2016 Postmortem
Showing Original Post only (View all)Bernie or Bust Faithfull are Heroes to Me [View all]
It simply amazes me, how contrary to be a progressive, this whole paradigm is, of the "I'm with Her" diehards; no matter how much bad faith is documented; and how much loyalty to oligarh'ism, Hillary Rodham Clinton resume empirically denotes. Even worse, is the fact that her loyalists are not just opponents, but that they actually despise me, and others alike, because I'm for Bernie Sanders. Now there's so much hate here, at DU, against U.S. Bern'rs, there's even a thread lambasting Bern's or Bust as not being heroes.
Bern or Bust faithful, are heroes to me!
All things considered, here we are, loyal to a 70ish ole man, who has spent all his life, 99% of the time, on the progressive side of things, L O N G before doing so was popular; and because we dare to be democratic about the Democratic election, we are disparaged - regularly.
Do you not understand, Bern or Bust is a commitment to U.S.?
Have those who look down upon U.S., their fellow citizens, with such disdain, ever even considered the fact that you likely need our vote, to win the general election?
Is there any time, ever, of Hillarians taking the time to review Clinton's actions, speaking louder than words, of how she represented a rapist, or Walmart (that rapes all of U.S., including their workers - monetarily), or Monsanto?
Or how about the fact that she took millions of dollars - from foreigners - as Secretary of State?
That really doesn't bother you? ..................................... REALLY!
If Bernie had done 1/10th of those things that Hillary has done, we would never be backing the guy.
Bernie Sanders is one true, red white and blue American, so good at what he does, he gets 25% of Republicans, to vote for him, in Vermont. This is a guy that Hillary's loyal lambast for his wife's tenure at a school that gones bust, as if such were Senator Sanders fault;
but you find no fault at all - whatsoever - of Hillary's vanishing 30,000 emails, and that of her aides too....
The definitions of heroes, are warped, as the very 1st item in most dictionary's, online, state it is a "man" distinguished. So in that sense, neither I, nor half of Sanders followers, fit the bill. But as for the 3rd or 4th, define (depending on where you're looking) it states a heror is "someone who fights for a cause".
As I've been called both a Quixote and a hero, I'll own both the quixotic moniker and this latter denote of fighting for a cause.
To all my fellow Anonymous, 99%'rs, decent progressives and, especially, my fellow Bern'rs
THANK YOU - you are heroes to me - as those who are fighting a noble and just, cause.
As for Hillarians, you are diehard loyal to her, and that's your choice; because you've adopted a stance that "what difference does it make" for her email server, vanishing items, decades of workings with the dark side; and don't even care about things like ManPADs.
What difference does your posture make - to me - is a permanent line in the sand. Hillary Rodham Clinton took money from Goldman Sachs, who deliberately destroyed our eToys.com public company, and my career, with my daughter being abducted and an eToys shareholder (Robert Alber) having to shoot/kill, a career criminal, when he turned down their bribe.
Goldman Sachs partnered with Bain Capital, using a MNAT law firm partner, arranged to be the prosecutor over our case. https://www.justice.gov/archive/olp/colmconnollyresume.htm
And the Public Corruption Task Force was shut down, to cover all that up - with career federal prosecutors being ordered to silence (as was those who raised questions about Hillary's non government email server), while Eric Holder didn't do a DAM thing about it.http://articles.latimes.com/2008/mar/20/local/me-shakeup20
With Bernie Sanders, I have a 99% chance of getting a new U.S. Attorney General that will look into the matter.
Unfortunately, with Hillary Clinton, the opposite is more likely to be true. I'll have a 99% chance she will never look into the matter. She's been taking money from big oil, big pharma, foreign persons and Goldman Sachs. The chances she'll pick anything other than a female version of Eric Holder, is not even a rhetorical question. For dang sure, with her as President, I'm not ever going to see justice.
The fact that Hillarians don't care about that - due to the diehardiness - is just plain sick.
As for the general election - we'll see.
65 votes, 3 passes | Time left: Unlimited | |
Bernie Sanders followers are heroic, fighting for a good cause. | |
0 (0%) |
Hillary is fighting for herself | |
1 (2%) |
Bern of Bust is a commitment to America | |
0 (0%) |
We will never have another chance for a guy like Bernie | |
0 (0%) |
All of the above | |
58 (89%) |
Hillary is going to be the next President of the United States - No Matter What | |
6 (9%) |
3 DU members did not wish to select any of the options provided. | |
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