As a Bernie supporter, and now, following his lead, backing Hillary 100%, I take great umbrage with your false history rewriting of DU.
I can never say there were not any paid or unpaid Trump supporters on here just to troll and cause a disturbance because I don't know, but I would say that NO ONE, give or take perhaps those tiny few that somehow slipped past the mods, were ever trolling for Trump to win. Many of us believed that Bernie's more progressive platform, and not being bound by corporate donors among other things, was the best path forward for America. In the heat of the primary, just because people like me had concerns about Hillary's past positions and her present ties and expressed them did not make us "Trump trolls".
I also don't think anyone, even at JPR, WANTS a Trump presidency. Their argument is that America is headed down the wrong path of a Corporatist state where civil liberties and consumer rights are discarded for the same old failed "trickle down theory" that they have been pushing for decades and contributing to the ongoing widening gap between the rich and the poor. And that they simply cannot in good conscience vote for more of the same. I can respect that.
But I will follow Bernie's example and, even though progress will be slow and plodding working from within, I believe it is much better than blowing up the country with a fascist baffoon at the helm for 4 or even 8 years. And voting for Hillary will help with that. Not only the damage that could be done to the international reputation, and the treasury, civil rights, SCOTUS, but also the bravado given to right wing extremists that will only be emboldened further, making it even more difficult to move the country back to even a moderate center after all the damage is done (like voting machines permanently corrupted, the new SCOTUS sealing in voter suppression laws and GOP gerryrigging, loss of the ACA, and thus setting back eventual single payer for years...etc).