need a bill from Congress treestar Mar 2020 #42
This message was self-deleted by its author Happy Hoosier Mar 2020 #45
Bernie is a great candidate if, and only if... Happy Hoosier Mar 2020 #46
++++++ NCProgressive Mar 2020 #50
Actually I do understand it ismnotwasm Mar 2020 #47
Fighting for the unattainable and undeliverable NCProgressive Mar 2020 #49
I still want THE WHOLE CHICKEN! Laelth Mar 2020 #51
Switzerland rejects single-payer in landslide, keeps its version of Obamacare Gothmog Mar 2020 #87
Ha ha ha. nycbos Mar 2020 #52
A hard pass from me for so many reasons amuse bouche Mar 2020 #53
Achieving things in government requires incremental steps towards success. 33taw Mar 2020 #55
This message was self-deleted by its author democratisphere Mar 2020 #60
Everything for free, vote for me! MrsCoffee Mar 2020 #61
LOL awesomerwb1 Mar 2020 #62
Exactly democrattotheend Mar 2020 #65
The term "fight for" when used by politician Dem4Life1102 Mar 2020 #66
The Democratic leadership should fight for Medicare for All and the Green New Deal. BeckyDem Mar 2020 #71
But it comes across as bribery...offering free stuff in exchange for a vote. unitedwethrive Mar 2020 #72
Pass that on to the voters and see how they respond... brooklynite Mar 2020 #74
We're not electing a Dreamer-in-Chief. highplainsdem Mar 2020 #75
FYI Bernie is not going to be the nominee nor the President Botany Mar 2020 #76
we need no fighting we need actual stuff done, exactly what sanders fails to get done beachbumbob Mar 2020 #80
From day 1, Bernie built a campaign to appeal to 30%. Gothmog Mar 2020 #85
The Gauzy Myth of the Sanders Campaign Gothmog Mar 2020 #86
Sanders hs failed Skidmore Mar 2020 #88
So Bernie is saying he will talk the talk but not actually walk the walk. Vivienne235729 Mar 2020 #89
Latest Discussions»Retired Forums»Democratic Primaries»Bernie isn't promising th...»Reply #59